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Ability Order
Noxious Slipstream (PASSIVE)
Singed Passive Ability
Singed is a high mobility, support, mid, jungling, melee adc caster, adept at harrass burst damage.
This is a WIP guide, but the basics can alredy be seen.
He does tons of deeps while being tanky
He can splitpush real hard, and roam to teamfights fast.
He is basically Loki
He has an Op taunt attached to his E
He is extremely fun to play
A lot of hard cc can screw you
Mana hungry if you can't use your skills efficiently
You will have to use "/mute all" often
If you can't keep your calm you will lose a lot (like with any champion duh)
Lvl 1 proxy is out of the question since they completely destroyed it in this season. At level 1 you can get like 2 waves instead of the good old 4, and that's nt really enough for anything. However after lvl 3 you can proxy farm just as safe as you did before. Push your lane opponent into his turret, run through, ward up, laugh maniacally while getting all the cs, and run away when they are coming for you.
There are champions who can safely farm under their turret tho, and for them you dont want to proxy. You want to punish them for farming, and kill them if possible. If they are melee, make sure to spread some poison in front of your dieing creeps, so if they walk up to get farm, they take damage.
Try to harrass them with your thunderlords as much as possible.You have 2 combos to do so: run up to them, turn on poison, fling, and aa mid air. At level 2 this should take an enemy to about half health. Keep harrassing them while taking as much farm as possible. When you wanna go ham on them, use your another combo: place your W, and fling them into it. This will root them.
Kill them or force them to back, and while they are gone, proxy to deny them exp and gold. Rinse and repeat for a pissed off enemy and for your joy.
If you don't have to, don't use your tp to get back to lane, tell your bot lane to place some deep wards so you can tp gank them for some easy money. If you see the enemy laner popping tp, try to fling him out of it, so he wastes the tp.
After level 6 don't be shy to use your ult, it has a really low cooldown. If you go ham, pop it. If you think it might saves you, pop it. If your hand is off with a row on the keyboard pop it instead of placing a ward.. but if this happens, you might as well go ham.
There are champions who can safely farm under their turret tho, and for them you dont want to proxy. You want to punish them for farming, and kill them if possible. If they are melee, make sure to spread some poison in front of your dieing creeps, so if they walk up to get farm, they take damage.
Try to harrass them with your thunderlords as much as possible.You have 2 combos to do so: run up to them, turn on poison, fling, and aa mid air. At level 2 this should take an enemy to about half health. Keep harrassing them while taking as much farm as possible. When you wanna go ham on them, use your another combo: place your W, and fling them into it. This will root them.
Kill them or force them to back, and while they are gone, proxy to deny them exp and gold. Rinse and repeat for a pissed off enemy and for your joy.
If you don't have to, don't use your tp to get back to lane, tell your bot lane to place some deep wards so you can tp gank them for some easy money. If you see the enemy laner popping tp, try to fling him out of it, so he wastes the tp.
After level 6 don't be shy to use your ult, it has a really low cooldown. If you go ham, pop it. If you think it might saves you, pop it. If your hand is off with a row on the keyboard pop it instead of placing a ward.. but if this happens, you might as well go ham.
You want to maintain high pressure on your lane, so enemies will try to camp you. If you are doing it right, they won't catch you, waste time, and let your other lanes win. If you do it meh, they will keep catching you, turning your score into 0/10, making you worth less gold than a minion wave, waste time, and let your other lanes win.
You want to maintain the pressure through the whole game, by shoving lanes fast, and roaming to catch out people, and do teamfights. In teamfights try to catch someone with your w+e root combo as an initiation. Most of the time you will be able to ult ghost, run up to them ,and screw one of their carries before they could do anything, deciding the outcome of the fight in an instant. Once you get your rylai's your teamfight potential is even better. You can start a fight, peel for your carries, and disengage if something goes wrong.
Secure objectives by zoning the enemy team making a fool outta them while your team takes on dragons and nashors.
Spam laugh.
You want to maintain the pressure through the whole game, by shoving lanes fast, and roaming to catch out people, and do teamfights. In teamfights try to catch someone with your w+e root combo as an initiation. Most of the time you will be able to ult ghost, run up to them ,and screw one of their carries before they could do anything, deciding the outcome of the fight in an instant. Once you get your rylai's your teamfight potential is even better. You can start a fight, peel for your carries, and disengage if something goes wrong.
Secure objectives by zoning the enemy team making a fool outta them while your team takes on dragons and nashors.
Spam laugh.
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