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Runes: Guardian (Standard Runepage)
+8 Ability Haste
+6 Armor
+6 Armor
Threats & Synergies
A really bad match up for Braum. Vayne shreds you with her W passive. She can also condemn you mid jump or when you're in front of your ADC, which will put you behind your ADC. I would recommend taking exhaust into this match up to limit her mobility and damage.
He can basically instantly proc your passive and he has a dash, which means you can following up by dashing to him. You can run either Guardian or HOB with this guy.
He can basically instantly proc your passive and he has a dash, which means you can following up by dashing to him. You can run either Guardian or HOB with this guy.
Champion Build Guide
[*]Tip 1[*]
Instead of Flash>Q on Braum, try Q>Flash.
How to do it: Basically Q then flash in the desired direction, but remember the Q will go wherever your cursor is.
Why do it: Q flashing is more effective than Flash Q'ing because it travels the same distance but it also comes out faster since you're canceling the animation or cast time by flashing.
[*]Tip 2[*]
Braum can cast any ability, summoner spells, active items and auto attack during his E
This tip is extremely important. In lower elos a lot of Braum's tend to just put their shield up and just sit in front of their ADC, but Braum can do a lot more than just that. When you're engaging in the botlane, you can shield to get closer to the enemy adc or support and auto attack them to proc your passive while being very tanky from your E.
[*]Tip 3[*]
While Braum's E is active, he gains a small movement speed buff and is also ghosted.
What is "Ghosted"?: Ghosted is when a champion can move through enemy and ally minions, champions and monsters in the jungle, basically you move through units.
This can be helpful and lifesaving information on Braum. This will help you engage easier and also disengage safer, as you can just move through the minion wave
[*]Tip 4[*]
Braum can cast W on himself, which gives him the stat buffs from W temporarily.
4/14/2021: Updated for 11.8
4/9/2021: Added "Aftershock (ONLY GO IF FRONTLINE)" runepage with notes
4/5/2021: Tips section added
4/2/2021: Updated for 11.7
3/24/2021: More Threats and Synergies added.
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