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Nami Build Guide by Bella Starlily

Support In-Depth Nami Guide

Support In-Depth Nami Guide

Updated on November 11, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Bella Starlily Build Guide By Bella Starlily 8,409 Views 0 Comments
8,409 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Bella Starlily Nami Build Guide By Bella Starlily Updated on November 11, 2023
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Runes: Ap Build

1 2
Cheap Shot
Eyeball Collection
Treasure Hunter

Cosmic Insight
Future's Market

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2 3
Flash + Exhaust
LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

In-Depth Nami Guide

By Bella Starlily
The Enchanter's Role

The Job of The Enchanter.

As the support in your team, your job is to defend your allies and provide buffs, slows and lead everybody to victory.

Whenever possible, you should look to roam, preferrably, with your Jungler. Nami's kit provides really easy and fast movement around the map.

Remember your safetly is always first! If you get caught or just get focused down and die, your team will most likely follow shortly after. Don't overlook items like Anathema's Chains and Zhonya's Hourglass just because they are not typically built by Nami every single game and are considered selfish. You being alive is what your team needs and those two help a ton.

Taking Exhaust as summoner spell is also a very viable option if the enemy has a few assassin/burst threats.

Laning Phase Tips.

In laning phase, you want to trade HP and Mana using Ebb and Flow and Tidecaller's Blessing. Depending on your match up, you can look for early kills or at least burn summoners and help your Jungler setup a gank. Additionally you want to stack your Spellthief's Edge as quickly as possible, so you can provide vision for your team.

If your lane is behind or your adc is not that bright, roaming is your best friend. Helping your other laners pull ahead might just save your game if your own lane isn't doing too great.

Teamfighting Tips.

In teamfights ou want to be positioned behind, somewhere alongside your AD and peel any assassins coming for your AD using your Aqua Prisons, Tidal Wave and Exhaust.

Your main goal is to give Tidecaller's Blessing to an ally that can utilize the buff the best, this can be your ADC or somebody in the frontline to help slow and chase the enemy easier.

Items such as Shurelya's Battlesong can be used both as an engage tool or a disengage one to help you kite enemies such as Darius, Jax, Briar, Graves and etc.

If your team already has a decent engage aim to follow-up engage with Tidal Wave when the CC is landed for an annoying chain and potentially securing some kills.


Nami's Abilities


Surging tides

Nami's passive provides movement speed whenever any of your abilities hit you or an ally. Casting a Aqua Prison/ Tidal Wave on an ally will speed them up for 1.5 seconds. The same goes for Ebb and Flow/ Tidecaller's Blessing.

Q Ability

Aqua Prison

Using this ability, Nami throws a bubble in a desired location which knocks up enemies hit by and it stuns them for 1.5 seconds.

W Ability

Ebb and Flow

Main poke/sustain tool. When used, it's going to bounce to the nearest enemy/ally depending on how the first bounce was used. If you bounce it off an ally, it's going to jump to an enemy then to an ally. Likewise, if used on enemy, it will bounce once to ally and again to enemy. Keep in mind, it will never go to the same target twice.

Keep in mind that this ability gets stronger with each bounce when you reach 200 Ability Power or more.

E Ability

Tidecaller's blessing

You can cast this on yourself or an ally, this will make their next 3 attacks/spells slow the enemy and deal extra damage. This spell is extremely useful to set up for easy Aqua Prisons and it also procs Electrocute, Imperial Mandate, Horizon Focus, Font of Life.

R Ability

Tidal wave

This is Nami's ultimate. It's a very slow traveling projectile that knocks enemies up and slows them greatly. It will proc Imperial Mandate and Horizon Focus. If used with Tidecaller's Blessing it will hurt more.

Trading Combos.

Assuming you started with Spellthief's Edge you'll want to trade to get gold. Keep in mind that now Tidecaller's Blessing will grant gold as well, so if you pair Tidecaller's Blessing with Ebb and Flow and an AA you get the full 60 gold.

At level one your combo is:

AA >> >> AA

Since your biggest priority is to push for level 2 earlier than the enemy botlane, you should be positioned aggressively and take or next.

At lvl 2:

if you took E 2nd - >> AA >> >> AA

if you took Q 2nd - AA - >> >> AA

At level 3 you'll be able to grab your bubble. To always guarantee a bubble do the following:

>> AA or >>

You can also give Tidecaller's Blessing to an ally to slow them or if let's say you are chasing somebody, use Tidecaller's Blessing on yourself and bounce Ebb and Flow off an ally that is close but can't quite reach the enemy (helps the melees catch up).

When you reach level 6 there are a few tricks to using your ultimate to it's full potential. For example you can channel Tidal Wave somewhere from out of sight. What I love doing is placing a control ward in one of the lane bushes and using Tidal Wave when the enemy steps up to farm. If you are trying to hit a long rainge ult aim to cut off their path, this way they need to either step in it, get slowed and knocked up or they can either flash or walk into you/your team. Either of those are a win for you.

Your level 6 combo for trading/scoring a kill:

>> AA >> >> >>

This procs all of your debuffs and should score you an easy kill if you and your AD are on the same page or you are building AP.

As a side note, Nami's Tidal Wave makes her unstoppable for a split second once she's casted it, so if timed correctly, you can dodge Hecarim's fear and other abilities similar to it.
It can also be used as a displacement ability along with her Aqua Prison so you can interrupt dashes and channelled abilities like Miss Fortune's R, Janna's R, Katarina's R, Rengar's dashes and etc.

Main Keystone Options:

Summon Aery

This rune synergizes with your whole kit as Nami. It also allows for easy application of effect like Shurelya's Battlesong. Moonstone Renewer, Ardent Censer and Staff of Flowing Water. Combine with Manaflow Band, Transcendence/ Absolute Focus and Scorch/ Gathering Storm


Guardian is extremely good if you need the extra sustain/tankiness. Combine with Font of Life, Conditioning/ Bone Plating and Overgrowth/ Revitalize.


The most aggressive option from all. Electrocute is still really good on Nami, however it no longer procs of an ally that has Tidecaller's Blessing on them but if you E yourself then W an enemy and auto once it will proc Electrocute. Combine with Cheap Shot, Eyeball Collection and Ultimate Hunter/ Treasure Hunter.

Secondary Rune Options For:


Viable secondary options for Sorcery are:
Manaflow Band - for the mana sustain;
Transcendence/ Absolute Focus - for extra cooldown/damage;
Scorch/ Gathering Storm - more preasure early vs late game scaling


For resolve I mainly run the following:
Font of Life - the healing it provides is really good;
Conditioning/ Bone Plating - more MR/Armor later vs safer early trading;
Overgrowth/ Revitalize - If scared of being all-in-ed by engage supports vs just heal and shield power/


Here some of the options I often opt to are:
Cheap Shot - for extra damaged when I slow/stun targets;
Ghost Poro/ Eyeball Collection - honestly both are the same.. Poros are just cute tho;
Treasure Hunter/ Ultimate Hunter - the extra gold can really snowball you hard vs more ultimated over the duration of the game.


What I usually pick for this:
Perfect Timing/ Magical Footwear - a free Stopwatch vs free Boots;
Future's Market/ Biscuit Delivery - faster item spikes vs biscuit for more mana sustain;
Cosmic Insight - for extra haste.


I rarely take this but here are some options I find viable:
Triumph vs Presence of Mind - more sustained income vs mana sustain;
Cut Down - extra damage to tankier units

My personal favorite setup

I run Summon Aery paired with Manaflow Band, Transcendence and Scorch with secondary going into Inspiration and grabbing Future's Market and Cosmic Insight. This provides enough poke and faster power spikes when it comes to building your items. If you're already snowballing it's a bit overkill but you snowball even harder, so it never hurts.

Mythic Items

This really depends on your own playstyle and what you want your champion to do.

Echoes of Helia

Nami is extremely good at using this item effectively with the Ebb and Flow bounce mechanic combined with her other skills. also synergizes well with making you an actual damage threat from the support role as an enchanter building enchanter stuff. Feel free to also combine with and for extra damage. Aim to pick this up if the enemy is mostly squishy and/or has multiple melee champions that you can abuse for stacks.

Shurelya's Battlesong

Shurelya is an amazing item on Nami especially paired with giving a ton of movementspeed combined with your passive's speed buffs. I personally build it most commonly, as I enjoy the synergy it has with Nami's kit and .

Moonstone renewer

A great item when you want to aplify your healing. It synergizes very well with Summon Aery and has amazing single target healing if paired with or . I don't recommend it as a go to Mythic every game since Nami's healing is already kinda weak and there are other better options you can pick up!

Locket of the Iron Solari

Locket is a very good option if you need aoe shields/sustain. Some examples are if you are playing against a Brand, Katarina, Swain, Zyra and etc. You can combine it with and those two alone have a really good aoe party sustain.

Ability Power Mythics

I do not recommend any of these options, as some of the other items are much better on Nami but situationally they can come in handy.


Everfrost works really well with Nami's kit, which is full of slows and knockups. It's very situational but it can work well when you're dealing with a heavy dive team. More CC = more GG.

Crown of the Shattered Queen

Crown is great for matchups where you need extra survivability. A high AP/AD threat that you know will focus you. It's shield absorbs a lot of damage. Can be paired with Anathema's Chains or Zhonya's Hourglass for extra protection.

Luden's Echo

I do not recommend it but if you want to go full AP that's probably the way to go.

Basic, Epic and Legendary Items

Imperial Mandate

Although not a mythic anymore, Mandate is the must have item on Nami. Her synergy with this item and her kit is insanely good. It's still a good 1st buy item but can be built 2nd as well. Just make sure you're not building it any later than that because the benefits it provides are not to miss out on.

Chemtech Putrifier

This item is extremely good if playing against high sustain comps like Soraka, Vladimir, Aatrox, Dr. Mundo and etc. It can help if the enemy is building towards an ocean soul or have Goredrinker and Warmog's Armor.


Redemption is a great aoe healing tool and it works in almost every scenario and game. It provides stats that Nami can benefit from.

Ardent Censer

Ardent is really good when laning with a hyper carry like Draven, Jinx, Vayne. Both ite's passives don't overlap, so you can have Ardent and Staff.

Staff of Flowing Water

Staff is the equivelent of Ardent but instead if you have an AP carry like Syndra, Sylas, Veigar. Staff gives extra ap, so you can build it alongside with Ardent.

Mikael's Blessing

Extremely good against heavy CC champions like Leona, Nautilus, Sejuani, Ashe, as it provides a cleanse. It also heals alongside with the cleanse, so it can save your carry's life.

Zhonya's Hourglass

An extremely nice option if they have champions like Zed, Kha'Zix, Rengar, Yone. It also provides a good amount of armor along with a "I'm in danger button". Get Stopwatch first if you are planning to build it. If you are in champion select and you know you'll need it, don't hesitate taking Perfect Timing as a rune choice.

Anathema's Chains

This item is extremely useful against high burst melee champions like Katarina, Kassadin, Vladimir. It provides a debuff and lowers the damage taken, so they can no loger one-shot you. The debuff lower's the target's tenacity, so with Nami's kit, you can lock them down for a longer amount of time to shut them down.

Mejai's Soulstealer

If you want to get Mejai's, make sure to buy an early Dark Seal once you get to 8 stacks you can upgrade it to Mejai's Soulstealer. The item itself synergizes with Nami's kit pretty well and it provides extra AP and movementspeed when above 10 stacks. Dying bad tho!

Seraph's Embrace

This item is generally unnecessary on Nami, as she only tends to have issues early game. If you are planning to build with less mana regen and you don't take Manaflow Band as a rune, it is definitely a good option. Just grab an early Tear of the Goddess as early as possible. Similar to how Mejai's Soulstealer works.

Rabadon's Deathcap

Rabbadon is usually a good item for all enchanters as it provides a major boost of AP. The issue is it is extremely expensive and is also built really late into the game.

Horizon Focus

I believe this is a slightly odd item to suggest on Nami but for what's worth in the right situations it can come in handy. Paired with Imperial Mandate and your Tidal Wave+ Tidecaller's Blessing the damage output can be extremely high.


Ionian Boots of Lucidity

These boots provide really good CDR/Haste. Nami benefits greatly from having more Haste to spam her abilities more often for more impact. It's also a very safe pick as it's always useful.

Boots of Swiftness

This is usually my 3rd most prefferred boots choice on Nami. They provide extra mobility and very good slow resistance.

Sorcerer's Shoes

These boots synergize very well if you are going Electrocute + Imperial Mandate and Echoes of Helia.

Plated Steelcaps

The extra armor these provide can be crucial in some games. It's extremely good to grab them when playing against a full AD team/botlane.

Mercury's Treads

Whenever you're playing against high AP team or there is a ton of stuns/slows, I highly recommend buying these boots.


Control wards

Always keep at least 1 Control Ward in your inventory. Vision denial is a huge thing in this game.

Oracle Lens

Similar to the control wards, upon completion of your Spellthief's Edge/ Relic Shield. you should change your trinket to Oracle Lens

Build Path

When it comes to build path I have 2 main builds that I switch between with the occasional situational build where I pickup stuff like Locket of the Iron Solari or some other not so standard item.

My first build is more supporty oriented and it consists of rushing Boots of Lucidity and picking up components to build Imperial Mandate after. Once that's done I grab Shurelya's Battlesong or Echoes of Helia depending on how much range their team has. The next thing I get is an Oblivion Orb and I go into building my next item which is usually Staff of Flowing Water but it can be swapped off for something else such as Ardent Censer or Redemption. After that I can opt to completing Chemtech Putrifier but games usually don't last that long.

2nd most common build I do is a more poke, burst oriented.
I start off by buying tier one boots and building into my Imperial Mandate. I then upgrade my boots to Sorcerer's Shoes and start building Echoes of Helia. If our score is looking good I will buy a Dark Seal as early as possible. Next up I pick up Oblivion Orb once again and build Staff of Flowing Water before completing a Morellonomicon. If I bought Dark Seal I'd upgrade it to Mejai's Soulstealer or if I didn't I would finish off with Rabadon's Deathcap.
Decision making

How do I decide what to build?

Deciding what to build can be tricky sometimes but I'll give you a few example that I take into consideration when it comes to picking my build.

Shurelya's Battlesong

Shurelya is generally a good item to build in 90% of your games. Paired with Imperial Mandate, the movement speed that you provide to allies is extremely strong. This item can be used defensively to kite or aggressively to engage.


Echoes of Helia

Nami is one of the champions that can use Helia the best. It's a good pick-up if the enemy team isn't too tanky and has more melee champions. Extremely good when paired with Sorcerer's Shoes and Imperial Mandate for even more damage.

Moonstone Renewer

Moonstone is one of the two more defensive options. If you feel like you need to buff up your healing definitely consider the Moonstone Renewer+ Redemption combo.


Locket of the Iron Solari

Locket can be an extremely viable option if you're against multiple enemies that do a ton of AOE damage. Can pair with Redemption for AOE heals.

Staff of Flowing Water

Staff is generally always good, as it amplifies your own abilities and ability power. Good rush item if you're paired with an AP botlaner such as Seraphine, Ziggs or have Ezreal or Kai'Sa and etc.


Ardent Censer

Good when paired with hyper carries or champions that use autoattacks alot. Some examples are Vayne, Twitch, Master Yi, Bel'Veth and etc.
The End

Thank you for sticking around! Please don't hesitate to leave your feedback and let me know if there is something more I can add.

I'll eventually create an updated Janna guide as well as maybe Soraka guide somewhere in the close future.

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League of Legends Build Guide Author Bella Starlily
Bella Starlily Nami Guide
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In-Depth Nami Guide

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