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Wukong Build Guide by Mosh88

AD Offtank Bring me a real challenge (REMAKE)

AD Offtank Bring me a real challenge (REMAKE)

Updated on July 17, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Mosh88 Build Guide By Mosh88 2 6 1,987 Views 6 Comments
2 6 1,987 Views 6 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Mosh88 Wukong Build Guide By Mosh88 Updated on July 17, 2013
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What is wukong?

Wukong is a melee brusier that is not often played alot, people concider him too scruishy or too weak or whatever reason people may have and I really disaggre with them because I've been playing Wukong for a very long time and he is a very fun and solid champion that does not take that much skill to play and has a really good ability set. Due to him having a natural tankyness from his great passive, An armor pen ability that does damage as well, A great escape tool that can be used in varius ways wether it's tricking or catching up to enemy champions to set up a combo or to even use it as a harrass tool, And an ability that does alot of damage and scales really well, A really good crowd controll ultimate that can change team fights to your teams favor and can do up to 1000 damage when fully maxed out. If you're looking for a melee brusier champion that isn't that difficult to play that is fun and can do alot of damage then Wukong The Monkey King might be your cup of tea =). This is my second remake to this guide so I hope it is slightly better then before. WUKONG IS AMAZING
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A little explanation for brand new wukong players.

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Fleet Footwork
Phase Rush

- Flat attack damage is standard runes for early game trading and damage and for easier last hiting.
Standard armor, For increased surviveability in lane.
Standard MR per level so you don't get bursted down by the enemy APC.
For mobility in lane to escape or to even to catch up to enemies and stick to them.
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I will be explaining Why I have the points that I have. I take 1 point in Summoner's Wrath for the reduced cooldown Ignite. Then I Take into Sorcery for the 4% cooldown reduction in your abilties. I also Take 2 points into Butcher for easier last hitting power, I also Take 4 points in Deadliness for the damage per level which is 12 attack damage at level 18. Then I will follow that up with 3 points into Havoc for the increased damage by 200% then I put 1 point into Weapon Expertise to ignore some of my enemy's armor. Then I take 3 points in Brute Force for 3 attack damage added to your stats. Then I take 3 points in Sunder for the 5 armor penetration then 1 point into Executioner for increased damage dealt by 5% for targets below 50% health.

As for the defense I take 4 points into Durability for the 108 added health and the 6 health per level. I take 3 points in Hardiness for 5 extra armor to reduce the ammount of physical damage they do. And I take only one point into Resistance for the magic resist then I take my final point into Veteran's Scars for the added 30 health to your stats. (NOTE:Take 3 points into Resistance and 1 point into Durability if you're against an ap top.
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Skills Explanation.

Stone Skin
This is a very good passive, You will get armor and magic resist per enemy champion near you, So this is where your tankyness comes from. This is why building into Defensive Department is a good idea.

Crushing Blow
This is the ability you usually want to max second, Since it does only Moderate damage and it's main purpose in my oppinion is to reduce their armor so your Nimbus Strike or Cyclone can deal more damage.

Warrior Trickster
This is your escape/tricking tool, It can be used in various ways such as Escaping from ganks with no problem or tricking people into thinking you cloned by using the S trick. It does magic damage, However. It's not enough damage to kill anyone with it it's just a really good utility to help you out with what I said above. It is best to use this tool as an harrass. Example of that would be to initiate with your Nimbus Strike then a Crushing Blow then use Warrior Trickster to escape with no harm if you're fast at it. It may take practice. It can also give you a short speed so using Warrior Trickster before using Nimbus Strike is a good idea too.

Nimbus Strike
This is your most damaging ability, It will do the most damage overall and scales really well into late game just like Cyclone. It will do even more damage against enemies that got their armor reduced from Crushing Blow. This is also your main ability to initiate with.

This is your bad-*** ultimate that can do up to 1000 damage late game, This is also a game-changer, Meaning you can knock up almost everyone on the enemy team if they're all bunched up together allowing your team to pick them off with no problem. It will especially melt people used agaunst enemies with their armor reduced from Crushing Blow. I generally like to Nimbus Strike to my enemies and then follow up with a Crushing Blow then use Cyclone and once I kill him, I immidiately use Warrior Trickster to escape.
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This spell is oftenly used on Tops and Mids, It does true damage to an enemy champion dealing 70-410 true damage depending on level and it will reduce healing effects so It will be difficult for enemies to live from a ignite if they're close to dieing.

It's a must have most of the time since it will allow you to escape and to catch up to an enemy to secure a KILL.



A alternative to Flash but instead of going a short distance, You will gain a speed up similiar to Jayce's Acceleration Gate.


This skill can allow you to trade hits easily, Baiing an enemy into fighting you when you're both low, Pop Barrier for an easy kill.


I don't use this so I can't explain much about it. But it is quite useful if you know how to use it.
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Pros / Cons

easy to play

Great Damage
Good Skillset
Natural Tankyness
No Skillshots
He's a monkey :D

No Sustain
Can be hard to master
Scruishy Early Game
Needs items to do well
W can be countered with pinks and oracles
Can run out of mana fast
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Crystalline Flask
This item gives you alot of sustain in lane. I usually get this if I need to play a passive lane.

Cloth Armor
I usually get this against AD TOPS to reduce how much physical damage they do to me to have a easier time in lane.
Null-Magic Mantle
This item is great to start against AP tops since you have the extra magic resist along with two health potions.

Rejuvenation Bead
This item is used to play a very safe lane and stay in the lane for a long time, I generally recommend using it against a enemy champion that counters you so you can just play passive and farm and have alot of sustain.


Warden's Mail
This item is great to rush against your AD Tops since you'll be reducing their attack speed by 15% which can really hurt them in lane, It can allow you to get in more attack speed generally speaking their attacks speed will be reduced. If you go Cloth Armor start which is recommended then you can build into your Warden's Mail really fast.
This item will give you some early health and damage and a passive to slow them. I usually pick this up over Warden's Mail if I'm winning my lane and I want to have some extra damage and health to help me out then I usually pick up a Warden's Mail afterwards.
Next Main Items

Frozen Mallet
The reasoning for this item is that it gives Wukong Health and Damage and a constant auto attack slow and Wukong is a pretty scruishy champion early game and this will allow you to be a little tanky in lane and to stick to your targets. Especially with your Nimbus Strike + auto attacks.

Randuin's Omen
This item is a neccessary armor item for almost any bruiser due to the fact that you can slow they're attack speed in lane and just gives them more health and armor to help them out in lane and take reduced damage and will help you reduce the enemy carries effectiveness. The reason I get it on Wukong is because it will make him even more beefier and makes him tanky so he's not flat out killable. Just making him have more survivability in team fights and lane and the reason I stated above. I generally will rush this if I'm losing my lane then work on my Frozen Mallet
Final Items

Ravenous Hydra
This item is a overall good bruiser item since it has been released. It gives your auto attacks a nice cleave that will make your auto attacks even more effective, It gives you some dualing power (Lifesteal) as well as some health regen. And the active for the item will allow you to get off an auto attack up to 60-100% of your attack damage to your enemy every 10 seconds. With this said, Frozen Mallet+ Nimbus Strike Will make it VERY effective since you get constant slows with your auto attacks and for the fact that it will get increased attack speed and due to the reasons I stated above.
Last Whisper

This item is a really good choice towards late game because most of the time, Champions are going to have armor with no doubt and you able to penetrate that by a specific ammount is going to allow more physical damage to get through.
Maw of Malmortius
This item is situtional and can be replaced depending on you, HOWEVER. After the recent buff to this item (It has always been strong) you can get very nice defensive stats against the enemy AP CARRY so they can't burst you down fast. Plus the passive for it is really nice to have.


Ninja Tabi
Against AD TOPS.

Mercury's Treads
Against AP TOPS.

Berserker's Greaves
Get this if you think you are winning your lane since the bonus attack speed combined with Nimbus Strike is quite nice.

Other Items

Black Cleaver
A great alternative to Last Whisper since it provides health and damage and a good armor shred passive. However, I perfer Last Whisper but both work fine.

Trinity Force
This item can be good if you are getting fed and you want to snowball even more. It is a great item even if you're not fed, However. I perfer Frozen Mallet over Trinity Force but you can get it if you want DO NOT GET BOTH, ONLY GET ONE. THY DO NOT STACK

Mercurial Scimitar
This item gives you attack damage and a good bit of magic resist. It will also allow you to remove debuffs. Just like Clense. I generally get this item if they are AP HEAVY.

This item will allow a good bit of sustain and damage. If you continue to get kills with Bloodthirster you will gain AD and Lifesteal stacks making your 1v1 dueling power really strong. You can get this if you want.

Aegis of the Legion
This item will give a good bit of Magic Resist, Armor, and health and provides a good aura to the team while in team fights. I will only get this item if you're support or jungler doesn't buy this item. If you do get it, Upgrade it into the Runic Bulwark.

Banshee's Veil
This item can be good against a heavy AP item. Maw of Malmortius does everything better but you can still get Banshee's Veil if you perfer to block spells.

Sunfire Aegis
This is a great item against AD's, It will get you armor and health to help reduce the ammount of physical damage they do. The passive will also kill low health minions in an area of effect. You can get this if they have alot of AD's if you want to.

Warmog's Armor
This item will increase your health pool by alot and will restore health per missing. This item is highly recommended but it is your call.

Guardian Angel
This item can be really good if you like to initiate fights alot. Guardian Angel can allow you to come back alive in team fights and continue to be really aggressive to the enemy.

Runic Bulwark
If you get Aegis of the Legion then upgrade it to Runic Bulwark.

Quicksilver Sash
This item can be great to remove debuffs, It's basiclly Clense. If they're not AP HEAVY, Then no point in building it into Mercurial Scimitar.

Wit's End
This item can be great if you want more attack speed that will work with your Nimbus Strike and remove their magic resist per hit. Your choice if you want to buy it.

Youmuu's Ghostblade
This item offers good attack damage with some armor penetration and cooldown reduction with a really good active that can finish off enemies. Especially if you combine with Nimbus Strike. 60 attack speed+the current attack speed of your Nimbus Strike. It can also allow for some good roaming. Get it if you want.
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Early Game

Early Game, It's crucial that you focus on farming and playing safe and knowing when to go in and do damage. As Wukong, I generally like to play passive and just try to farm and wait for my enemy to make a mistake before I go in and try to do alot of damage so I can try and gain a lead to become as effective as possible but this is where Wukong is scruishy so you have to be smart about your moves. If you seem to get poked too hard and you cannot get close enough to deal damage without taking alot of damage then it's best to try and poke with Crushing Blow. It has extended range when you activate it and it can be a good harrass to lower their health before trying to follow up with an Nimbus Strike+ Crushing Blow Generally, You want to try and Nimbus Strike then follow up with a Crushing Blow then Warrior Trickster away and continue farming.
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Mid Game

Mid Game, You should be somewhat beefy and should have your main two items Frozen Mallet and Randuin's Omen. At this point, You are generally going to be trying to help other lanes or staying and trying to push top and getting more farm to get your other items. With Randuin's Omen, You should be able to go bot and shut down or harrass the enemy carry out of bot so your carry can farm without no harm due to your attack speed slow with Randuin's Omen and Attack Damage Carries rely on Attack Speed to be effective. So pretty much, You're trying to farm it up to get your other remaning items OR trying to roam and help other lanes. (Note: You should have full build or close to full at around 30 mins.
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Late Game

Late Game, You should have your full build and you should be pretty tanky with alot of damage to help you out, Due to you being tanky, Your team is probably going to want you to be the INITATOR= Go in first. When you're doing this, Try to Nimbus Strike to them and hit them a little bit and follow up with a quick Crushing Blow and try to keep fighting then as much as you can so your team can win the team fights. (Note: You need to be able to win team fights and you need to make sure you can help your team do that. With Cyclone, You're going to be able to deal alot of damage to your enemies so your team can somewhat clean them up or try to scare them away from the area so yall can push and take down towers, Also be sure to try and protect your carry as much as possible.
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Team Fights

While team fighting, You want to try and focus your most valuble target. Wukong can do a good job at this since he can go on them and hit them multiple times due to his attack speed increase and his armor shred and is able to escape out of sticky situations that might can lead to deaths. Try and save your Cyclone for situations when your team is close and the enemy team is bunched up together, Since you can knock them all up so your team can do some damage to them and clean up in general. But always protect your carry, Since he's going to be the main source of yalls damage.
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Wukong is deffently a fun and easy champion to play, I totally recommend this champion to begginer players or even expirenced players looking for a really good champion that has a really good skillset and has alot of potential in lane and can bring alot to the team. You can mess with peoples minds with this champion, Constantly making them think ''DID HE DECOY''? and making them constantly buying pink wards due to you being a huge threat to them and may lead them to focus you which is a good thing so your carry can remain safe from harm. Give this champion a try, I'm sure you'll like him :D -M0SH8892 NA. Please vote on my guide and tell me if I improved from the first guide, I worked really hard on this re-make and give me your thoughts. Did I do great? Did I do okay? Did I improve from the first guide? Give me your feedbak.
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