Very scary champ. I'd recommend him as a ban for nearly everyone right now
Her damage output is very high, but play it safe and yours will be higher. Remember to hold onto your W for her charm
Super high burst and mobility. Sit on barrels and force her to come to you. You'll usually win pokes since your Q > her Q
Annoying as heck! Play it safe. As long as he doesn't have kills, you'll outscale
Like Akali, super high burst, but you can W her Q stun. Use that to all in her if she tries to go after you since you'll usually be able to burst her down first
Just W her stun and you easily outpoke and outsustain her
Aurelion Sol
(This was made before his rework)
High mobility, tons of range, and lots of poke. Barrel timing is everything here. Screw it up and you lose hard
Brand mid isn't too common, but he's a pain since he pokes you a lot more easily than you do the same. You will outburst him later if you play it right.
High damage when she all ins you. Make sure to poke her to hell and back in lane so she can't do that without feeding you. Save your W for her R if it's up.
Scary rn cause of s13 tank changes. Dodge the Q, W his slow, and poke him a lot. After that, just hope you can win trades.
If you know spacing, you can win, but it's still a pretty hard matchup since Darius has insane 1v1 damage output
Dr. Mundo
Almost impossible to win right now. I'd say ban him
He will try to poke and all in you a lot. Save your W and hit him back harder
Like Darius except less about poking and more about baiting out her parry
Akali but with less poke and more all in
High damage and bulkiness, but you make it so her really has no way to get on you unless you play it badly. Take advantage of getting waves and turret plates when he roams
He will try his best to use his Q to get through your barrels and all in you. Use extra barrels to block him off and focus on passive resets to outtrade him
Mini Gnar is a level 5. Big Gnar is a level 2. Don't feed him and you can easily outfarm and outtrade him later
Annoying, and very bulky despite being full AP (most of the time). Try your best to space and poke. Freeze wave and sit on barrels if need be.
Play it safe and bait her W. You can outpoke her very easily if that's down. Sit on barrels for when she tries to go in with E
Oppressive laner, but he can't really kill you if you just be safe about it. Farm off of his turrets with Q for some extra, free gold
Bulky and high damage. Avoid her Q and E best as you can and make sure to be careful of her R when it's up
She can easily kill you., but the same applies for you to her. Just sit on barrels and wait for her to go forward to Q minions. You can easily win trades that way
Very high burst, but you can outtrade him early and easily cleanse his E. If you get ahead, then he will lose
Ranged laners are GP's nightmare, but he can both outpoke and outtrade you with all ins
He'll usually never die and will dash out of your barrels. Catch him up when his dash is down and try to outtrade him with passive resets. If he goes in on you with his R when you're healthy, you will usually kill him first
Same situation with Brand, but she can shield herself, so she's even more annoying
Your poke is much better than his, and your early is better too. Just bully him early and be safe when he hits 6
Sit on barrels and poke when her Q is down. Usually you can kill her if she goes in on you while you're healthy
Bully the heck outta her before she hits 6. If you do it right, she won't be able to do much even when she becomes ranged. If not, you lose the game then
He will always try to all in you, and 9 times outta 10, he'll win that fight. Play it safe and you'll eventually outscale him
Weird lane, but your poke is up way more often than hers, so abuse that fact
Easy lane, just don't panic W her W, and wait until she Rs you
Really annoying, but your poke will outscale hers and she'll almost never hit her full combo since you have W
Just play a farm lane with him. He's all armor so you're never killing him. Be careful of his R.
Pop his passive shield and then spam Qs on him. W his R. Super easy matchup
He can do a lot of damage, but you will always outtrade him and he's forced into getting into your barrels if he wants to have any hope of killing you
Bait his abilities and poke the heck outta him. W his R and you're free
W his W and run away with barrels when he tries to ghost at you with R. Bully him early and then just roam and win the game. He'll still be top, lmao
Like Lux, except she has more cc and faster abilities, meaning she's more annoying and slightly tougher
Like Tryndamere except he has a ranged ability, but can actually be killed. Try your best to avoid his Q, since you can outpoke him if you can
Lots of range and poke, but you outsustain her. Take advantage of her constant early backs and poke her whenever possible
Very, very tanky, and he has knockups, which you can't cleanse. Try to passive reset on him as much as possible and play it safe until you scale enough to kill him
Don't fight him early and be super duper safe about it. Build tank and he can't do much later if you don't feed him
Super easy matchup. Just poke her a ton and then all in with passive
Akali, but slightly easier since you can cleanse her R stun and outtrade her with barrels
Super annoying, but she lacks good scaling compared to most marksmen, so just be safe about it
Be safe about it, and bait out his passive enhance abilities. Don't fight him when he has R
Ultra annoying and a coward's move to play him top. Don't feed and just farm
Basically like Irelia but you have more options and it's actally a really fun matchup despite the fact that RIven players deserve no respect
Really werid matchup, but bait his E charges and block him off from going on you with barrels
Ryze is a monster right now. If you're playing mid, i'd recommend banning him
You don't see Sera mid much, but it's an easy matchup despite her range advantage
You gotta be careful with him, but if he has no kills then he's sort of useless
Farm matchup, though if you can kill him, more power to you
Really really weird matchup since Singed will likely try to proxy you, so simply just take advantage of being left alone in lane. You'll gain more than he will from that
Super tanky with lots of damage, but extremely susceptable to pokes. Just farm FS off of him and prevent him from getting plates, and you can win
You W his E and his combo is ruined, then poke him out
Extreme all in damage, but also super easy to bait into barrels, plus your R is not the best to him since he can't benefit from the upgrades it can get
Very high damage and range plus an executing ultimate. Scary and tough to fight
Tahm Kench
HIgh damage and surviability, but his R is useless against you and you can win trades with passive resets
Annoying, but when her Q is down, she's free to go in on
Watch out for his R and play it safe
Really damn annoying, but he's useless to his team later if you don't feed him
This guy... this fucking guy... just don't. Ever. Really, really hard matchup
Twisted Fate
Easy matchup. Sure he outranges you, but he can't ever Yellow Card you, and you can easily dodge his Q. Most he can do is Blue or Red Card you
Initially scary cause of his tankiness and him being ranged, but too many will get into a mindset of using their R to try and kill you, but you can W out of it and get away and maybe kill him with an ignite + your passive
W out of cage and just poke him
Syndra 2.0
High range, and strong all in. PLay ti safe and poke her with barrels. Try and bait out her fear and her W
Viktor is very annoying and has lots of range, but if you can get on him, you can very easily kill him
Free infinite sustain, can W out of barrels, ranged champ. Disgusting against you
W his Q and just outfight him with passive resets
Don't straigh up fight him. You can super easily poke him and force him into using barrier. Once he hits 6, save your W for his R
Stand on barrels and passive reset him as much as you can. He's still a pretty tough matchup
Syndra 3.0
Easy to bait him into barrels but he has strong autos, and combined with Lethal Tempo, he can still be tough if played poorly
Same as Yasuo, except he can survive you by going into his E and poke you much harder. Once you have Essence Reaver, you can easily pop him though
He can be tough, but you benefit from his pets since one Q will kill them and give you free gold
Zed is Zed. Most know what he's capable of. Just sit on barrels for when he Rs you and ignite, passive auto, and q him and he should die before you do if you're far enough in your build
Ziggs can be annoying, but he's not Syndra 4.0 since he has less defensive options
Very annoying. All there is to say about her really
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