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Heimerdinger Build Guide by Raigiku

Middle ADC/MID/TOP Heimer Ultimate Bodacious Divine Exquisite Guide

Middle ADC/MID/TOP Heimer Ultimate Bodacious Divine Exquisite Guide

Updated on November 19, 2021
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Raigiku Build Guide By Raigiku 22 8 79,025 Views 2 Comments
22 8 79,025 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Raigiku Heimerdinger Build Guide By Raigiku Updated on November 19, 2021
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LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


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Champion Build Guide

ADC/MID/TOP Heimer Ultimate Bodacious Divine Exquisite Guide

By Raigiku
About me
Hello my ****erous comrades!

I'm Raigiku a Heimerdinger One Trick Pony since Season 3. I left the game from Season 7-9, but I'm back stronger than before!

I have 1.5K+ ranked games with Heimer and 1.3M+ mastery points. At my peak I reached Grandmaster in SoloQ in the LAS server (2021).

I used to play Heimer in the top lane, but this season I learned more about his playstyle as an ADC and mid laner.

I love this champion because it's very unique in the game, who else can put mini towers?

I also sometimes stream in Twitch (spanish)

You can find me in OP.GG and League of Graphs
Summoner spells
These are the default spells in all lanes, it's good when you are ahead and behind in lane. However, if you are in a loosing lane and you believe you will die a lot, it's better to go another summoner spell to prevent your deaths.
- If you will be behind in lane, you can TP back for free recalls.
- If you get ahead in lane, you can gain better tempo and maintain pressure if the enemy doesn't have TP.
- If you are ADC and the enemy ADC doesn't run TP, you can go to base, buy Lost Chapter and then TP bot at around 5:40-6:30 min and get dragon for free with your jungler. Since you have an item advantage and also the enemy ADC normally returns to base when they see you TP.

Mid Lane
You go with these spells if you believe you will die a lot in lane and if you are against bursters with low to mid range. Eg: Zed, Katarina, LeBlanc, Fizz.

Bot Lane
You go with these spells if you simply don't like TP. In my opinion, it's better for Heimerdinger to have Exhaust instead of Heal, since you can use it to kite the enemy with you turrets and also to hit the grenade easily.

Mid Lane
You go with these spells if you believe you will die a lot in lane and if you are against long range poke. Eg: Xerath, Vel'Koz, Ziggs.

Mid Lane
You go with these spells if you believe you will die a lot in lane and if you are against dangerous champions with a key CC ability. Eg: Veigar, Swain, Morgana, Lissandra.

Bot Lane
You go with these spells if you believe you will die a lot in lane and if you are against a matchup with heavy CC. Eg: Caitlyn & Lux, Samira & Leona, Ashe & Nautilus.

Bot Lane
You go with these spells if you simply don't like TP and your support is going exhaust. In my opinion, exhaust is better for Heimerdinger but if your support sticks to it and you don't want TP, you go for Heal to be on par with the enemy bot lane.

Mid Lane
You go with these spells if you believe you will snowball and carry the game, preferably against low range champions that you can abuse in early game. Eg: Ekko, Katarina, Sylas.

Primary Runes

First set

Use this set against matchups where you can't land frequently your CH-2 Electron Storm Grenade alongside with the lasers of your turrets on to the enemy.

This is a very good keystone for Heimerdinger because every ability and the autoattacks of the turrets reduces the cooldown of comet once it has been thrown. You can throw 2-3 comets in a teamfights which will increase massively your damage output. The comet also gets thrown when the turrets autoattack the opponent, so it is also useful against melee champions since when they autoattack they will stand still for a moment and the comet will hit them.

Best option, since Heimerdinger is a mana hungry champion. A cool interaction is that the turret autoattacks against champions also proc this rune.

Good rune, since Heimerdinger has very long cooldowns, specially the turret recharge time which is critical in a teamfight.

Good rune, against abusable melee champions. It will give your turrets more damage.

Useful against melee abusable champions.

Useful against ranged champions that are not abusable. I also run it always as ADC because it helps my damage scale with the enemy ADC.

Second set

Use this set against matchups where you can land frequently your CH-2 Electron Storm Grenade alongside with the lasers of your turrets on to the enemy.

This is a very good keystone for bursting the enemy with your grenade and turret lasers. You don't use this rune for the healing. A cool interaction is that when you get conqueror stacks and place down a turret, the turret will have increased basic attack damage, so make sure when you have stacks you replace your turrets.

Best option, since Heimerdinger every auto attack from you and your turrets gives you mana regen and you are a mana hungry champion.

Best option, since attack speed or lifesteal doesn't go well on mages like you.

This rune is insane against HP stackers, it can do more damage than your keystone. In one of my games this rune did 3.9k dmg while comet only did 1.8k. Just remember to not build much HP because you are going to do less damage the more HP you have in comparison with your enemies.

Safe option if the entire enemy team doesn't stack HP.

Secondary Runes

Select the runes you prefer.

Mana regen for each auto attack, attacks from your turrets and abilities.

Best damage rune against HP stackers.

Useful if you are going to build Zhonya's Hourglass as it gives you a Stopwatch for free which synergizes well with your kit.

Useful if you don't need boots early game to dodge skill shots or you are not going to buy Zhonya's Hourglass.

Useful for sustain against heavy long range poke matchups. It also gives you some mana to help you farm minions with abilities when you are in a bad matchup.

Useful if you are building Zhonya's Hourglass as it reduces the cooldown of it's active. It also reduces you summoner spells cooldowns so it is a safe good rune.

Useful against abusable melee champions that have an ability to poke you. Ex: Katarina, Talon, Zed

Useful if you are going to push your lane opponent, as it will give you more vision to prevent ganks from the enemy jungler.

Useful overall since you have long cooldowns for your turret stacks and you need to always have them ready during a teamfight.

Useful against abusable melee champions that can't poke to below 70% HP.

Useful against abusable melee champions.

Useful against long ranged champions.
Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Against ranged and melee this is good. It can work against melee, because you can poke them with your W when they are under tower from your turret push.

Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

If the enemy is really easy to stun then you can max turrets to deal the most amount of damage on them. Specially when they go to farm the melee minions. It is also important to note that the autoattacks of your turrets relies on your AP, the damage you get from leveling up the ability is really low 3 dmg per point. The laser scales better with 20 dmg per point

H-28G Evolution Turret

You have to think well before placing H-28G Evolution Turret, you need to maximize the lifetime of turrets in lane and keep at least 1 stacked at all times.

If you put turrets to far down the lane, eventually a new minion wave will come and kill them before your minion wave comes. You can sometimes tank the minions, but you put yourself in danger. In late-mid game it is more important to be aware of any possible nearby fights too, the turret stacks regenerate very slowly so before setting a turret to push, look at the map and think if there are going to be any fights nearby.

You also have to think about the abilities of the enemy.
  • If they have AoE damage, then separate your turrets.
  • If they have skillshots, put your turrets behind minions.
  • If they can kill you turrets easily with autoattacks, put your turrets in the position of a minion so they hit the minion instead of the turret (this works well with a Siege minion).
When you are hitting a tower, make sure that when there is a Siege minion, let the tower hit it and then put down your turrets. This way you can maximize your damage to the tower.

Hextech Micro-Rockets

The correct way for poking with Hextech Micro-Rockets is by spreading the missiles, the consecutive missiles deal low damage while the first missile is the important one, so when you are going to poke make sure that at least 1 missile hits.

CH-2 Electron Storm Grenade

CH-2 Electron Storm Grenade is the vital ability of Heimerdinger, if you land it with turrets nearby you can get a kill easily, but if you miss it in a 1v1 it's very likely you will die unless you dodge abilities. The stun range is really small (the size of a minion) so you have to be absolutely confident that it will land during key moments.
You can also fish for stuns with it during laning phase when the enemy gets closer to CS, but make sure that when you do it the enemy can't get to you, because if you miss it he will try to all in you and you will die.
This is the ultimate build path for maximum damage with and without Morellonomicon, I built it carefully through testing in the practice tool. Also, Zhonya's Hourglass, Banshee's Veil, Cosmic Drive and Rylai's Crystal Scepter appear as third items, however you can build them as fourth items too.

In the following section I will explain when to build each item.

Starting Items

This is a good starting item setup. Heimer is a mana hungry champion so the dorans passive helps him regain a bit more mana. Additionally, you turrets may sometimes screw up you last hits, so the other passive is also good for easier last hitting.

Early items

This is your bread and butter preferably first recall item, it gives you a lot of mana sustain and a good amount of AP. You will not run out of mana with these item once you get to lane.

After Lost Chapter (optional)

You get this item early if you need extra mobility to dodge abilities.

You get this item early if your matchup has a lot of healing in his kit.

Mythic Items (1st item)

This is the most reliable mythic item since it always procs, even if the enemy has low max HP, it still does more damage than Everfrost and more or almost equal damage than Luden's Tempest, only when you don't use Luden's or Everfrost passive/active. Additionally, Ability Haste is really good for Heimer since he has long cooldowns, especially your turrets which you need to have charges for during teamfights. Therefore, I buy it almost every game.

I only get this item if the entire enemy team does not stack HP or when the enemy support is the only HP stacker. This item will help you burst down squishies. It's passive/active also gets it's cooldown reduced for each turret autoattack.

Boots (2nd item)

This is the standard boot, if you have no troubles against your matchup then buy it.

You buy this item when you are against a heavy burst AP champion and believe you are going to die in lane.

Defensive Items (3rd or 4th item)

You buy this item when you are against fed AD champions or heavy AD comps and they don't have abilities to punish you when you get out of stasis (ex: Shaco R + W). Also, sometimes even if you are against some AP champions, Zhonya's Hourglass active could be better than Banshee's Veil passive.

You buy this item when you are against fed AP champions or heavy AP comps and the AP champions rely on burst damage.

You buy this item when Zhonya's Hourglass or Banshee's Veil aren't really necessary, the enemy team is composed of 3+ melee champions and the key opponents DO NOT have tenacity.

You buy this item when Zhonya's Hourglass or Banshee's Veil aren't really necessary, the enemy team is composed of 3+ melee champions and the key opponents DO have tenacity.

Situational Items


If you already bought Oblivion Orb you should look forward to finishing this item last in your build. The stats it gives aren't really that important for you.

Against 50+ MR

This item is really cost efficient, considering that you already have your mythic item finished, this item performs really well than most items if the enemy has 50+ MR. Therefore if at least 2 key opponents have or will have this amount of MR, you should go get it as soon as possible.

Last items

You always get this item since it gives you a lot of damage. However, buy it when Void Staff isn't in your priority list.

You only get this item if Void Staff and Shadowflame aren't in your priority list, and if you already bought Rabadon's Deathcap.

This item will outdamage Horizon Focus when the opponents have 60 MR or less, and probably also outdamage when the opponents have shields. Therefore, if your key opponents either don't buy much MR or have shields and not much MR, then you can buy this over Horizon Focus.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Raigiku
Raigiku Heimerdinger Guide
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ADC/MID/TOP Heimer Ultimate Bodacious Divine Exquisite Guide

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