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Ability Order
Double Strike (PASSIVE)
Master Yi Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
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Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
I would appreciate any feedback what so ever, and please, no hate comments.
Because this build is highly effective mid to late game. Some people may say "hey, use press the attack", but even since the Yi buff back in January, Dark Harvest has been very effective. My build is one of the best out there, and for this build to work, you need to play very aggressively. If you aren't really an aggressive player, I suggest you do in fact, use press the attack. This build will allow you to take control of the entire late game, destroy tanks, and 1 auto 1 kill all squishy champs.
+ He is a mid to late game god
+ He can become untargetable and unslowable
+ Very easy to pick up
+ Can carry
+ Great dueler
- If he falls behind early game, can be very difficult to climb back up
- Early game is sort of weak
- Takes quite a bit of damage on his first clear
- Cannot tower dive under almost any circumstances
- Very hard to master
Has no skillshots, but Q timing is a great skill to learn
+ He can become untargetable and unslowable
+ Very easy to pick up
+ Can carry
+ Great dueler
- If he falls behind early game, can be very difficult to climb back up
- Early game is sort of weak
- Takes quite a bit of damage on his first clear
- Cannot tower dive under almost any circumstances
- Very hard to master
Has no skillshots, but Q timing is a great skill to learn
Smite - Does this really need any explaining? The base spell to a jungle, no more words said. Use it as much as you can in clears, and use it rarely against enemies.
Flash - I personally love this one, it allows you to escape, go after, and go through walls. What else does a jungler need?
Ignite - Alright, I do use this one against certain enemy jungles, like Jax. Ignite is great against Undr, Jax, and such junglers.
Flash - I personally love this one, it allows you to escape, go after, and go through walls. What else does a jungler need?
Ignite - Alright, I do use this one against certain enemy jungles, like Jax. Ignite is great against Undr, Jax, and such junglers.
Alpha Strike - This is Master Yi's staple ability, if they nerfed this in anyway, it would ruin the champ. Use this to avoid ults, chase flashes and blast cones, get a jump on an enemy, get up close with a ranged. Do everything with this, this should be the first ability to 5.
Wuju Style - this ability is very good, and since the last update for his e last round of patches for Yi, it has gotten even crazier than ever. Use this at the start of a duel and at the start of a camp clear. You can also use it as a passive, but if you are just dueling, use it as an active.
Meditate - This ability is honestly the most fun of all of his abilities. Although you don't really upgrade it and get stuff for it, it still saves your life. Use it when you are fighting a tough enemy or objective with someone. You can use it while Alpha Strike is almost done cooling down then q and finish the enemy off. This is very useful and under rated.
Highlander - Yi's ult is amazing in every aspect, the unslowable, the passive which makes his abilities have crazy cc reduction after each kill, the movement speed, what would the bic boi need.
Wuju Style - this ability is very good, and since the last update for his e last round of patches for Yi, it has gotten even crazier than ever. Use this at the start of a duel and at the start of a camp clear. You can also use it as a passive, but if you are just dueling, use it as an active.
Meditate - This ability is honestly the most fun of all of his abilities. Although you don't really upgrade it and get stuff for it, it still saves your life. Use it when you are fighting a tough enemy or objective with someone. You can use it while Alpha Strike is almost done cooling down then q and finish the enemy off. This is very useful and under rated.
Highlander - Yi's ult is amazing in every aspect, the unslowable, the passive which makes his abilities have crazy cc reduction after each kill, the movement speed, what would the bic boi need.
The best jungle paths are really the best, no doubt about it. Since Yi has a not great early game, invading is not suggested unless you are going against a squishy with a bad ADC and sup.
Jungle Path for Blue Start - Red Buff -> Raptors (Smite) -> Wolves -> Gromp -> Blue Buff (Smite) -> Rift Scuttler in river closest to the last buff taken
Jungle Path for Red Start - Blue Buff -> Gromp -> Wolves (Smite) -> Raptors -> Red Buff (Smite) -> Rift Scuttler in river closest to the last buff taken
These are the best Jungle Paths, I'm not even going to get into invading because personally, invading with Yi is never a good idea, even with a 4 man leash.
Jungle Path for Blue Start - Red Buff -> Raptors (Smite) -> Wolves -> Gromp -> Blue Buff (Smite) -> Rift Scuttler in river closest to the last buff taken
Jungle Path for Red Start - Blue Buff -> Gromp -> Wolves (Smite) -> Raptors -> Red Buff (Smite) -> Rift Scuttler in river closest to the last buff taken
These are the best Jungle Paths, I'm not even going to get into invading because personally, invading with Yi is never a good idea, even with a 4 man leash.
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