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Recommended Items
Runes: Critical Darling
+10% Attack Speed
+10-180 Bonus Health
+10-180 Bonus Health
Ability Order Standard Progression
Night Hunter (PASSIVE)
Vayne Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
A natural beefcake with a heal and some of the best CC in the game. If your opponents don't play cautiously then a good Alistar will set up numerous takedowns for you.
A natural beefcake with a heal and some of the best CC in the game. If your opponents don't play cautiously then a good Alistar will set up numerous takedowns for you.
Champion Build Guide
The problem with crackheads is that they are too impulsive. They see an immediate opportunity and jump on it without considering the imminent consequences of their actions. Maybe you kill the enemy jungler, but then you get double teamed by alistar and malzahar because you didn't look at the map and as a result you fed malzahar that shutdown bounty. These mistakes are what allow your opponents to buy back into the game and prevent your own team from finishing them off. The open secrets of the High Octain playstyle are delaying gratification, placing wards, looking at the map, letting tankier champions initiate teamfights, and knowing how to position yourself so that you don't get caught out and deleted by burst damage.
These tips are all common sense, but the problem with crackheads is that they lose touch with common sense because they are not relaxed. Don't play like a chimpanzee, play like a chill orangutan. When a chimp finds itself in a risky situation it becomes anxious and agressive. The chill orangutan keeps a level head and knows how to respond because it has exercised forethought, and understands that all it risks is the outcome of a game. The chimp does not hesitate to engage even under poor circumstance, the orangutan does not hesitate to take right action, he has nothing to prove.

It is a much better idea to max out

Other boot selections are situational. If laning against a

When I threw this together I hadn't worked out the precise numbers until after I was finished. Critical hits are overtuned and a full crit build is abominable. Don't use this build unless you want to ruin everyone's fun. The novelty of deleteing everyone instantly will wear off when you realize that taking something to it's logical extreme is not neccessarily a good idea. Play the Heavy Metal Queen build instead. I'm leaving this up for Scientific purposes.
This is a glass cannon build for all you crit-heads out there. I don't often go full crit, but when I do, I'm playing ranged dps or

for this build that first item is either

After Farming for awhile I can then return and get tier two boots and or the

As a third Item pick I find

The fourth Item pick Is

The Fifth and final major item pick this mainline crit build is

With the complete build minus the elixir, one auto-attack following a tumble will deal 1576 physical damage. The full three hit combo with hail of blades will deal 3592 with the silver bolts proc dealing an extra 10% true damage on top of that which would be around 400-600 depending on how beefy the tank is not that it matters at this point. This is pre-mitigation damage, but I don't care how much armor you stack, even if you survive one salvo, there will be another right behind it.
Having just gotten around to making those precise calculations after having intuitively thrown this build together, I have to say I feel a bit like Oppenhiemer. I just constructed a superweapon and have already unleashed the death star plans on the ineternet. I didn't even factor in the bonus AD from her ult. You know that analogy with the tactical missiles I used at the beginning of this guide? Thats how vayne is supposed to play in theory. All I did was try to make an optimized build. What have I done?...

For our Phantom Fatale it is best to start with scorchclaw pup and a potion. You can grab boots and start building towards the shieldbow after farming jungle. If a gank opportunity presents itself you should take it. If the enemy jungler shows himself in top lane you can potentially invade bottom jungle. If you think that you can beat the enemy jungler in a duel then go ahead and invade early regardless, just don't overstay and be ready to bail out if enemy players vansih from their lanes because you walked by a ward. As a jungler you find more potential opportunities to make plays than you typically find in a lane. Be sure to seize as many as you practically can so you can scale up faster at the expense of your adversaries.
My first Legendary pick for Jungle vayne is the

My second Item pick is

The next pick used to be

The Final item pick is again

Unlike the Critical Darling, the Heavy Metal Queen is a dominatrix that can take as much punishment as she can give. Another advantage to this build is that your opponents won't have much reason to suspect that you are building such a tanky Vayne until you buy your fourth Legendary.(unless they read this guide.) An opponent bound by the meta mindset won't know what to think of this surprise offtank build. To me it seems that the best builds are offensively defensive and defensively offensive.(Balanced, as all things should be...)
For this build I recommend getting

As usual I recommend starting with boots and potions. I then recommend you rush

The Next Item pick is the one that is most apt to take your enemy by surprise, and that is

The final pick Is

With 385 AD at level 18 along with the 200% base AD proc from Tri-Force an AA following a Tumble does 1028 physical damage, with a three shot burst dealing 1798 plus 10% true damage. A condemn will do 333PD with an addition 500PD if the target collides with terrain while also stunning them for 1.75s. With her Ult active she gains 55 bonus AD, but more importantly halves the cooldown of Tumble, allowing her to spam it every second, and vanishing momentarily each time she does. This is faster than the bonus AD proc from Tri-force which is 1.5s, so every other Tumble will deal an additional 200PD.
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