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Xayah Build Guide by Kamicali

ADC CRIT-Based DPS (Xayah)

ADC CRIT-Based DPS (Xayah)

Updated on July 21, 2022
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Kamicali Build Guide By Kamicali 7,115 Views 0 Comments
7,115 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Kamicali Xayah Build Guide By Kamicali Updated on July 21, 2022
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Runes: Lethal Tempo (Standard)

1 2 3 4
Lethal Tempo
Legend: Bloodline
Coup de Grace

Eyeball Collection
Ultimate Hunter

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


1 2 3
Standard Summs
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Heal


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

CRIT-Based DPS (Xayah)

By Kamicali
Ability Use (When and When NOT to use...)
As an Essence Reaver user, Xayah enjoys using her abilities A LOT. The majority of her damage comes from her abilities, so you don't want to waste them before a fight. Just a general tip I like to tell new Xayah players, simply DON'T use her abilities on the minion wave or to poke unless you have taken the aery rune page (4th rune page) for better sustain. This will 1: give you enough mana to fight with, and 2: you'll always have your abilities up to fight. As you start playing Xayah more, you can decide when to ditch your abilities and make better guesses for when and when not to use them.
Breakdown of Lethal Tempo (pg.1&3)
DISCLAIMER: this is copied and pasted from the rune notes in this guide, if you have read them already, you can skip this.

You can change Triumph to Presence of Mind if you find yourself struggling with mana.

Second, you'll take bloodline or alacrity depending on what build you go. If you go an attack speed oriented build take bloodline, but if you're going attack damage or life-steal oriented take alacrity.

Take cut down if the enemy team has 2 or more tanks, though cut down will never be a bad option even if the whole enemy team are squishies.

You can select anything from the bottom line in the domination tree, all are good options and it is totally based on personal preference!

Treasure Hunter: You'll take when you think you're going to get a lot of early kills in lane or if you want to get your first few items very quickly.

Ingenious Hunter: ONLY take this if you are going to use items with actives or passives that have cooldowns (e.g. Galeforce, Shieldbow, QSS, Maw, etc)

Relentless Hunter: By far the least usbable for Xayah, but it works if you need to dodge a lot of abilities from the enemy team.

Ultimate Hunter: I like this one the most because it gives me more oppurtunies to use my ult in skirmishes.

For rune page 3, you can refer to the notes from rune page 1, as it is just an adapted version of the Lethal Tempo variant. You want to take scaling runes (gathering storm and transcendence).
Breakdown of Hail of Blades (pg.2)
Hail of blades is just generally better right now because fights only last 5 seconds when you're in lane, the longer attack speed boost from Lethal Tempo is wasted.

When to take Hail of Blades: if you're going for the CRIT "burst" build mentioned in this guide, which you would genuinely take into a team full of squishies or people you want to kill quickly/root quickly.
Breakdown of Aery (pg.4)
DISCLAIMER: this is copied and pasted from the rune notes in this guide, if you have read them already, you can skip this.

This is the rune page you'll see a lot of higher elo Xayahs use. I personally don't like it because it takes away the attack speed from lethal tempo, and turns Xayah more into a Poke-based champion (with your Q-E combo), rather than an all in champion.

I like getting my hands dirty and this rune page isn't for me, but if you want to use it then go ahead!

It's very good for carrying Xayah out of the laning phase with biscuit delivery and manaflow band, so if you struggle with mana and don't enjoy fighting early then I really recommend you use this page!
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