Kanye weast mid (wip might not be good) Make kayn mid great again!
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Runes: normal shadow assassin rune setup
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order
The Darkin Scythe (PASSIVE)
Kayn Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
he just uses e to dodge your w poke wont take long for him to realize you HAVE to q away and he gets a free trade win probably should go corrupting and play to rotate once you get boots would probably perma ban
because cat go meow then kayn go zoom P.S.we love cats here
because cat go meow then kayn go zoom P.S.we love cats here
Champion Build Guide
Youmuus Ghostblade:Go this item when you need more map prescence
Serpents fang:only go when they have shields or earth dragon soul
Serylda's Grudge:kind of a must have this patch because they will build armor items but situational because its a good 4th item whiich the game might not last that long
Umbral Glaive:go umbral glaive when you dont need any of the other lethality items
The Collector:go when they have bruisers with high hp like chogath
Edge of Night:Go this item when going into a champ that hasw a cc engage like ahri
Thornmail:for building armor and grievous wounds if they are mostly ap champs dont bother going this item
Chempunk Chainsword:go this item against champs that are ap and heal
Spirit visage good item against ap champs the best item for rhaast that has mr
Steraks Gage:go this item for tankiness with a bonus damage boost would not recommend if they have serpents fang
Deaths Dance:kind of a must have item you dont have to rush it but you really should build it at some point its like triumph but a good ad/armor item also great against burst units need i say more?
Maw of Malmortius:just go against a team with oneshotting ap champs it will save you a lot of health
Frozen heart:go against evasive auto attack champs if they are ranged and you manage to get close to them unless they are like vayne where they can dash often then its a pretty free kill but all in all good paired with muramana
channel link to karasmai
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