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Anivia Build Guide by rYalYze

AP Carry Anivia - Ice Ice Baby

AP Carry Anivia - Ice Ice Baby

Updated on December 29, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author rYalYze Build Guide By rYalYze 1,490 Views 0 Comments
1,490 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author rYalYze Anivia Build Guide By rYalYze Updated on December 29, 2012
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So, this guide is about Anivia, the Cryophoenix. Just played some rounds and it was awesome. In Late-Game you are immortal.
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I'm not the best one for giving tips for runes. But i hope you know it yourself.
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Focus on AP in Offense and Magic Resistance and Health in Defense.
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Pros / Cons

Pro: - With this guide you have Defense and Offense
- You cant get focused out so easy
- You shouldnt have mana Problems in early game

Contra: - You're still not very fast and need to stay in your team
- You haven't so much AP in beginning
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Team Work

You are strong in teamfights, can split up the enemy team and have nice Crowd Control. If your team tanks the fight you should easy kill all of the enemy team.
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You can farm great with your spells when placing your ultimate on the whole minion wave and let your Q finish all of them.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author rYalYze
rYalYze Anivia Guide
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Anivia - Ice Ice Baby

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