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Amumu Build Guide by DixonTheGuideMaker

Jungle 💡Complete Amumu Guide by Dixon ☑️

Jungle 💡Complete Amumu Guide by Dixon ☑️

Updated on November 9, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DixonTheGuideMaker Build Guide By DixonTheGuideMaker 15 1 29,671 Views 0 Comments
15 1 29,671 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author DixonTheGuideMaker Amumu Build Guide By DixonTheGuideMaker Updated on November 9, 2023
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Legend: Tenacity
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Ultimate Hunter

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


Flash + Smite
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


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Champion Build Guide

💡Complete Amumu Guide by Dixon ☑️

By DixonTheGuideMaker
Hello everyone and welcome to one of my guides! This guide contains useful information and general knowledge based on my own game experience + open source info from Internet about the champ 💡📚📈🔍

My name is Max Dixon and i'm League of Legends content creator. I started to play LoL in 2016. My highest ELO at the moment is 💎Diamond 1 (soloQ) and 💎Diamond 4 (flexQ) on EU-West server. I've got three times to Diamond in different season and now I'm more focused on creating guides and videos with reviews of the strongest players in the world, growing my channel by sharing my experience and training new champions for the marathone to Master+ in the future.

I also want to invite you to subscribe to my YouTube channel where I'm going to make League of Legends content:
I would be very happy to build my first audience with 1000+ subscribers and start streaming😊

I hope this guide will help you to improve your champion's understanding so it would be more fun to play!

Let me know in the comments section if you find any mistakes or outdated information so I could fix it! Thanks in advance!

Have a nice reading! 📖🤓
- A great tank and initiator of battle.
- Can easily farm large jungle camps and make ganks.
- Good skill damage throughout the game.
- Can use a huge number of items, and you can also use different pages of runes. Champion is quite flexible in this sense.
- There are great control abilities Bandage Toss and Curse of the Sad Mummy.
- Easy to learn how to play. You just need to farm the jungle and hit with Bandage Toss during ganks.
- Doesn't feel bad late in the game.

- Amumu like most tanks is dependent on the actions of his team. It is difficult for him to solo kill any enemy, even in case of a successful gank.
- If you are only doing the tank task and wearing the appropriate items, you start to suffer a lot due to lack of damage.
- The successful or unsuccessful application of Bandage Toss will largely determine the outcome of a battle.
- Small mana reserve and high mana consumption for skills. In other words, Amumu is very dependent on blue buff and in case of its absence, he drops mana very quickly.
- Curse of the Sad Mummy has a very high cooldown. Bandage Toss also has a significant cooldown.
- Amumu has a hard time against champions that are targeted to find him in the jungle, meaning the hero can suffer greatly against early counterjungle. One-on-one, Amumu loses to most specialized champions.
- It is quite hard to play at the beginning of the game. Most often for the first 20 minutes Amumu tries to gain some advantage by ganking and avoiding encounters with the enemy Jungler.

This is a good passive ability that will increase the damage of Amumu's main skills, as they have magical damage. The passive ability will look especially good in a team where, in addition to Amumu, there are many champions with AOE magic damage ( Anivia, Brand, Katarina, etc.). Please note that the effect of the passive skill does not accumulate, so each new attack only refreshes the duration of the debuff, but does not increase its effect. Due to the fairly good reduction in magical resistance, playing as Amumu and, for example, farming the jungle, you should definitely start your attack with a normal strike (if there is an opportunity for this), since in the future Amumu's main skills will deal more damage. The passive ability triggers not only on auto-attacks, but also when using Curse of the Sad Mummy, so when enemies take damage from this ability. You also need to pay attention to the Despair skill, which prolongs the duration of the passive ability. That is, first the enemy must be hit and then Amumu's tears will prolong the effect.

With this skill, Amumu can quickly close the distance and at the same time stun a specific target. Hitting a Bandage Toss is usually a determining factor in the success of your attack or gank in the enemy lane. The skill has good damage and range, and also stuns the target. It is worth saying that the application of the bandage is not instantaneous and there is a small animation of the flight of the bandage, so if you apply the skill from a long distance, then you should take into account the movement of the enemy and use the ability lightly on the move. In conclusion, I would like to say that bandages can be used not only for their intended purpose (attacking enemies), but also for escaping. When moving away from enemies, you can safely use the skill through any obstacles on neutral monsters and thereby be pulled to them. There are a huge number of places on the map where Amumu can close the distance and quickly escape from his pursuers. In addition, this technique is very easy to implement. While clearing the forest, bandages can still be used to increase the speed of movement through the forest by being attracted to monsters through the walls.

The skill allows you to deal damage to targets as a percentage of your maximum health. This means that Amumu deals massive damage to high HP champs throughout the game. The same damage applies to neutral monsters, so you can kill neutrals in the forest quickly enough. The disadvantages of the skill include the fact that maintaining the effect of the ability consumes mana, but at any time the skill can be turned off, since the recharge is almost instantaneous. Normally, abilities that deal percentage damage have limitations when dealing damage to neutral monsters, but Amumu does not have this limitation. This fact allows you to quickly kill such powerful neutrals as, for example, the Dragon or the Herald of the Abyss.

This skill seems to have been specially created for excellent farming of mobs. It may seem that the passive reduction of physical damage is very small, but in reality the skill helps a lot. Combined with the base defense and the defense we get from items, the incoming damage from neutral monsters or minions in the lane will be quite small. Active use of the skill is also aimed at quickly dealing with the accumulation of minions or monsters in the forest. Please note that normal attacks reduce the cooldown of the skill, which, in principle, is already small and because of this the skill is used very often, the main thing is to keep track of mana. In team fights the ability is also very effective as it has a not the worst damage radius and is applied instantly. The skill shows itself extremely well in the jungle for hunting wolves and krugs.

The only negative of Amumu's ult is its long cooldown. Otherwise, you can see some pluses. Huge range, good damage and AOE CC. Actually because of his ult Amumu is such a powerful initiator and can really seriously affect the outcome of the battle. When combined with Bandage Toss, Amumu can quickly charge into a crowd of enemies and entangle them.
makes a good couple with Despair. This is a perfect item for champions with AOE abilities and works also well against champions who buy ot stack a lot of HP during a game.

this item is a good choice if you want to make your champion more tanky and expect extended fights. For each second in combat with champions, you gain 2 bonus armor and bonus magic resistance for 6 seconds, stacking up to 8 times for a maximum of 16 bonus resistances. At maximum stacks, Jak'Sho instantly deals magic damage to enemy champions within 700 units and heal yourself for the same amount for each target damaged, and increases your bonus resistances by 20% until the end of combat.

is a particularly effective defensive option when facing down opponents whose damage is dealt primarily through basic attacks, or against opponents that utilize healing from attacks to survive fights (such as life steal). It's very useful against such champions like Aatrox, Warwick, Nasus, Darius etc.

is one of the most popular items for tanks who want to deal decent damage in extended fights. The increase in IMMOLATE'S damage as well as the FLAMETOUCH effect allows tanks to dish out tons of damage while being hard to kill. This is very valuable as they usually rely on the base damage of their abilities. IMMOLATE'S burning effect can help champions with otherwise poor wave or jungle clear to be able to efficiently clear minion waves and jungle camps. It also serves as a reliable source of damage in fights.

the mask is supposed to protect your champion against some magic damage and its passive will give you and your teammates the opportunity to deal more magic damage to the enemies. This is a great item if you have a lot of AP champions in your team.

The item also works well with champions that desire ability haste, have mana problems and make very good use of the passive for extra dueling potential. It is one of the few items to counter champions that function heavily around using basic attacks, such as most of marksmen or champions like Kayle, Yasuo, Tryndamere, Master Yi and other auto-attackers. If the enemy team has no champions who deal most of their damage by auto-attacks and don't buy items for attack speed then it can be better to buy something like Gargoyle Stoneplate or other protective item instead.

buy this item if you want to have nice movement speed to roam across the map or to split push. The item provides also some HP and magic resistance that makes it a good choice for tanks and bruisers who lack mobility. It's also a good option against teams with lots of champions with magical type of damage.

is a strong counter against basic auto-attackers that stack well on critical strike chance, like Yasuo, Tryndamere, Yone and most of marksmen. You should consider to buy this item if the enemy team 2 or more champions who rely on critical strike damage.

is most commonly used by champions to protect against magical damage and to enhance healing effects. These effects include normal healing or some form of health regeneration. In other words, you will be healed more by your allies and you will heal yourself much more effectively. Also the effects of life steal will restore more health. Its passive works well with any champion that has self-healing, self-shield, omnivamp, or life steal built into their kit.

is most effectively used against abilities that have a downtime before they can affect full damage to the target like Chum the Waters, Unleashed Power, Death Mark, Life Form Disintegration Ray, Death Lotus etc.

are very useful against heavy AD teams or particular AD champions with strong auto-attacks. If the enemy team has at least one auto-attack based champion, you can buy these boots. However, if there is no auto-attackers at all, you can spend your money to buy other boots.

Champions that need to quickly escape team fights or, vice versa, chase down escaping enemy champions will greatly benefit from the Tenacity and movement speed bonuses. Escapees will lower the risk of being pinned or killed by enemy slows or roots, and chasers will be able to keep up better with slows and traps being used against them.

This rune gives your champion good amount of damage and some sustain, especially in extended fights. The rune fits better for melee champions since it's twice faster to stack it up and it scales well into the late game.

This rune is perfect in team fights since you can get a lot of extra healing and also to earn some additional amount of money that can help your champion to take a slight gold lead and to enable you to be one step ahead in items. This rune saves champions quite often in situations when they would be rather be dead after the last hit by enemy tower.

The rune can help you against teams with lots of crowd control abilities like stuns, slows, roots etc. Thats why its going to be harder for them to disable your champion for long period of time.

The rune increases your damage when the amount of HP of your champion is low. The rune is better than alternatives Coup de Grace and Cut Down if you buy some items for HP and your champion is able to survive long enough with low HP rather than reducing HP of enemies.

This rune gives your champion some amount of true damage which can be very useful to dominate of your enemy during the early game.

This rune allows you to use your Ultimate ability noticably more often.

Flash is the most frequent choice of all players in League of Legends. Such popularity of the spell is caused by the fact that Flash is able to instantly teleport you on a short distance. This distance is enough to dodge some hostile abilities or to jump back and avoid an unexpected gank. With the help of Flash, you can overcome various obstacles like walls, pillars and other different obstacles. Flash is equally good to use for both attack and defense. This gives the spell some versatility. The summoner spell cannot be used if you have been silenced (you cannot use skills for some time). Also, Flash cannot be used under the effect of hard control abilities such as stun or fear.

If you want to play this champion as a jungler then you have no choice but take this summoner spell. Smite is a unit-targeted summoner spell that deals true damage to jungle monsters, enemy minions, or pets like Summon: Tibbers or Daisy!. It upgrades into Unleashed Smite later on. Unleashed Smite deals more damage to monsters and can be used on enemy champions as well to deal them damage and slow.
Amumu is one of the best tank junglers and for that he has all he needs. First, he has the Despair skill, which deals percentage damage to neutral monsters. Secondly, Tantrum ability not only deals good damage, but also provides additional defense. Playing as a jungler is a big responsibility. It is necessary not only to be able to farm the jungle well and quickly, but also help your allies. The most common mistake of beginner junglers is that they stay in the jungle too long and don't help their team. After making a successful gank into the line and earning at least an assist you get gold and experience, and your ally will start to dominate the line little by little. Don't forget this.

While clearing the jungle, you should pay special attention to the mini-map and the overview of what your allies are doing. A very common mistake of beginners is that while killing monsters in the jungle, they look at the monsters instead of looking around.

The most difficult thing for Amumu is the beginning of the game, as he is very vulnerable against counter-junglers. The main task for this period is to keep up with the enemy team in terms of level and farming and to keep an eye on the situation. Do not try to fight one-on-one with enemies, as in such fights Amumu loses all his advantage.

Korean Master+ tier player shows how to clear jungle with an early gank (blue side):

European Master+ tier player shows how to do full clear jungle (red side):

In the late game, Amumu usually plays several roles at once, such as tank and magical damage dealer. How well you use your Ult and Bandage Toss often determines the outcome of the entire fight. Only constant training can help. In particular, pay attention to your ult, which should not be used too early, but not too long either. Ideally, your ult should be able to target key enemies and your allies should be nearby to react as quickly as possible.

Amumu is not as difficult to master as it may seem. This character can be recommended to beginners who want to try their hand in the jungle. If you give Amumu some of your time, you will definitely love this champion.

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A lonely and melancholy soul from ancient Shurima, Amumu roams the world in search of a friend. Cursed by an ancient spell, he is doomed to remain alone forever, as his touch is death and his affection ruin. Those who claim to have seen him describe Amumu as a living cadaver, small in stature and covered in bandages the color of lichen. Amumu has inspired myths, folklore, and legends told and retold for generations – such that it is impossible to separate truth from fiction.

The hardy folk of Shurima agree upon certain things: the wind always blows from the west in the morning; a full belly on a new moon is an ill omen; buried treasure hides under the heaviest of rocks. They do not agree, however, about the tale of Amumu.

One oft-told story links Amumu to the first great ruling family of Shurima who succumbed to a disease that corrupted flesh with hideous speed. The youngest child, Amumu, was quarantined in his chambers and befriended a servant girl who heard his cries through the walls. She regaled the lonely heir with courtly news and stories of her grandmother’s mystic powers.

One morning, the girl brought word that Amumu’s last remaining brother had passed away, making him Emperor of Shurima. Saddened that he had to bear this news alone, she unlocked his door and ran inside to comfort him face to face. Amumu threw his arms around her, but as they touched, he fell back, realizing he had condemned her to the same terrible fate as his family.

Upon the girl’s death, her grandmother placed a twisted blight on the young emperor. In her mind, Amumu had as good as murdered her kin. As the curse took effect, Amumu was trapped in his moment of suffering like a locust ensnared in honeyed amber.

A second tale whispers of another crown prince, one given to bouts of petulance, cruelty, and murderous vanity. In this telling, Amumu was crowned Emperor of Shurima at a young age, and convinced he was blessed by the sun, he forced his subjects to worship him as a god.

Amumu sought the fabled Eye of Angor, an ancient relic entombed in a gilded crypt, said to grant eternal life to whoever looked upon it with an unflinching heart. He hunted the treasure for years with a host of slaves who carried him through labyrinthine catacombs, sacrificing themselves to traps so the emperor could continue without hindrance. Amumu finally reached the cyclopean golden archway, where upon dozens of his stonemasons labored to breach the sealed door.

As the young emperor rushed within, determined to look into the Eye of Angor, his slaves seized their chance and sealed the stone doorway behind him. Some say the child emperor endured in the darkness for years, his loneliness driving him to insanity and causing him to claw at his own skin, which he was forced to wrap in bandages. His life was extended by the power of the Eye as he meditated on his past transgressions, but the gift was a double edged sword, for he was cursed to remain forever alone.

When a series of devastating earthquakes shattered the foundations of his tomb, the emperor escaped with no knowledge of how much time had passed, seeking to undo the suffering he had caused in life.

Yet another story of Amumu tells of the first and last Yordle ruler of Shurima, who believed in the innate goodness of the human heart. To prove his detractors wrong, he swore an oath to live as a beggar until he made one true friend, convinced his people would rally to help their fellow Shuriman.

Though thousands walked by the disheveled Yordle, not one stopped to offer a helping hand. Amumu’s sadness grew until he eventually died of a broken heart. But his death was not the end, for some swear the Yordle still wanders the desert, forever searching for someone who might restore his faith in humanity.

These stories, despite their differences, are woven with parallels. Whatever the circumstances, Amumu is doomed to exist in a broken state of emptiness, eternally alone and friendless. Fated to forever search for a companion, his presence is cursed and his touch is death. On long winter nights when the fire is never allowed to burn low, the sad mummy can sometimes be heard weeping in the desert, despairing that he’ll never know the solace of friendship.

Whatever Amumu searches for – atonement, kinship, or a single act of kindness – one thing is as certain as the western wind at dawn: he has yet to find it.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DixonTheGuideMaker
DixonTheGuideMaker Amumu Guide
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💡Complete Amumu Guide by Dixon ☑️

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