Hes a pretty hard one as he has 2 charges on his Q he can keep up with you even if you dash away and is very tanky but as he only has those to use just keep your distance and try not to get Qd
its weird to say but if you have a mirror match she is very scary as she can burst you down when she has better vision then you
she can stay on top of you constantly with built in shield and a pull stun on her ult, try not to push lanes without vision as she will spawn right behind you
ekko can only get to you if you dont manage your own range against him, but his damage is really busted. just keep your distance and poke him down (would recomend the attack speed build against him)
Gale force is your main way of fighting her as long as you keep out of her Q range you can fight her, but becareful with her W she can be on top of you in mear moment
vision litteraly beats her it doesnt matter if she can invis as that is her only form of dodging you, with your better movement it shouldnt even be close
hes a squish so burst him down and clear wards as you walk through river, he gets all his damage from suc and ult
D: Fear
Graves whole kit screws you over, the best bet to beat him is to ban him but if you dont for some odd reasontry to be on the opposite side of the map of him, clear jungles and get objectives when possible.
his movement speed is tricky he can be so quick he might trip on your yordle trap and die but he can just avoid it and walk away. ether way its a win for you but when ults you and sticks on your you are dead.
friendliest boy on the rift, can really lose to him unless you just walk into him when Daisy is out, out farm him and get objectives and end the game at 15 mins easy, hes not a tiny threat because he can still shield his allies which hurts alot to fight against in team fights
Jarvan IV
a 1v1 champ whos ult can be countered by 1 well placed E? not to hard but he can surprise you with all that damage his QE combo has
Jax junlge or even top is hard since he can jump on you while blocking your autos just keep your distance and try to bait out his spining staff ability and burst him down.
Dude is a walking money bag that has a big stick, you can even invade him if you feel that confident.
the dude can walk through walls but so can your bullets get some heal cut for him and just fight him with your movement
his isolation passive hurts alot as a ADC champ and as a assassin its even more so, BUT as long as you fight him as a team you can kill him easy
kindred is a champ of calture as she is also a ranged AD champ in the jungle, he leap is about the same as your dash on your E and her ult isnt much to think about as you can ether walk away or ult her when its over for a easy kill
Lee Sin
he can be oddly tanky and do alot of damage when on top of you, just dont let him Q you and you should be fine but just stay save if you dont know where he is as 1 Q will 100 to 0 you fast
she has better shmovement speed then you and his true damage in her kit but thats only in her sweet spots predict her abilities and dont get slept
Master Yi
man has a way to be untargetable do true damage damage reduction and a heal and a speed up in his entire kit, kinda a team ban but if you feel like your team can kill it without much issue. as hes a champ who doesnt do well in high elo
Nasus jungle is a farmer so he wont gank as much, use that knowledge to gank enemies more often he still is nasus so late game will get tough
she isnt as strong as shes use to be where her spears one shot you just dodge her spears and stay out of melee range of her and shes free ,she still does alot of damage WHEN she hits her Q just dodge em
a spell shield with a fear and a ult that limits your vision? yeah thats a hard no for me try to play the vision game and do damage on him before he ults that way its like a uber eats delivery to your team
Nunu & Willump
hes not tanky he just has alot of healing so get heal and shield just like in the attack speed build and help your team get ahead.
out kite him and hes free gold, play poorly and feed into a champ who falls off late game, play to your strengths and get objectives where he is at and play for team fights
tank champs in general are tough for our safari bandit but poppy can also stop your E dash but thats all she has, dont get to cocky in fights with her as she can just stun you into a wall.
She is a assassin not much more to say but dont get bursted down and play to your vision
his kit is ment to counter auto champs so if you treat cait like a AD caster you might still have a chance but your main damage comes from your ult and autos which he build armor for
She isnt to scary get vision down around objectives and auto her down not much she can do when you kill her before her ult, BUT she still considered a assassin so SS
*Sigh* hes a assassin
shes actually a skill based match up so it can go ether way do well to not get autoed by her tho as her E is her only outplay tool against you
Sett jungle? havent heard that name in years. but for real tho, hes a melee champ who a big shield in his kit so just bait it out and ult him after the shield goes away
he IS an assassin but a squishy one who cant one shot you unless he is mega fed and his clone is very annoying
fun to fight! also annoying to fight if that is possible he can block your shots but also doesnt do to much damage? play him like you are fighting jax and its a easy kill
i havent lost to much against shyv do to my raw power output as a champ but it only takes 1 ap shyv E in her dragon form to kill you but most of the time she is fine
AN (and i hope the people in the back can hear me) ASSASSIN,
his ult is usless on you his pillar doesnt work against you has you can just hop over it slowing him and kiting him will win you the fight
hes a fast and tanky enemy so get lord doms and black cleaver and fight him at that point.
probably a ban if not feeling the match up but she can fight you and beat you senseless as her kit can just keep up with you and burst you down
hes very tanky and strong your best bet is to play for your top side and get them fed and build the attack speed build
hes a fast boy but also a good one, play around your traps and place them in choke points so he cant run at you
as he rescently buffed and is now able to jump over walls he can definitly catch you if you are not carefull
Xin Zhao
his ult and 3 hit combo can be scary but not impossible to fight against
Tanky boy with a GA in his kit, but its not bad you can bait his E into your team and 3 v 1 him
Shes a champ who can stick on you and can knock you up if you are not carefull, ult her when her E is down so she doesnt get that damage reduction
Aatroxs Q and W can set you up for your traps so you can chain CC the top laner. Give him the Kill
She has Alot of burst and the perfct CC for you to set up her traps as a assassin she can follow you to the enemy jungle and predict there movement. Give her the Kill
She doesnt have much of a advantage for a gank setup but she does have enough damage and tower dive potential that you can follow her in with, Take the Kill
Same as Akali but give him the kill he can do alot with his kit.
naturally all supports will be good to have but having CC supports that are tanks are good Take the Kill.
amumu support is not something you see often but having a amumu anywhere will be good for CC chaining Take the Kill.
she has alot of CC and she has a placeable terrain which is a bonus if her laner is a immobile champ
Basic mage with alot of damage and a stun that she needs to build up, could be fine but there is better choices.
a fantastic adc to gank especially if he has his Gravitum gun, pay attention to his guns and you will get a free kill. Dont Take the Kill(s)
shes been more of a slow/ ult robot and using that to your advanteg will give you alot of free kills bot Take her Kills unless you have more then 1 carry on the team
Aurelion Sol
Bad Champ and Doesnt do anything for you except a very slow stun, it does get bigger but he needs a long time to charge Take the Kill
Strong range Mage who can shurima shuffle into the backline and push them to you, kinda dont need THAT kind of help but its still very help full.
Good Roaming Support with a Skill Shot CC and a long range AOE invulnerability Take the kill? unless hes going full AP so whoever get it first.
great face tank who will do well ether way if you take the kill or not,
CC bot with 1 long range CC that is easy to miss, dont get tricked by his hooks always assume they suck until proven otherwise.
So much Damage and a easy CC to hit give him the kill against tanks take it other wise.
if he leads with his ult and is able to slow them with his Q just kit the enemy out and you get a free kill.
Look in the Mirror, and who do you see? you. You smexy woman.
her ult is awesome for trapping and singling out any champ and bursting them down with true damage. Give Her the Kill
wouldnt reccomend ganking this lane unless you know the enemy is to far up and burned out there kit.
good Q just let him tank it and give him the kill, its great for him to take it with his R otherwise kill steal.
a bit of a mobile champ but he doesnt have much of a set up, let him poke the enemy down and ask to have vision of the enemy under tower so you can ult a low health champ for a possible kill.
Darius can stay on top of any champ and slowly kill them gives you the opportunity to kill them
hard to take the kill from her when she does alot of damage and besides her having the kill is worth more.
Dr. Mundo
hes a Good face tank who can slow the enemy with his Q decent set up but wouldnt rely on it.
let him have the kill, more econ for him means better items and a snow bally lane.
does a fuck ton of damage so give him the kill unless he leave them with 1 hp then ult them
she has A root but she is a fantastic dive champ so if shes a laner get her giga fed and she can one shot fools
Eh shes okay with a risky charm i would take the kill if you know that this champ wont be usefull
Aatroxs Q and W can set you up for your traps so you can chain CC the top laner. Give him the Kill
She has Alot of burst and the perfct CC for you to set up her traps as a assassin she can follow you to the enemy jungle and predict there movement. Give her the Kill
She doesnt have much of a advantage for a gank setup but she does have enough damage and tower dive potential that you can follow her in with, Take the Kill
Same as Akali but give him the kill he can do alot with his kit.
naturally all supports will be good to have but having CC supports that are tanks are good Take the Kill.
amumu support is not something you see often but having a amumu anywhere will be good for CC chaining Take the Kill.
she has alot of CC and she has a placeable terrain which is a bonus if her laner is a immobile champ
Basic mage with alot of damage and a stun that she needs to build up, could be fine but there is better choices.
a fantastic adc to gank especially if he has his Gravitum gun, pay attention to his guns and you will get a free kill. Dont Take the Kill(s)
shes been more of a slow/ ult robot and using that to your advanteg will give you alot of free kills bot Take her Kills unless you have more then 1 carry on the team
Aurelion Sol
Bad Champ and Doesnt do anything for you except a very slow stun, it does get bigger but he needs a long time to charge Take the Kill
Strong range Mage who can shurima shuffle into the backline and push them to you, kinda dont need THAT kind of help but its still very help full.
Good Roaming Support with a Skill Shot CC and a long range AOE invulnerability Take the kill? unless hes going full AP so whoever get it first.
great face tank who will do well ether way if you take the kill or not,
CC bot with 1 long range CC that is easy to miss, dont get tricked by his hooks always assume they suck until proven otherwise.
So much Damage and a easy CC to hit give him the kill against tanks take it other wise.
if he leads with his ult and is able to slow them with his Q just kit the enemy out and you get a free kill.
Look in the Mirror, and who do you see? you. You smexy woman.
her ult is awesome for trapping and singling out any champ and bursting them down with true damage. Give Her the Kill
wouldnt reccomend ganking this lane unless you know the enemy is to far up and burned out there kit.
good Q just let him tank it and give him the kill, its great for him to take it with his R otherwise kill steal.
a bit of a mobile champ but he doesnt have much of a set up, let him poke the enemy down and ask to have vision of the enemy under tower so you can ult a low health champ for a possible kill.
Darius can stay on top of any champ and slowly kill them gives you the opportunity to kill them
hard to take the kill from her when she does alot of damage and besides her having the kill is worth more.
Dr. Mundo
hes a Good face tank who can slow the enemy with his Q decent set up but wouldnt rely on it.
let him have the kill, more econ for him means better items and a snow bally lane.
does a fuck ton of damage so give him the kill unless he leave them with 1 hp then ult them
she has A root but she is a fantastic dive champ so if shes a laner get her giga fed and she can one shot fools
Eh shes okay with a risky charm i would take the kill if you know that this champ wont be usefull
i like to think im a off meta scientist who is always thinking how to use the brand new mechanics and use them for the opposite purpose and make it my own game.
Why Caitlyn in the jungle?
when i look at caitlyn she reminds me alot of karthus where he can still be in his jungle and still get lots of damage off and keep farming, and i discovered this when i got bored with the meta junglers and started to see if any ADCs can be a jungler. so i went alphabetical order andw hen i hit caitlyn her jungle clear time came around 2:58 3:05 which for a adc? that was fan-tas-tic! i had to try her in a game when i saw that
Surprising no one i got flamed and inted in BUT the damage charts was incredible my clears were getting faster and i was slowly becoming a objective queen, and when i played my first ranked game as a caitlyn jungle (after 20 dodges yes i counted them) we one where i one shot enemies with my R and took objects with health to spare.
so after that 1 successful game of her in the jungle i decided to start trying different build and runes, and im still experimenting with them but they are looking very promising.
How to deal with the flame
Just mute all, its a simple thing to do but its very effective.
also when i finish this im gonna copy pasta it into the end screen to show them this to any future caitlyn junglers hi :D
Updates with the game
so as we all know well 12.10 is gonna come out soon and everyone is gonna get a health buff with so she will be healthier on her clear and she will be better in assassin match ups BUT she still wont have to much going for her in terms of heal and shield since they are nerfing that.
Post update i was correct and Bel'Veth is a fun match up if you fight her right truely is a skill match up worth fighting for.
in 12.11 her Q got a MASSIVE buff and also for her E. expect her to raise in popularity.
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