Zone him from the xp level 1 with your W. Pretty free matchup but he does outscale you. Late game you win most 1v1's but it's gonna take time to get him down.
This matchup is Darius favored. Level 1-2 let him poke you with Q as he is gonna run out of mana pretty fast. There isn't really a lot he can do against you as you outsustain him in any extended fight. If he goes arcane comet his poke will eat up your health so second wind is a must have.
If you manage to form a perma-freeze against Nasus, there isn't really much he can do. The only way he breaks the freeze is with jungler, so be aware of that. Zone him off the wave and poke him with Q.
Litteraly one of the easiest matchups. Free for Darius.
Garen is so free for Darius.
When he goes for a Q make sure you use your auto+W. If he follows up with his E, you easily get out of the range as he is slowed by your W. At that point you either all in him with your E, or just walk away.
He does outscale you but he shouldn't be a problem if played properly.
Pretty equal but still Darius favored.
When he goes for a Q make sure you use your auto+W. Also try your best to not get hit by his E, it's fine if he gets the shield as long as you didn't get hit by it.
Highly dependent on how good the Vayne is. Phase rush is an option even though I would not recommend it in this matchup. In early farm with your Q. You can only all in her if she missteps and you have your summoners up. Her E is a real threat so try and use your E after hers. Edge of the night is an option here as it denies her E.
Highly dependent on how good the Quinn is. In early farm with your Q. Dodge her Q. You can only all in her if she missteps and you have your summoners up. Make sure to use your E after hers.
Equal but slightly Jax favored. Watch out for his level 2 all in, as his E denies your autos and he can use his Q to dodge your Q.
This could be put in the extreme section. Never all in her if she has hit her E. If you can do not let her push. After 6 you only win if she misses her E and has no tentacles around. Try and poke her with Q but make sure you are standing behind your minions as that way she can't hit her E.
Matchup highly dependent on how much you dodge his abilites. In early Mordekaiser is very weak. Before his level 6 powerspike you MUST form a lead or he outscales you pretty hard. Try to all in him after he uses Q on the wave and sidestep his E.
Pretty annoying. His W denies your all in if you don't have your flash up. Make sure you dodge his E if you want to all in as it slows you. Pre-6 you hard win. After 6 using E on maiden is actually worth if you manage to shut it down.
Higly dependent on how good the Riven is. Watch out for her level 1 all in as she is incredibly strong if played correctly. If you still all in her level 1 make sure you flash her Q3 and space with your ghost.
She usually beats you in 1v1's even when behind. Banning this champion is a good choice.
The only time he can actually contest farm is level 1-2, make sure sure his Q doesn't hit you. There isn't really a lot to say about this matchup, you hard win at any point of the game.
Unplayable. I don't play against a lot of Rumbles so I don't know a lot about this matchcup. Basically all about spacing. He beats you most of the time and he can cheese you out of lane easily.
Pretty easy if you manage to dodge his Q's. Watch out for his huge damage on ult and his silence. Make sure you zone him off the wave and bully him early on as he is very weak.
Extremely annoying matchup as his E denies your all in. Even though it's annoying it's not the worst. Try and cancel his E with yours and poke him with Q if he goes for an auto.
Pretty even matchup but still Darius favored. You can never hit your Q if you don't E him before, as he will use his E to dodge it. Early on you hard win, make sure you dodge his Q3's. He does outscale you but 1v1's shouldn't be a problem at any point in the game as long as you are ahead/equal. Highly dependant on how good the Yone is.
You will never hit your Q, never. She has a million of Dashes and can go invisible. Try baiting her Q's before going all in as it does slow. Try to avoid her poke in early. She outscales you and if she is mechanically good she will win most 1v1's.
You won't be able to hit Q if his Q is up. Make sure he wastes his Q before you use yours. In early he is strong but you outscale. Spacing between autos is important in this matchup.
I don't understand why people keep taking Smolder into Darius. Poke with Q and make sure you use your E after he uses his.
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