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Ability Order
Moonsilver Blade (PASSIVE)
Diana Passive Ability
Before i start, need to say if i have bad grammatical its because the english it's not my first language. so i really apreciate if u can comment and help me to improve this guide.
Well diana is a formidable AP mid and believe me she can carry a game if u play smart.
I will show you how to play her and explain my own build
Greater Glyph of Warding this rune its perfect in mid because she dont have range to attack and almost all the time you are vs other AP champion
Greater Mark of Alacrity With this rune your passive lets gonna hurt people
Greater Quintessence of Potency with this extra you can have a decendt CS because your passive Moonsilver Blade make AOE damage
Greater Seal of Force and with this when u become lvl 6 u have extra AP to make a lot damage
Greater Glyph of Warding this rune its perfect in mid because she dont have range to attack and almost all the time you are vs other AP champion
Greater Mark of Alacrity With this rune your passive lets gonna hurt people
Greater Quintessence of Potency with this extra you can have a decendt CS because your passive Moonsilver Blade make AOE damage
Greater Seal of Force and with this when u become lvl 6 u have extra AP to make a lot damage
Well the most important thing in the game the "Team Work" and "Team Fight" Remember you are not a TANK and you cant kill all the other team by your own damage you need the team.
Your first target its the carry but dont run in the middle of the battle to chase the carry. Wait for the best moment to jump in the fight because your burst damage make you the first target for the CC and the other team gonna protec really good their carry.
Remeber all the time you have to comunicate with your teammate if you go to gank other lane or with you jungler because you are NOT a TANK DPS ASSASSIN BRUISER APC ADC SUPPORT so you cant kill all the time doing tower diving ;) tust me that i love Diana
Your first target its the carry but dont run in the middle of the battle to chase the carry. Wait for the best moment to jump in the fight because your burst damage make you the first target for the CC and the other team gonna protec really good their carry.
Remeber all the time you have to comunicate with your teammate if you go to gank other lane or with you jungler because you are NOT a TANK DPS ASSASSIN BRUISER APC ADC SUPPORT so you cant kill all the time doing tower diving ;) tust me that i love Diana
Important thing you have to remember you are not a AP ranged so you have to care at the moment when you gonna farm.
you can use your Q to farm but you have mana and its not infinite.
Try to make last hit close to the other champion because whit your passive after a few hits he come back to their tower and try to hit with your Q the minions and the champion at the same time if he play far away the minions don't waste all your mana in hitting him with your Q better use for farm
you can use your Q to farm but you have mana and its not infinite.
Try to make last hit close to the other champion because whit your passive after a few hits he come back to their tower and try to hit with your Q the minions and the champion at the same time if he play far away the minions don't waste all your mana in hitting him with your Q better use for farm
Malzahar a good farmer great damage and the most danger thing he have 2 CC Call of the void and Nether Grasp so if you have troubles with him you can ask for help or build Banshees veil or some MR
Atention with Swain because he is a tricky opponent with Ravenous Flock and Nevermove he can kill you easy with all his combo try to avoid Nevermove[/url] and you can reduce his curation with Morellonomicon
its the same situation vs ViktorXerathVeigar for mention a fews you can save yourself if you pay atention when they have his ult or CC on CD.
If you are against a champion with channeling skills like Fiddle you can cut his skill with Moonfall
Atention with Swain because he is a tricky opponent with Ravenous Flock and Nevermove he can kill you easy with all his combo try to avoid Nevermove[/url] and you can reduce his curation with Morellonomicon
its the same situation vs ViktorXerathVeigar for mention a fews you can save yourself if you pay atention when they have his ult or CC on CD.
If you are against a champion with channeling skills like Fiddle you can cut his skill with Moonfall
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