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Ability Order
Nimble Fighter (PASSIVE)
Fizz Passive Ability
Let's get started
Fizz is a highly mobile AP melee damager. He is a counter to almost every mid because of his Playful/Trickster, which he is untargetable for any attacks while using it. Very handy to dodge skill shots and abilities. His E grants him massive mobility, great for maneuvering out of sticky situations, because he can go through small walls with it, getting out of ganks, or being a gap closer.
How I play Fizz is by denying the opponent any resources while consuming mine. It keeps them from getting any gold and exp, making them useless in teamfights, and gets ME fed.
This is what this guide will be about
Everyone I ever met said to use Lich Bane on Fizz. I find that to be redundant, because the AP damage is very small if you rush it, and is very expensive. I prefer Icebourne Gauntlet because it gives me more mana to stay in lane, extra tankiness, and AOE damage with a slow to keep them from getting away.
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This guide is currently a W.O.P.
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