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Galio Build Guide by Gure no Shoheki

Other Galio Tank Support (WIP)

Other Galio Tank Support (WIP)

Updated on September 8, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Gure no Shoheki Build Guide By Gure no Shoheki 1,689 Views 0 Comments
1,689 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Gure no Shoheki Galio Build Guide By Gure no Shoheki Updated on September 8, 2013
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Galio
  • LoL Champion: Galio

At Level 18 Stats:

Health: 3273
HP5: 57.95
Mana: 2315
MP5: 50.6
Armor: 177.05
Magic Resist: 211
Magic Penetration: 4.75
Movement Speed: 380
Ability Power: 234.95
Cooldown Reduction: 36%
GP10: +5

Increase Allie's Health Regen by 90
6 HP5 based on missing Health
Reduce damage taken from enemy champions by 2
Reduces damage taken from turrets by 5%
2% increased Movement Speed when out cof combat
Reduces cooldown of Summoner Spells by 4%
Tenacity (reduces 35% the duration of bad things xD)
Increases healing, regeneration and drain effects on yourself by 20%
Increase your Mana Regen by 1% per 1% Mana you are missing
Nearby allies gain +20 Magic Resist + 10 Health Regen
Slow attacker's Attack Speed by 15% and 10% Movement speed for 1 second if you are hit by a basic attack

Removes bad things on an allied and heals them for 150+10& of their maximum health (CD: 157)
Shield yourself and nearby allid for 5 seconds, absorbing up to 680 damage (CD: 52)
Drains 20% Mana to shield yourself for a amount of 150 for 3 seconds (CD: 104)
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Gure no Shoheki
Gure no Shoheki Galio Guide
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