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Alistar Build Guide by DixonTheGuideMaker

Support 🐮Complete Alistar Guide by Dixon ☑️

Support 🐮Complete Alistar Guide by Dixon ☑️

Updated on November 9, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DixonTheGuideMaker Build Guide By DixonTheGuideMaker 4,602 Views 0 Comments
4,602 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author DixonTheGuideMaker Alistar Build Guide By DixonTheGuideMaker Updated on November 9, 2023
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Runes: Aftershock

1 2 3

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Cosmic Insight

+8 Ability Haste
+6 Armor
+65 Base Health


1 2
Flash + Ignite
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


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Champion Build Guide

🐮Complete Alistar Guide by Dixon ☑️

By DixonTheGuideMaker
Hello everyone and welcome to one of my guides! This guide contains useful information and general knowledge based on my own game experience + open source info from Internet about the champ 💡📚📈🔍

My name is Max Dixon and i'm League of Legends content creator. I started to play LoL in 2016. My highest ELO at the moment is 💎Diamond 1 (soloQ) and 💎Diamond 4 (flexQ) on EU-West server. I've got three times to Diamond in different season and now I'm more focused on creating guides and videos with reviews of the strongest players in the world, growing my channel by sharing my experience and training new champions for the marathone to Master+ in the future.

I also want to invite you to subscribe to my YouTube channel where I'm going to make League of Legends content:
I would be very happy to build my first audience with 1000+ subscribers and start streaming😊

I hope this guide will help you to improve your champion's understanding so it would be more fun to play!

Let me know in the comments section if you find any mistakes or outdated information so I could fix it! Thanks in advance!

Have a nice reading! 📖🤓
- Extremely good CC
- Does not lose power and value later in the game
- Due to his ult, Alistar is one of the best tanks in the game
- Great opportunities for ganking enemies
- The combination of Headbutt + Pulverize can be compared to Malphite ult Unstoppable Force
- Built-in sustain

- Alistair is very slow
- Long abilities cooldown
- Alistar's excellent ult unfortunately only lasts for 7 seconds (although that's a lot by League of Legends standards) and has a large cooldown
- If you build Alistar exclusively as a tank, he becomes very dependent on the team (in principle, this applies to all tanks)
- Playing as Alistair, you should prepare for the fact that you will be under constant pressure from enemies
- You need to learn how to use Alistar's skills, especially combos. One mistake can lead to a fatal outcome like death of your allies or even enemy escape
- Hard to play against long ranged champions

Thanks to his passive skill, Alistar can periodically restore health to himself and his surrounding allies. All you need to do is to use the basic skills correctly and be in the area where the enemies are dying. It may look like a small cure from the outside, but in reality it helps a lot when playing on the line. Especially the allied carry will be happy with it. For the automatic healing to work, you need to accumulate 7 charges. Every minion that dies on the line will give you a charge. Also, a charge is given if Alistar stuns an enemy champion or rolls him with Headbutt. In fact, after each wave of minions, Alistar will activate his passive. It is advisable to make sure that the treatment is always received by an ally.

A superb skill that gives control a group of enemies. The main use of this skill is, of course, controlling enemies and initiating combat. Damage is of secondary importance, though the skill can do a lot of damage in total. It's important to understand that the skill is not applied instantly, and Alistar takes time swinging his hands. This can be used, for example, to cast a Flash right after the skill is cast and get close to the enemy. You should also take into account the fact that if you're just running towards your enemies, then at the moment of impact they can use a small delay and e.g. jump aside. Of course we are talking about fractions of a second, but even that is enough to make a mistake and give the enemy the opportunity to escape from you. The fact that the skill first tosses and then stuns is actually a very interesting and important feature. It's important to understand that 1.5 seconds of stun and 1 second of toss + 0.5 seconds of stun are not the same thing. The point is that the duration of the stun effect can be reduced by various artifacts or hero abilities, while the duration of the toss will always be 1 second (specifically in this skill). Thus, regardless of whether or not the enemy has bought the Mercury's Treads item for example, the minimum control effect will be 1 second + the remainder of the stun effect. Initially the ability's cooldown is quite high, but increasing the level of the skill can significantly reduce this figure and already at level 4 the cooldown will be comparable to level 1 of Headbutt, which means that we can make the main combo as often as possible.

Alistar's most difficult skill to use. Most often the ability is used in conjunction with Pulverize. That is, we dash to the enemy and activate Pulverize skill during the flight. This way, when the enemy comes into contact with us, Alistar will immediately throw him in the air. Of course, this is just a small illustration and in general the skill can be used in different situations. Alistar can not only throw enemies, but also throw them over small obstacles. Sometimes this can make you throw the enemy into a trap, or save his life in case of bad luck. Of course the main use of the skill is knockback, but nevertheless the ability can deal decent damage and has a good AP damage boost. An interesting thing about this skill is that Alistar ignores obstacles when jumping. In this way you can, for example, overcome small unevenness of the terrain. Of course, Alistar needs a target to activate this skill and that target can be a neutral monster in the forest. We set a ward and apply the skill on neutral monsters. Alistar will jump to the monsters and overcome a small obstacle. This is definitely worth considering, since Alistar has no other ways to hide from enemies and in fact Headbutt is the only skill that gives Alistar some mobility. Throwing can be used to disrupt the effect of various jumps that other champions can use (like Maokai, Lee Sin or Vi). The effect is not always predictable when applied to bouncing enemies. It can be glitchy. For example, the game may wait for the enemy to fly to the endpoint and only at that moment is Headbutt applied, or vice versa, it may use Headbutt first and then the enemy makes his jump. In other words, during the attack you should take into account the fact that Alistar can behave quite strangely.

A very important ability in Alistar's arsenal. The damage of the skill is more of a nice addition here and the ability is mostly used as an additional source of control. First of all, I want to draw your attention to the fact that when activated for 5 seconds Alistar can pass through units and this is quite important for a champion with melee attack. When playing in a lane, minions can just block the path and you won't have time to get close to the enemy and use Pulverize. In combat, this extra second of stun plays a very important role and this feature combines very well with the other abilities of the champion.

The 70% protection provided by the Ultimate makes Alistar one of the best tanks, even without any defense artifacts. It's important to understand that the ult reduces incoming magical and physical damage, but the skill will not help against true damage. So keep a close eye on the composition of the enemy team and consider the skills that can deal true damage (e.g. Cho'Gath, Vayne, Olaf, Fiora or Darius have this kind of damage). It's a good idea to calculate how much mana you need to use all your basic skills and ultimate. It would be a shame if you jump into a crowd of enemies and find that you are 20-30 mana short of the mana needed to use CC.
is a good protective item for supports to increase survivability of your champion by increasing HP, armor and magic resistance and to cover your allies nearby by a massive shielding.

is good and relatively cheap item for tanks who want to be more useful in team fights via healing their team.

is a protective item that increases damage your allies are able to deal on-hit. You should buy this item mostly in a game with at least one good auto-attacker in your team.

This item will increase survivability of both your champion and ADC. It's especially useful if an enemy team has champions with burst type of damage.

is a particularly effective defensive option when facing down opponents whose damage is dealt primarily through basic attacks, or against opponents that utilize healing from attacks to survive fights (such as life steal). It's very useful against such champions like Aatrox, Warwick, Nasus, Darius etc.

The item also works well with champions that desire ability haste, have mana problems and make very good use of the passive for extra dueling potential. It is one of the few items to counter champions that function heavily around using basic attacks, such as most of marksmen or champions like Kayle, Yasuo, Tryndamere, Master Yi and other auto-attackers. If the enemy team has no champions who deal most of their damage by auto-attacks and don't buy items for attack speed then it can be better to buy something like Gargoyle Stoneplate or other protective item instead.

buy this item if you want to have nice movement speed to roam across the map or to split push. The item provides also some HP and armor that makes it a good choice for tanks and bruisers who lack mobility.

buy this item if you want to have nice movement speed to roam across the map or to split push. The item provides also some HP and magic resistance that makes it a good choice for tanks and bruisers who lack mobility. It's also a good option against teams with lots of champions with magical type of damage.

is a strong counter against basic auto-attackers that stack well on critical strike chance, like Yasuo, Tryndamere, Yone and most of marksmen. You should consider to buy this item if the enemy team 2 or more champions who rely on critical strike damage.

you should buy this item and use this effect on such champions which are:
- An enemy champion that deals a lot of damage in general.
- An enemy champion that consistently matches you and contests your pushes on the side lane.
- An enemy champion that is very ahead, or poses a much greater threat than other enemy champions.
- An enemy champion that is the only reliable source of physical or magical damage on that team (this means you are able to choose them as the Nemesis and itemize against everyone else).

is good in particular early-mid game on roaming champions that want to quickly gank different lanes. They lose most value when team fights start to happen. The boots are also good for chasing and escaping.

are very useful against heavy AD teams or particular AD champions with strong auto-attacks. If the enemy team has at least one auto-attack based champion, you can buy these boots. However, if there is no auto-attackers at all, you can spend your money to buy other boots.

This rune offers your champion some additional protection and gives you access to the Resolve rune tree.

This rune gives you opportunity to destroy enemy towers faster. You can use the rune to get more gold early on from enemy tower platings after you killed the enemy or if he left the lane to restore his HP or to roam to another lane. So this runes gives your champion some additional tower pressure at all stages of the game.

The rune will give a good amount of additional protection in the mid and late game, especially if you buy some items with armor or magic resistance.

This rune will give you 200+ additional HP in the late game which can be a matter of life and death for your champion sometimes. This rune is also an indirect protection against assassins and other champions with strong burst damage. Thanks to the rune, you can survive their combo and be able to respond somehow by using abilities, summoners spells or active items.

This is a great utility rune which is able to slow down several enemies at once and reduce their damage to your allies, excluding your champion. It's very useful during team fights.

This rune allows you to teleport your champion on a short distance and to replace standard Flash while it's on cooldown. But you have to remember that you can use it not immediately, but after some delay. Usually this runes is used from a bush to suddenly attack an enemy champion.

The rune helps you to live through the early game and permanently increases a little bit your mana pool which is also helpful since you will not be in need so fast to do Recall just to restore mana.

Cosmic Insight is one of the most popular runes to take when taking the Inspiration Tree. Cosmic Insight grants the user 18 Summoner Spell haste and 10 Item Haste. If the Champion relies on items a lot, it may also be a good idea to take this mastery because it will lower the Cooldown of those items.


Flash is the most frequent choice of all players in League of Legends. Such popularity of the spell is caused by the fact that Flash is able to instantly teleport you on a short distance. This distance is enough to dodge some hostile abilities or to jump back and avoid an unexpected gank. With the help of Flash, you can overcome various obstacles like walls, pillars and other different obstacles. Flash is equally good to use for both attack and defense. This gives the spell some versatility. The summoner spell cannot be used if you have been silenced (you cannot use skills for some time). Also, Flash cannot be used under the effect of hard control abilities such as stun or fear.

Exhaust is an extremely powerful tool for disabling champions who mainly autoattack, as well as any champion that can deal a high amount of damage. When your team is chasing an enemy and he is getting away, using Exhaust on him will help your team gain the upper hand. Using it against enemies when escaping can help you as their movement speed will be greatly decreased.

Ignite provides players an offensive utility and damage spell that scales with level. A well-placed healing reduction debuff from Ignite can severely limit the effectiveness of enemy healing items, as well as healing abilities from champions like Soraka, Aatrox, Vladimir, Volibear and Warwick. It is considered a direct counter to Dr. Mundo, Soraka, Aatrox and Swain because they are reliant on their healing-based abilities. The healing reduction debuff also applies to life steal, omnivamp, etc.
Alistar is far from the easiest champion and it's an illusion that his abilities work very simple. Often beginners just don't understand how better to use his abilities and say that the champion can't do anything. In reality, Alistar is a strong champion and this is especially true in team battles. The beginning of the game is the most difficult and unpleasant stage in the life of Alistar. The fact that the hero has a melee attack and this already imposes some limitations when playing on the line. Often the enemy will just take advantage of your sluggishness and use a ranged attack or some skills.

Alistar, in turn, can only respond by using his skills, or rather combos of his skills. First of all, you should learn to use a simple combination of Headbutt + Pulverize. The most important thing is to apply Pulverize while flying. Otherwise, at the end point, you may simply not have time to stun the target and it will simply fly backwards. This simple combination allows you to quickly shorten the distance to the enemy and stun them. Ideally, of course, you should use skills in such a way that you can hit several targets at once, but this is not always possible. Learning how to use a simple combo is not the most important thing. It's more important to sense the moment when your ally on the line will be able to help you and get involved in the fight right away. If, for example, you start an attack at the moment when an ally is about to finish off a siege minion, you will thus deprive him of good farming and such situations should not be allowed. The best time to choose is when your minions outnumber the enemy minions or when your ally is already determined to attack.

The most optimal option for the first attack is level 2. And here it is also important to say that it is desirable to get this level 2 before the enemy, even if only for a few seconds. With two main skills in your arsenal, you can enlist the support of an ally and launch your first serious attack. Even if the enemy doesn't die, there is a good chance that you will force him to play passive for a while, or the enemy will simply Recall back to base to recover. This development is very favorable for Alistar. If you play very passively at the beginning of the game, then eventually the enemy will just drive you under his own tower and only an allied Jungler will help you get out of this situation.

Just above we already talked about the importance of using combos, but we didn't mention one important point. Alistar doesn't have the greatest mana supply and has poor regen. Because of this, every use of the skill should bring some results. If you use a combo, for example, but your ally doesn't help you and you just run back, there is no sense in such attacks. Yes, you will certainly deal some damage, but the enemy will calmly regain the lost health and continue the fight.

Now I would like to talk about Trample. This ability is good to use practically during any attack, the most important thing is to get 5 charges of Trample and stun the enemy champion. If the probability of gaining 5 charges is low, it's better to save mana. Be sure to keep an eye on the cooldown of the Triumphant Roar passive ability. The healing must necessarily be in range of our allied carry, you should try to keep his health at the maximum level.

At mid-game, Alistar (even with a minimal set of items) becomes the main initiator and tank of his team. This is because the champion has the ability to burst into a crowd of enemies with Pulverize + Flash or Headbutt + Pulverize combo and activate his ult in the heat of battle.

Do not use Unbreakable Will before the time. First of all, it may happen that you lose a little bit of health in the battle and the enemy starts to run away. This means that you won't need the defense bonus. Secondly, it's important to remember that activating the ult allows you to instantly remove all the negative effects of control, and it will be great if enemies use their key abilities on Alistar. Third, if you activate the ult before the fight even starts, enemies will simply ignore Alistar and start attacking other allies. In other words, Alistar needs to absorb some of the initial damage so that other allies can attack in peace and not get caught in the enemy's focus. I think now you understand that even such a trivial skill, which gives good defense, is not so easy to use in combat to get the maximum benefit from it. Of course, if you break into a crowd of enemies who stand under their own tower, it is better to activate the ult immediately to minimize the damage from the enemy structure.

At a later stage of the game, Alistar continues to fulfill the same role of initiator and tank. The only difference is that no mistakes can be made at this stage of the game. If you use the Pulverize skill, it should hit as many enemies as possible or be used on a very dangerous target. In a way, surviving the fight becomes a little easier as Alistar has good defense items, but the ult will still be important.

As mentioned above, Alistar is not as simple a champion as he seems at first glance, but you can learn to play him quickly. Alistar is especially good in a well-coordinated team that can react quickly to the attack and understands all the pros and cons of this champion.

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Many civilizations have resisted Noxus, but none as long as the clans of the Great Barrier mountains. Though these fierce minotaurs had protected the overland trade routes to the ancient city of Zaun for centuries, they preferred to avoid Valoran’s wider conflicts.

The noble warrior Alistar was respected among all the clans. Out on the mountain peaks, his roar could scatter even the bravest trespassers, leaving only the foolhardy to face him in combat. Even so, in the moot halls he would always urge his kin to forge greater bonds with other mortal races. Many saw minotaurs as little more than beasts, which soured any interaction and kept them firmly as outsiders.

Then Noxus came, promising something better. Their emissary, the matriarch of House Tewain, proclaimed that the empire was poised to take Basilich, a coastal city to the east. However, she pledged that they would not do this without the support of the great clans of the mountains, and called for parley on neutral ground.

Many of the minotaurs were eager to accept her offer. This was a way to gain the power and recognition they sought, by joining with Noxus.

But Alistar remained skeptical he had encountered many Noxian scouts in recent years, and knew them to be a duplicitous and cunning people. For this reason, his clan sent him to meet Tewain, along with fifty of their mightiest warriors, to reject any alliance. The other clans could do as they wished, but Alistar would not accept the rule of some distant “Grand General”.

Under the banners of truce, he and his kin were betrayed.

The larger clans had already pledged themselves to Noxus, and their representatives turned against him as soon as he made his position known. The battle was swift and bloody, and Alistar himself crushed Lady Tewain’s skull with his bare hands, but soon enough he and his surviving warriors found themselves bound in chains, headed for the distant Noxian capital, accused of inciting rebellion.

These unfortunate minotaurs found themselves cast into the Reckoning arenas of the capital, as part of a grim gladiatorial festival known as the Fleshing.

Alistar was appalled by the chanting of the bloodthirsty spectators. He implored his clanfolk not to fight back, not to give these Noxians the monstrous display they so craved…

When the festival ended twenty-one days later, Alistar was the only member of his tribe left. Pelted with pebbles and rotten fruit from the crowd, dragged out to face Reckoner after Reckoner, he was driven to fight like a beast and think like one. He killed and killed until even his memories of home became stained with blood.

Alistar had fallen far by the time he met Ayelia, a servant girl in the arenas. At first he bellowed and charged the bars of his cage, expecting her to fear or goad him like the others, but Ayelia did neither.

She returned every day, and spoke to him with gentle respect, until eventually Alistar answered in kind. Ayelia’s homeland had also been claimed by Noxus, and seeing his suffering had convinced her they should leave this hateful city together. She whispered her plans through the bars, and for the first time in years Alistar found he could think of home without dwelling on the way it had been taken from him.

One night, Ayelia brought Alistar the key to his cell. She had sacrificed much to arrange this escape, and he swore he would repay her tenfold.

They hurried to the river, where a cargo barge awaited them. However, as they boarded, Noxian agents burst from the shadows. Alistar hurled himself into battle, his vision tunneled with rage, and although Ayelia called out to him again and again, he did not hear.

By the time Alistar had slain their attackers, the boat was gone—and Ayelia with it so he fled south on foot instead. He searched everywhere for the servant girl, but found nothing. Had she been captured? Killed? It seemed there were no clues left to find.

Weeks later, a political coup shook the empire to its dark foundations, and the arena minotaur’s escape was quite forgotten.

Alistar now travels alone, as quietly and anonymously as he can, encouraging resistance in Noxian held territories and fighting on behalf of the downtrodden and the abused. Only when he has cleared the shame from his heart, repaying every cruelty and every kindness, will Alistar return to the mountains and leave his rage behind.

And in every city he passes through, he asks after Ayelia.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DixonTheGuideMaker
DixonTheGuideMaker Alistar Guide
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🐮Complete Alistar Guide by Dixon ☑️

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