Guide of an Veigar OTP star zall I Challenger Veigar OTP 1217 LP Peak I

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Recommended Items
Runes: Veigar Beginner-HP Scaling Runes
+10% Attack Speed
+2% Movement Speed
+65 Base Health
Ability Order Veigar E max Abilities
Phenomenal Evil Power (PASSIVE)
Veigar Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
You can't do much against this champion early game, if he is good, you can't walk to the lane lvl 1, since he can start E and poke you down. You can somewhat outscale him, if your team responds to his roams, and he doesn't snowball. His revive passive is really OP, be careful of that, try to focus him in teamfights, when u can.
It can be Ideal, to None if he misses his hook.
It can be Ideal, to None if he misses his hook.
Champion Build Guide
- Veigar's Cage is a powerful CC tool, especially if enemy team is more or less immobile;
- Veigar has a good burst damage with combo;
- Veigar can have low cooldowns, if u build a decent amount of Ability Haste;
- Veigar can have a lot of AP because of his stacks;
- Veigar is a strong mid to late game champion.
- Veigar is weak early game, depending on the runes you take as well;
- Veigar is immobile;
- Veigar is weak vs tenacity;
- Veigar is very vulnerable if his flash is taken down by a gank;
- Veigar is bad vs long range champions.
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P.S. This is my first guide, I'll try my best to update it. if you want to see more of Veigar gameplay;D , or if u want to join my Discord:
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