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Twitch Build Guide by lron

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Updated on December 5, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author lron Build Guide By lron 10,974 Views 0 Comments
10,974 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author lron Twitch Build Guide By lron Updated on December 5, 2015
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LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


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Understanding Twitch

Twitch is not a champion you go into champion select thinking of picking. He is very much a reactionary champion, and you can get a good sense of when to pick him by checking the matchups section. You must understand, you are not playing an ADC or a jungler, nor anything in between. With this Twitch guide, enemies will fear you as if you were a marksman, feel your global presence as if you were a jungler, and avoid focusing you as if you were a tank.

The goal to accomplish playing Twitch, is to become one with the game. Positioning isn't an art, it is an emotion felt and perfected by few, yet understood by many. You do not think of when to go in, you feel when to go in. I will be not expanding on this in the guide, but Brofesco and VideoGameDunkey have great videos explaining how to develop this sixth sense.
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Your role

By far the hardest part of playing Twitch is making it past champ select. It isn't uncommon to spend 30+ minutes in queue because of bad teammates dodging your free win Twitch. Twitch has the CC of a tank, but the zone control of a mage. He has the fragility of an ADC, but utility and damage of a support. If you begin to feed, it's important to remind your team that you will outscale their jungler, and eventually carry the game. It also helps to make them understand they're bad.
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You need a challenger border

This is the real secret to winning with Twitch. Your team WILL afk if you don't get off to a strong start. However, once they see that you have a challenger border they won't second guess your champion choice or decision making. Don't worry if you aren't a challenger level player, just message the first 2 people on your friends list asking if they want to make a 3s team with you.

If you're looking to up your SoloQ game with Twitch, elo boosts to challenger start at $1400.
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Jungle pathing

Now that you understand why this build works and when to pick Twitch, I'll begin explaining how to play out the early game. If you're below 500 lp challenger, you'll begin with a simple gank on mid. Make sure your bot lane understands you won't be needing a leash.

This is why taking Q at level 1 is so critical. Simply stealth behind their mid laner and pick up an easy first blood.

Since you started longsword to secure the kill, you likely won't be clearing the jungle very quickly at all. So you can either recall right away, or ward your top side buff and take a small camp before recalling to buy your hunter's machete.

Their jungler was likely planning to invade you upon seeing the Twitch jungle pick, but you'll have thrown a wrench in his plans with this level 1 cheese. Focus on getting level 3 on the opposite side of the jungle as their jungler to begin ganking once again.
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Mid game

You should have your jungle item complete and be on the verge of finishing your ghostblade. You will be looking to assassinate their ADC unless he is stronger than you. Alternatively, you can opt for a Frozen Gauntlet second item and adopt a more tanky engage role if it suits your team composition better.

Don't be afraid to take a fight you might lose, that's what the -5% time dead rune is for.
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Late game

At this point you should have at least 3 items complete. Which zeal item you bought will greatly reflect your role in the late game:

: combined with the challenging smite, the target you choose will deal 32% less damage to you. Congratulations, you are now epic split push assassin player.

: you can hit towers from far away. You are now epic seige player.

: you become Jinx. You are epic teamfight player.

: you ****ing suck kid
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League of Legends Build Guide Author lron
lron Twitch Guide
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