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Recommended Items
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Ability Order Well, what a surprise
Petricite Burst (PASSIVE)
Sylas Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
He'll easily break you in 1v1 due to superior damage early game. Best you can do is try to countergank and predict his movement.
Champion Build Guide
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And then suddenly you get chained, your health is almost gone, but! You got out. All safe and nice. I am awakened. Ah what a lovely music to your ears, as you are about to slam Teemo with your ult, but then you realize! You didn't press your R! and before you know it, you are dead.
Yeah that happens, but in all honesty, Sylas is a decent champion. People don't know how to play him, and that's understandable, since even in mid-higher ELO you are not obliged to know how every ult works and what to expect from it. Hell, he was freshly released and few days after barely anyone bans him. That's enough of a proof.
His advantage comes off enemy champions, and that can be both his con as well as his pros. Even before the round start you need to know how you will utilize enemy ultimates, and how you can gain dominance even from earliest level. Being mediocre jungler, you have to utilize with Sylas everything you can.
Blue Side #1
Red -> Wraiths -> Wolves -> Scutler/Gank -> Blue
Have a strong pull from bottom, level 2 you can swipe wraiths using smite, and after that you will have to wait anyway for your smite to come again to clear blue smoothly, so you can do wolves, then scutler or go directly to gank mid or top. This route may cause you to meet enemy jungler on scutler, so be aware of that. After gank or scutler, or both, you will have smite back up and you can clear blue without any issue.
Blue Side #2
Red -> Wraiths -> Scutler/Gank -> Blue
This route is preferred when enemy jungler is faster than you in clearing camps. You can expect him to come to your blue, but usually they won't risk it until their buffs are cleared, giving you enough time to grab scutler - so regain your lost on wraiths health.
Red Side #1
Blue -> Wolves -> Wraiths -> Scutler/Gank -> Red
Mirror route to Blue Side #1.
Red Side #2
Blue -> Wolves -> Scutler/Gank -> Red
Mirror route to Blue Side #2
You will use the scutler to regain health from previous camps, and/or go gank lane that will be open for it. That way you will have both smite and health to take on respective second buff and still be able to proceed with next possible gank, or finish off your jungle clear, before going back to base with enough gold for items.
Clearing Wraiths - Q to hit small ones, Strike, E, Strike, Recast E on big one, Strike. Finish off small ones before dealing with big.
Clearing Wolves - Q, Strike big, E, strike big, Recast E, strike big, finish off small, then big.
*BAM - Big *** Monster
Yes. It's time.
Of course your natural instinct will tell you to slam that E hard, hook enemy fast and shatter him down with prominent Q! And technically you are right. If the enemy wastes his escape mechanism in combat, well, that would be stupid not to abuse it.
On the other hand though, it's overall best to start the fight by engaging with Q to slow the enemy down, casting E to dodge any stun or root, and then recasting E to stun the enemy and let your ally close the distance. And if you are against someone with heavy dash, it's time to beg gods, that your ally will force him to waste it. Elseway, hope for the best.
Now above level 6, it of course depends solely on what ultimate you can still, but generally speaking, try to utilize element of surprise on Sylas more than the flanking mechanic. You are squishy, so if enemy jungler will counter gank, you have a high risk of dying, so it'll be in your best intention to come fast, strike smooth and escape in time.
Also, don't be afraid to use E to jump over some walls (Topside or botside popcorn wall early).
And the most important thing in my opinion - think for yourself. I'm not challenger. I won't provide you with god-guide that will solve all your issues. I make mistakes, and I also tend to feed from time to time. Try to adjust your build to the situation and enemy team!
With warm regards,
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