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Amumu Build Guide by ak521

Jungle giving amu ❤ ➤ DEATHMU ➤ tank + ap w/ matchups

Jungle giving amu ❤ ➤ DEATHMU ➤ tank + ap w/ matchups

Updated on October 28, 2022
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ak521 Build Guide By ak521 2661 168 7,517,294 Views 86 Comments
2661 168 7,517,294 Views 86 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author ak521 Amumu Build Guide By ak521 Updated on October 28, 2022
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PsiGuard (1495) | February 9, 2020 3:59am
Hey ak521, here's the review you requested:

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Even though I disagree with some of your matchups and a few build choices, this is a pretty solid breakdown of both tank and AP Amumu. I liked the sizable number of matchups & synergies you included and the fact that you included multiple jungle routes. The aesthetics are pretty good even if you're mostly relying on templates, and the info you have so far is for the most part pretty solid.

Other than some of the nitpicks in my review, I think the main thing I'd like to see from this guide is more gameplay chapters that cover topics beyond the basic ability functions and jungle routes. Your guide is just starting to break out beyond the basic "explained build" guide and move towards a fully fledged champion guide. If you work on adding some more content, it'll really bring your guide to the next level.

Hope you found this review useful (and hopefully it doesn't overlap too much with Katasandra's since she posted her review while I was working on mine). Good luck with your updates!
Katasandra (101) | February 9, 2020 3:04am
Hey there,

Here’s the review you requested in the Guide Review Application Thread.

Click for Review

You got a good start here, the basic parts of a guide are present as well. I feel like your main point of improvement is the explanation of items both in the cheatsheet & item section. The visuals are okay, but could be improved.
The last point I want to make is not related to the review, but I noticed you used one of my templates for your item section. Could it be possible to add a reference to the guide where you got it from so it’s easier for people to find it? :)

I am excited to see what your guide will be like in the future. Good luck with updating your guide!
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giving amu ❤ ➤ DEATHMU ➤ tank + ap w/ matchups

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