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Kha'Zix Build Guide by Jaragas

Top Kha'Zix the hunter of the Beast (S3 updated)

Top Kha'Zix the hunter of the Beast (S3 updated)

Updated on January 11, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Jaragas Build Guide By Jaragas 2,027 Views 0 Comments
2,027 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Jaragas Kha'Zix Build Guide By Jaragas Updated on January 11, 2013
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Kha'Zix
    solo top (don't farm minios, f
  • LoL Champion: Kha'Zix
    Jungle like a boss


Hi, I'm Jargasand this is my first Season three guide on Mobafire. The guide focuses on one of the recent additions to the League, Kha'Zix the Voidreaver. Kha'Zix is a melee assassin, and one of the best duelers in the game. This guide is unfinished and will soon include a jungle guide and more information. Please do not downvote this guide without leaving a reason. Now, without further ado, my Kha'Zix guide!
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Pros / Cons


+ // Dueling skills
+ // Decent lane sustain
+ // Flexible
+ // Great running away power
+ // Is good at all stages of the game
+ // Deadly Ganks
+ // Rengar wants your blood
+ // Tons of damage



- // Requires good positioning
- // Teamfights can be hard
- // Hard to play
- // Focused
- // Squishy
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A vicious Void predator, Kha'Zix infiltrated Valoran to devour the land's most promising creatures. With each kill he absorbs his prey's strength, evolving to grow more powerful. Kha'Zix hungers most to conquer and consume Rengar, the one beast he considers his equal.
When Kha'Zix crossed over into this world, he was fragile and ravenous. The animals he first encountered were too small to fuel the rapid evolution he craved. Kha'Zix focused his hunger on the most dangerous creatures he could find, risking his life to satisfy his need. With each kill he feasted and changed, becoming a stronger, faster predator. Kha'Zix soon chased his prey with unrestrained aggression, believing he was unstoppable. One day, while savoring a fresh kill, the predator became the prey. From cover a creature pounced in a blur of fangs and steel, tackling him to the ground. It roared in his face slashing and clawing, and Kha'Zix felt his blood spill for the first time. Screeching in fury, he sliced at the brute's eye driving it back. They fought from sunset to sunrise. Finally, near death, they reluctantly separated. As his wounds closed, Kha'Zix burned with anticipation at the idea of devouring one who could match the Void's strength. He resumed his search for powerful prey with renewed vigor. Someday, Kha'Zix will feast on Rengar.
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Evolve like Kha'Zix

You should first evolve Taste Their Fear because of the bigger Range of Taste Their Fear and your auto attacks, while also dishing out a lot more damage with Taste Their Fear.

At level 11 it is real important to evolve the E, your Leap, for better chasing and escaping.

At level 16 you can choose between evolving Void Assault or Void Spikes. If you are a skilled player, I would evolve Void Assault, because it is harder to use than the Void Spikes.
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Spells (Toplane)

In Toplane it is important to either take Ignite or Teleport, while usually choosing Ignite, but you will choose Teleport when playing with an ally like Teemo, Zyra Heimerdinger or every other Champion placing minions, even Elise is an option.
You will (almost) always have Flash.
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Spells (Jungle)

In Jungle you will always take smite. for the second spell you can choose Ghost or Exhaust, Exhaust for great ganks and Ghost for unknown ganks combined with your ultimate and better escape skills.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Jaragas
Jaragas Kha'Zix Guide
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Kha'Zix the hunter of the Beast (S3 updated)

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