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Fizz Build Guide by Opeth Corrosion

AP Carry Forceful Fizz

AP Carry Forceful Fizz

Updated on August 18, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Opeth Corrosion Build Guide By Opeth Corrosion 1,607 Views 0 Comments
1,607 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Opeth Corrosion Fizz Build Guide By Opeth Corrosion Updated on August 18, 2013
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Fizz is a very agile champion that is, when mastered well, very powerful and pokey. With this fishy champion, dominating the midlane will be no struggle for Fizz is a very competent fish.
This guide will not be very abundant, but I hope to inform you enough with the build that is shown above.

-Opeth Corrosion
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I've chosen these runes for obvious reasons.

The Ability Power Glyphs are for extra poke at the start of the game. Poking and having kills in the beginning of a match will be very influencial for the rest of the game. This will also add something to late game plays. For the very same reason choosing Magic Penetration marks is very effective.

Seals are for sustain, and the quintessences are for extra power, just as the glyphs.
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These masteries will be no surprise for those who know fizz well...
I know this is a cr*ppy explaination but it is too obvious for an explanation.
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Why This Build?
-The Double Doran's will reassure you with extra sustain and poke-power
-The Lich bane will assure you of decent amounts of mana and mana regen, plus an additional 80 AP.
-The Rabadons Deathcap is basically just to overpower fizz, once this item is obtained the other will be obtained quite quickly for kills will be imminent
- Mercury treads are for agility and defense, fitting fizz very well

The Final build is mainly very effective for it is both powerful and pokey, and defensive (by the rylai's and Mercury Treads).

Once again, this is merely MY interpertation of the perfect Fizz build. I would appreciate comments for further support or constructive critisism.
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Barrier....Fizz is agile with his Q and E, therefore flash is unsolicited. Barrier however will give you that extra defense when being prosecuted.

Ignite, no need for and explanation, this spell is great for getting that first blood or finishing that enemy, running away.
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Fizz isn't a farming master, yet his E is very effective when you know for sure that there is no imminent gank present. Massive amount of farm will add to your CS when you use your E properly.
W, can be used as well but solely when the enemy is gone.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Opeth Corrosion
Opeth Corrosion Fizz Guide
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Forceful Fizz

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