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Morgana Build Guide by lukkutroll

Immortal Morgana

Immortal Morgana

Updated on January 28, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author lukkutroll Build Guide By lukkutroll 5 3 26,904 Views 8 Comments
5 3 26,904 Views 8 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author lukkutroll Morgana Build Guide By lukkutroll Updated on January 28, 2012
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Chapter 1

My spells

Ghost is very helpful in so many ways. Many morgana players think it's not for them, you either like it or you don't.

This is the best summoner spell in the game. It can help you escape or pick up a kill. I recommend this on all almost all champions.

This is the spell I go with if I don't want to use ghost. Really good spell that will stop those luckers that always seem escape with only 50hp left.

Good Spells

Surge is a very good spell which can mean life or death. Giving this 10-78ap is just so much for a summoner spell. hate to shoot [dark binding] and see them escape with about 10hp screaming why did I not take surge this time!!!!

This is always good on 1 champion in the team, it will help protect you buffs, dragon and baron. Try not to use this unless you are going as the support.

This is always good and can rip their carry down while you kill the rest but I don't feel it on morgana. But it's still a good spell.

Really good spell that a lot of morgana players go for this because they can get in team fights quickly or get fast to save a turret.

This can help your team and your self to stay alive but I really don't like this spell. I have spell vamp for life.

This is only good for the first 6-8 levels and that's why I don't like it. You may want it but I don't like it so much since I just save the mana.

Bad Spells

Black Shield not enough?

Leave it to the tank

Don't, just don't

If you need this you're doing it wrong.

You are not jungling or buff stealer
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7 mana regeneration per 5 sec

These 7 mana regeneration should be enough so you don't need to waste runes for mana regeneration and are able to go for abilty power instead. This item cost only 395gold so you can buy 2 health pots along the way for longer laning time. As soon as you can go back and upgrade this to Tear of the Goddess. You will want to do this so you get the extra mana on it as fast as possible.

Effect +350 mana +7 mana regeneration Passive Unique: Each time your champion uses an ability they gain 4 maximum mana. This effect can't occur more than twice every 6 seconds. Bonus caps at 1000 mana.

As you can see you will want to buy this as fast as possible to have it maxed as soon as you can. This will not be upgraded for a long time since it will not benefit you as much as rod of ages early.

Effects +20 magic penetration Passive Unique: Enhanced Movement 2

These are the boots I prefer since early game this penetration helps you more than loosing 1 sec on your spells which Ionian Boots of Lucidity does not help you so much since you have to go sparingly with your mana or risk dying from lack of mana and be unable to save your self.

Effects +60 ability power +450 health +525 mana Passive Your champion gains 18 health, 20 mana, and 2 ability power every minute. Bonuses cap at +180 Health, +200 Mana, and +20 Ability Power. Unique: Upon leveling up, restores 250 health and 200 mana over 8 seconds.

This item is the key to this build, it gives you a lot of mana, health and ability power. Now for the money you get more than you think since it will keep growing in the next 10min so it's a cheap item that does a lot of good for you. It's passive is insane good while leveling then you can think about it as well used 100gold or so since pots would have costed you more and done less. Going for 2 of these is no longer viable and going for Zhonya's Hourglass or Abyssal Mask depending on your enemy team.

Effects +45 ability power +400 mana +25 mana regeneration Passive You gain ability power equal to 3% of your maximum mana. Unique: On cast, you gain +4 maximum mana (maximum +1000 maximum mana). 3 second cooldown.

This is the upgrade to your Tear of the Goddess. Now many of you may wonder why I don't upgrade this before Rod of Ages. But there is a very good and a valid point in it. Rod of ages does need time to grow and will do most good the earlier you buy it. Archangel's Staff what so ever does not shine early but late game. You will want Tear of the Goddess to have as much mana stacked on it for more ability power. You will also now have the mana from your Rod of Ages for even more ability power out of those rods which will have grown now bit if not even full.

140 Ability Power. UNIQUE Passive: Increased ability power by 30%.

Now if you have questions about this item then you have not played spell casters. This item is probably the best damage item for spell casters. It has a lot of ability power and increases the ability power by 30% which gives 90 if you have 300. Just with this item you get 182ability power alone. With 1 Rod of Ages you get 286 instead of 220 just from that passive.

Effects +80 ability power +30 magic resistance +350 mana +7% movement speed Passive Unique: On cast, your next physical attack will deal extra damage equal to 100% of your ability power. 2 second cooldown.

This item is just for adding to your damage. Now since you have over 700ability power at this point you will do over 800damage with and auto-attack after casting a spell. You can now use Black Shield - auto-attack - Tormented Shadow - auto-attack - Dark Binding - auto attack to take down a whole turret. Yes you can 3 hit a turret now which will help your team a lot in winning this long game.
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Morgana for me is way too unrecognized champion. She has stun, spell shield, magic resist dropping pool and a multi stun ultimate. When you see morgana you should be afraid. She will stun you and slowly kill you. She has cons and pros like all champions and with this build I think you may like how little cons I think she has.


Alot of health
Spell shield
Hard to slow down
Passive Spell Vamp
Teamfight resulting ultimate
Good solo and with a partner
Hard to gank. Even if you over extend.


She is focust ALOT
And you need to land you skillshots

There are not alot of cons on her because she is realy a good champion but little hard to master. If you know her well or like her and want to master her I like you and good luck. Hope my guide will help. But always remember it's a guide, not the bible and please comment, I welcome all comments, if it's good thank you and if bad please tell me eveything you thinks wrong so I can fix it if I think you are right.
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I go for realy simple runes. Morgana can do Alot of damage early game if you use play correctly. That's why I go for ability power runes and magic pen. I use mostly per level but I start of with 20 ability power just for some damage. You may want to go for magic penetration, armor and magic restist but the way I play I realy don't get hit so much. You have stun to run away so use it and be sure to hit.
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When picking masteries on morgana there are in most aspesct just 2 ways to go: Full ap or going support. I like full ap more becaus it gives more damage and a better shield. I go for more starting health since it gives you better lane sustain and more chance on getting first blood. I do not think going for 1% spellvamp is better than 30 health. Getting more mana is ok but armor and health I think is better than getting a little more mana regen and spell vamp.
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Soul siphon: Insane passive. Helps you stay in a lane longer even if they harass you. With Tormented Shadow in good rank you get a lot of health back for free since you use it for farming. This spell on some major burst spell caster such as veigar would mean they were unstoppable. But then again morgana can do alot of spell burst and she is most general insane. That means she is focused alot. That is the biggest con on her.

Dark Binding: This is a skill shot and is really important that you hit with it or you have a long cool down and a waste of mana. You are either good on skill shots or you need to practice. Nothing is wrong with practice. When your good on it you may want to try putting Tormented Shadow before casting it since it reduces magic resist on them and you deal more damage. This also makes them stuck in place for 2-3sec depending on the rank. This can help you kill enemies if they try tower diving even if you have 1 hp since you root them and then run away.

Tips: This is a spell that will deal alt of damage and root them in place. Trying to shoot this where the enemy is moving towards will help you hit. Closing on to the enemy will also minimize the chance you will miss since it has to move less to hit. Having tormented soil under the target will lower the magic resist and allow this spell to do more damage. Use this sparingly since it costs a lot of mana and has a long cooldown. This spell can save your life while running away since it gives you a time to run while they stand still. This spell has a good ap ratio so having a lot of ap will allow you to some serious damage and save you. You can practice on hitting with this against bots. I say you go against the harder bots since they are not exacly as prodictable as the easy bots.

Tormented Soil: Insane spell you can rip their tanks a bit down or help do more damage. This spell does instant damage and then does damage over time. Trying to stun, shackle or anything to keep them still in it will help a lot. This damage is not insane but it does quite a lot if you have a bit of ability power and they have to stay in it. Every hit does a little more because the magic resist drop stacks. This can be used for killing if they are about to escape with little health and you just can't get that Dark Binding to hit since it does instant damage equal to 1sec. Also this will help other spell casters on your team.

Black Shield: This is really good in most ways, it will help you escape stuns and all spell hits, this spell is what makes it so hard to gank you. You have to be careful when you put it up since it will make them wait with their spells and use it when your shield is off. You can even use it to cancel out ultimates like from ashe It can end up choosing who will survive the team fight and who will die. It's always good to put this on the carry since they should be doing the most damage and you can't have them die early in the battle or rooted away from it.

Soul Shackles: This is the best ultimate you can ask for. Deals insane amount of damage, slows them for the time before they are stunned. When and if you can get them stunned by it you will double the damage output and get them stunned for a long period. You can get damage on the whole team, stun the whole team and if the moment is just right get a penta kill
from only this spell. If they are not dead you can use Tormented Shadow Dark Binding to do more damage and your team should be able to put out a lot of damage in 1,5-2,5sec. The biggest problem is you can flash out of it and it will not apply if you get back to them.

I go for few different spell build.
Normally I go for
Soul Shackles- Tormented Shadow- Dark Binding- Black Shield
If they have a lot of spell casters that are hitting me I go for shield second
Soul Shackles- Tormented Shadow- Black Shield- Dark Binding

But I always start the 3 spells the same way with single point in it
Dark Binding- Tormented Shadow- Black Shield
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Summoner Spells

My spells

Ghost is very helpful in so many ways. Many morgana players think it's not for them, you either like it or you don't.

This is the best summoner spell in the game. It can help you escape or pick up a kill. I recommend this on all almost all champions.

This is the spell I go with if I don't want to use ghost. Really good spell that will stop those luckers that always seem escape with only 50hp left.

Good Spells

Surge is a very good spell which can mean life or death. Giving this 10-78ap is just so much for a summoner spell. hate to shoot [dark binding] and see them escape with about 10hp screaming why did I not take surge this time!!!!

This is always good on 1 champion in the team, it will help protect you buffs, dragon and baron. Try not to use this unless you are going as the support.

This is always good and can rip their carry down while you kill the rest but I don't feel it on morgana. But it's still a good spell.

Really good spell that a lot of morgana players go for this because they can get in team fights quickly or get fast to save a turret.

This can help your team and your self to stay alive but I really don't like this spell. I have spell vamp for life.

This is only good for the first 6-8 levels and that's why I don't like it. You may want it but I don't like it so much since I just save the mana.

Bad Spells

Black Shield not enough?

Leave it to the tank

Don't, just don't

If you need this you're doing it wrong.

You are not jungling or buff stealer
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Items ( this build )

7 mana regeneration per 5 sec

These 7 mana regeneration should be enough so you don't need to waste runes for mana regeneration and are able to go for abilty power instead. This item cost only 395gold so you can buy 2 health pots along the way for longer laning time. As soon as you can go back and upgrade this to Tear of the Goddess. You will want to do this so you get the extra mana on it as fast as possible.

Effect +350 mana +7 mana regeneration Passive Unique: Each time your champion uses an ability they gain 4 maximum mana. This effect can't occur more than twice every 6 seconds. Bonus caps at 1000 mana.

As you can see you will want to buy this as fast as possible to have it maxed as soon as you can. This will not be upgraded for a long time since it will not benefit you as much as rod of ages early.

Effects +20 magic penetration Passive Unique: Enhanced Movement 2

These are the boots I prefer since early game this penetration helps you more than loosing 1 sec on your spells which Ionian Boots of Lucidity does not help you so much since you have to go sparingly with your mana or risk dying from lack of mana and be unable to save your self.

Effects +60 ability power +450 health +525 mana Passive Your champion gains 18 health, 20 mana, and 2 ability power every minute. Bonuses cap at +180 Health, +200 Mana, and +20 Ability Power. Unique: Upon leveling up, restores 250 health and 200 mana over 8 seconds.

This item is the key to this build, it gives you a lot of mana, health and ability power. Now for the money you get more than you think since it will keep growing in the next 10min so it's a cheap item that does a lot of good for you. It's passive is insane good while leveling then you can think about it as well used 100gold or so since pots would have costed you more and done less. Going for 2 of these is no longer viable and going for Zhonya's Hourglass or Abyssal Mask depending on your enemy team.

Effects +45 ability power +400 mana +25 mana regeneration Passive You gain ability power equal to 3% of your maximum mana. Unique: On cast, you gain +4 maximum mana (maximum +1000 maximum mana). 3 second cooldown.

This is the upgrade to your Tear of the Goddess. Now many of you may wonder why I don't upgrade this before Rod of Ages. But there is a very good and a valid point in it. Rod of ages does need time to grow and will do most good the earlier you buy it. Archangel's Staff what so ever does not shine early but late game. You will want Tear of the Goddess to have as much mana stacked on it for more ability power. You will also now have the mana from your Rod of Ages for even more ability power out of those rods which will have grown now bit if not even full.

140 Ability Power. UNIQUE Passive: Increased ability power by 30%.

Now if you have questions about this item then you have not played spell casters. This item is probably the best damage item for spell casters. It has a lot of ability power and increases the ability power by 30% which gives 90 if you have 300. Just with this item you get 182ability power alone. With 1 Rod of Ages you get 286 instead of 220 just from that passive.

Effects +80 ability power +30 magic resistance +350 mana +7% movement speed Passive Unique: On cast, your next physical attack will deal extra damage equal to 100% of your ability power. 2 second cooldown.

This item is just for adding to your damage. Now since you have over 700ability power at this point you will do over 800damage with and auto-attack after casting a spell. You can now use Black Shield - auto-attack - Tormented Shadow - auto-attack - Dark Binding - auto attack to take down a whole turret. Yes you can 3 hit a turret now which will help your team a lot in winning this long game.
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Other Items

The items I have already talked about are not the only or necessary the best items. You have to use this Guide to help you in general. Now a lot of items are viable on morgana. Here are other choices.

50 Armor, 100 Ability Power. UNIQUE Active: Places your champion into Stasis for 2 seconds, rendering your champion invulnerable and untargetable but unable to take any actions. 90 second cooldown.

This item is really good for morgana since she can use Flash to get right into the enemy team, use her ultimate and then use the Zhonya's Hourglass to protect her from damage for whole 2 sec. Now the ultimate need 3 sec so don't pop it right as you dive in since they need time to realize what happened so after abou half a second you can pop it so it will leave you vulnerable for 0,5 sec 2 times which will minimize the damage you take since they need time to cast their spells and run to you for melee damage.

+70 Ability Power +57 Magic Resistance UNIQUE Aura: Reduces the Magic Resist of nearby enemy champions by 20.

This is a really good and especially if your up against fed ap champion or just a lot of ap champs since it gives you very nice amount of magic resist.

50 Ability Power. UNIQUE Aura: Gives nearby allied champions +30 Ability Power and 25% spell vamp.

This is a great item which helps you lane even better since you get more spell vamp. This spell vamp I feel is uneccasery for morgana since she has quite a lot of it from her passive. But I have seen many builds with this so it's worth trying atleast.

Effects +80 ability power +500 health Passive Unique: Your spell damage will slow the target by 35% for 1.5 seconds (15% for multi-target spells and damage-over-time spells).

This item seems to be popular among all spell casters. I feel this not worth the gold since I have 2 stuns and only item that would benefit from this is Tormented Shadow but seen few morganas use it.

20 Ability Power. UNIQUE Passive: Your champion gains 8 ability power per stack, receiving 2 stacks for a kill or 1 stack for an assist. This effect can stack 20 times; you lose a third of your stacks if you die. At 20 stacks, your champion's cooldowns are reduced by 15%.

This is a item you should only buy if you are very confident you can stay alive and get the stacks up to minimum 5. 5 Stacks are worth it but any lower than that sell it and buy something else. If you can get it to 20stacks I say keep it instead of any other item. This item gives a lot of ap and a lot of cd reduction for almost no cost. But I really don't like it since it's a big risk and you loose 6 stack if your full so from 20 to 14 stacks. But hen again if your owning 3 kills are not too much. Very popular spell caster item.
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Warding is a key essential to avoid ganks. 75gold saving you from giving them 300gold is really worth it. Warding dragon can both allow you to steal it and take them out at lower hp with the dragon helping you. Warding baron is really good so you can take them out really easy, as morgana you can flash in to the baron and use Soul Shackles and possible taking 1 or more out, if you don't kill them when you pop is you may kill them after 3 sec when they are stunned and baron is also helping you. Now it's never smart to go solo up against a whole team since it may end up you getting killed and they still taking baron.

Now these are the most important places to ward are here.

Wriggle's Lanter should be kept up at most of the time and where you should ask your jungler to use it are marked with yellow. Now you may see that those are marked with yellow, at dragon and baron. If these spots are not warded it may end up you loosing both dragon/baron and a kill, so try keeping them warded at all times.

Now your jungler should be warding his buffs and possibly the opponents buffs too, they are not essential thou but loosing your own buffs is bad since it gives your opponents an advantage which is always to be avoided. The buffs best warding places are marked with blue start.

The red stars are for your self depending on the lane your on. 2 wards are important for the mid lane since they can come from both bot lane and top lane. If your in the mid and you die it could mean the end of your turret which equals to 3 kills and an good positioning advantage. If you go as support try helping the others with buying wards for them since they should use their money for damage rather then the support. And never make the carry buy the wards. You may say that they are not doing as good as you but then you have to allow them to use their money for items instead of wards to get them selves out of the pit they may be in. If the carry is doing really well you should help them do better since they will carry the whole team to victory.
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Solo Top

Solo top is what I play most on morgana. She is realy good for solo and I preferbly like to have 2 against me instead of one since they get less xp then you do as solo. When I am solo I try to save the mana as much as I can or I might die just because I was out of mana. I do spam Tormented Shadow for minion kills. Depending on your ap and what rank Tormented Shadow is. The higher the more damage you do and when you can put it under creeps and kill them with only one spell you should try to put it right between them to try get as many kills as possible from as little mana as you can. Then jump in combat and ulti, then you want to Dark Binding them and put [[tormented soil] under them. If they are die from this great, if not just keep on farming. Now you want to be very passive and focus getting minions as much as you can. They are your gold not kills. In mid game you may want to push and the try help mid by ganking. After the gank go straight back up to your lane and protect the turret. After you take out their turret try to help other lanes to get their turrets since it gives a lot of gold to your team but don't loose your turret for their turret, it is not worth it.
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Playing mid works a lot like playing solo top. You should play passive but try to last hit them. When Tormented Shadow is at rank 3 you can kill the casters in one spell. Try to put it so you will hit them all thou for more spell vamp. This way you get as much as you can out of the mana which you never seem to have enough of except when you have Tear of the Goddess and 1 or 2 Rod of Ages. Now if you push too much you must have those wards as shown in the warding part. If you don't have wards it may end up so that spell shield and Dark Binding just won't be enough to save your life. So be sure to keep them up, especially if you are playing ranked. In mid morgana can be really irritating because of her Dark Binding and Tormented Shadow you can do quite a lot of damage. If you are able to make the go back or better kill them then you should use it to put Tormented Shadow under their minions and go back your self. Going back may seem just waste of xp but if you never get a chance to go back you want to use most opportunities to upgrade your items. Without upgrading it may mean you will loose your upper hand and start dying. Since this build is built mostly for solo lane and mid you must never forget that most of these items take time to see their best potential. Rod of Ages and Tear of the Goddess are really good items and they keep growing for a period of time so try getting them as early as possible so they will be at their max as fast as possible.
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Being Support

Morgana as support you may say. But think about it, she has her shield, binding and ultimate.
If you play with your carry remember that the carry has priority on the killing blow. They need the money more than you. You will want to help them stay alive and be able to get creeps and hopefully kills while your back. Put your shield on the carry if you see it unable for both of you to escape. Bind them and make sure the carry stays alive. Morgana is good in so many roles and support is just one she is great at. She may not be as good as soraka but then again she can do a lot more damage then she can and save from stuns. If you go as full support you may want Clairvoyance instead of Ghost and be sure to improve it with Mystical Vision . If you go as support I recommend swapping Rod of Ages for Abyssal Mask, the Abyssal Mask gives you a good magic resist while dropping it on enemies. This may not be the best support item in the game but it helps you and the spell casters in the game while boosting your black shield so it will protect from more spell damage thus helping you/team to escape from stun and those likes. Swapping the boots is essential since you will more want to keep others alive then you getting kills so grab those Ionian Boots of Lucidity for more stuns and shields. Morello's Evil Tome is a good way to go since it gives you reduced cool down so you can spam spells and also gives a decent amount of ability power. You need cool down reduction so you can spam spells more. You may want to go for the blue buff as often as you can for the cd reduction but still you should leave it to more damage spell casters to get the most out of the team. Soul Shroud is a good support item but if you have another who wants it he may take it. Keep Archangel's Staff for the mana and also the Rabadon's Deathcap for the good ap ratio. Lich Bane I use for killing toweres fast late game so you can swap it for any defence item depending on the team. But then again you may find something that works better for you then go for it, this is only to guide you in a good way.
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Morganas Lore

The lore about Morgana is really nice and interesting.

There is a world far away populated by graceful and beautiful winged beings gifted with immortality, where an ancient conflict still rages. Like so many conflicts, this war split families. One side proclaimed themselves as beings of perfect order and justice, fighting to unite the world under their law and strong central governance. Those that fought against them saw their kin as tyrants, creatures incapable of seeing the larger view, who would sacrifice individuality and freedom for the illusion of efficiency and safety. Morgana was one who fought against what she perceived as the tyranny of her kind, and for that she was branded ''fallen.'' Morgana was not innocent, having plumbed forgotten ways to gather forbidden might to become a powerful mistress of the black arts. This goal was driven by her obsession to defeat the general of the opposition's army - her sister, Kayle.

While the two were in fact birth-sisters, Kayle struck the first blow by disowning any filial connection when Morgana refused to join her cause. Eventually, Morgana grew in power enough to not only reach, but challenge Kayle. As the time approached when the two would meet in what could be their final conflict, Morgana was suddenly summoned to Valoran. At first, Morgana made a deal with the League's summoners to fight in exchange for greater power. With the advent of Kayle into the League, Morgana now willingly fights in the League of Legends for the privilege of being able to destroy her sister again, and again, and again. She lies in wait for the day the bonds of the Institute of War no longer hold her, and on that day she plans to destroy Kayle once and for all and return home a hero.

''There is no rest while Kayle's brand of tyranny still exists.''

As you can see she has a sister, Kayle. They are very different in all ways except for one thing. Both have ways to save their allies from harm and dealing tons of damage. They hate each other more than anything in the world. Funny how I see Morgana as the better one(in lol) since she has 2 stuns while Kayle has only immune for few second( trust me it's more than you think ) but she can't stun a single target from the rest so you and your team can kill him in an instant and than go team fight 5vs4. Kayle has one think that is better and worse. A healing spell. It allows her to heal up her ally/s and allow longer fights while Morgana blocks spells and can save anyone from any CC. Always fun to fight against her in The League of Legends. Hope you liked her lore, for one I loved it and always nice to know as much as you can about your favorite champion.
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Alot of thanks to jhoijhoi. Her guides can be found here!!

Thank you for reading through my guide and I hope it helped you.

This is my first build and hopefully not the last.
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