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Malzahar Build Guide by M4LZ4H4R



Updated on February 7, 2019
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League of Legends Build Guide Author M4LZ4H4R Build Guide By M4LZ4H4R 5,914 Views 0 Comments
5,914 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author M4LZ4H4R Malzahar Build Guide By M4LZ4H4R Updated on February 7, 2019
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Recommended Items

Runes: RIVER RUNES (Each of these runes is extremely useful. The "9 ADAPTIVE" and the "15-90 HP" are variable, and can be changed to suit Malzahar's needs (however, the ADAPTIVE DAMAGE is very handy, and is recommended).)

Summon Aery
Manaflow Band

Biscuit Delivery
Time Warp Tonic

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport



First item: CORRUPTING POTION. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It is important to get CORRUPTING POTION first, and to us it often to restore mana. Combined with BISCUIT DELIVERY and TIME WARP TONIC, Malzahar gains plenty of sustain. To augment this further, you can early back to get a DARK SEAL or two. (DARK SEAL - "Passive: +25% increased healing from potions."). At this point in the game, Malzahar should only leave MID LANE to secure a kill.
First Back: DARK WISP (DARK SEAL optional) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aether Wisp is a must, as this builds into RIVER LANE's core item - TWIN SHADOWS. It also augments Malzahar's movement, which is combined with CELERITY and WATER WALKING to grant Malzahar a hefty early movement increase, especially when operating from the RIVER LANE. This is integral to map navigation, allowing Malzahar to traverse the river to any lane, and to dodge opponents with ease. At this point, Malzahar should be leaving lane often to ward and surprise enemy laners, or to help dragon or herald. Malzahar should only be on MID LANE to farm creeps, which should be dealt with as fast as possible, using as little mana as possible. Do not stay MID LANE to fight for any long period, allow the laner to push, so that when Malzahar returns, he has the advantage, and maybe even a JUNGLER too.
Core: DARK SHADOWS (DARK SEAL optional) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- With these items, Malzahar should be able to roam RIVER LANE effectively, keeping it warded and taking advantage of pushed lanes. Keep an eye on MID LANE, as you should at the very least be even with the laner on CREEP SCORE. To do this effectively, keep track of when MINION WAVES arrive on MID LANE.
Last items: DEATHTECH GUNCAP (in build order) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GET TO THE CHOPPER! (GUNBLADE for the Active and the Passive Heal from ALL DAMAGE DEALT)
Bonus Items --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Choose what you want; - Kills: Void, Morello's, Liandry's, Rylai's - Map Control: Nashor's, Lich Bane - "I'm powerful enough now": Zhonya's

Champion Build Guide


River lane is not a thing in League, but this build and the champion that uses it take advantage of certain elements of the game that I like to sum up as being RIVER LANE. Essentially, Malzahar picks MID LANE, and farms mid early. Using the increased speed and healing gained by the muild, and abusing his speedy creep farm times, Malzahar can be in three places at once (well, not literally). Becoming almost a backup Jungler, Malzahar disturbes gameplay on all lanes, providing slows and silences to ADC and TOP Champions. He is also able to help the JUNGLER ward and take key OBJECTIVES. The other advantage to the method of play, is that Malzahar will usually have the element of supprise in combat encounters. By keeping careful check of where the enemy jungler is, Malzahar can keep to the shadows, causing the enemy MID LANE player to be unsure of when to say Malzahar is missing from MID LANE. The key thing to note about this way of playing Malzahar is that he is essentially playing as an assassin once more. He does not need CDR, but benefits greatly from MPEN. Any CDR in the build should be incidental, as it is very low priority for RIVER LANE MALZAHAR.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author M4LZ4H4R
M4LZ4H4R Malzahar Guide
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