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Smolder Build Guide by Sephix92

Top My Healthy Drake Destroyer Smolder "Updatet all Lanes and Roles"

Top My Healthy Drake Destroyer Smolder "Updatet all Lanes and Roles"

Updated on March 7, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Sephix92 Build Guide By Sephix92 26,520 Views 0 Comments
26,520 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Sephix92 Smolder Build Guide By Sephix92 Updated on March 7, 2024
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Runes: Standart Runes ADC - MID

1 2 3 4
Taste of Blood
Eyeball Collection
Ultimate Hunter

Manaflow Band
Gathering Storm

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


1 2
Prefer what you like to
LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost


LoL Summoner Spell: Heal



My Preview best setup in my mind
First Item
Choose for more fighting spirit
Setup against Assassins down under
Mid Lane or if you need AP in Team
ADC Down under
My Start on AD stuff

Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

My Healthy Drake Destroyer Smolder "Updatet all Lanes and Roles"

By Sephix92
The Legend of Smolder

" Basicly all what i want to say is:

This Set feel for me the most playable. I was creating this Content to give him all Role Positions. Maybe other Players want try him mid or top and think so too what playstyle they prefer to. This Set is Based for a Long life good CDR and also movement + burst + penetration while combine sorcerys with black cleaver. The Assassin Rune make it work for your casting spells hit critical with sundered sky and move on hit and move on. Last Item is your choose if you like more movement pick Dead Mans Plate , if you like a bit more dmg Pick Statikk Shivv or Rapid Firecannon couse it gives movement and more execute power for distance.

Movement is a big thing in league and spells like his E can be used agressivly and passively. But movement helps you out to rebuild your positioning and also to counter attack. Which makes this healthy hit n run build very dangerous for him. I feel it i have fun with it and my dmg is mostly between 30k - 60k each game. Your not anymore a dead "ADC" which he isnt basicly. He have no attack speed like most adcs in his kit and you want to dominate and also be usefull in teamfights or not? Its my way to do it. Enjoy and have fun.


End of content if you like reading enjoy. Iam maybe not dealing much time in Amazing Screen arts but i would like if i get somtimes a thumb up hehe.

if you like to play Smolder you should like to play with fire.

Drake Awake !

You will do extra magic dmg while stacking his skills up you can burst with Ap Items , but you will still do physical dmg isnt it fun? Normaly you do ap dmg and you burst magic dmg but if you burst him with ap dmg you do Physical dmg even more !...Well his kit is based very complicated burst him with ad but you will have a bad life regeneration burst him with ap and get omnivamp and his E will give you a hot fighting opportunity its more ez and stronger with the items at scale at all... Yeah ap items actually burst harder than ad crit stuff...sad but true story... And now you will see ingame how it feels :S...Thats why smolder is also something like a bruiser good to play with. But hey we want play ADC and dmg up? ... Yeah take the right runes and hit and run ;)...Enjoy my Stuff have fun.

He is able to punish people real quick together with his big mum. His kit is an exploding genius. People think hey nice to battle you up till you press all out of your soul.

Early on you can hold distance with your W and punish them for fighting a sweet little drake.

To get the fire on for the Midgame you should be able to farm quick 125 Souls to enable more powerfull Q spells. So if you support a Smolder please guys stop last hitting to much minions !

But thats not a reason at all smolder is able to farm easily stacks once his fire got enabeled a bit. Now we come to the point how to 1v5.

You always try to play like an assassin around his e and suprise with W Q...
It belongs a lot to your team that smolder dont get punished while doing so much dps...Its worth to protect him couse he gets all game long a hot scaling.

Because we are a good Ablity hitting champion we can increase our Ablitys or we increase our Attack Speed. Both works fine also to combine it.

Because lot of runes are early good and late bad i woulld recommened you to play with will also get a feeling how to play with pta and your ablitys over time...

Have fun and enjoy lovely!

I would play him a bit like an assassin. Its easy to suprise enemys while walldashing.

Good Combo for example : W 99% your opener - E ATK - Q - ATK
Smart Trades in range : Q Auto back W auto E auto Q auto etc...

I have tryed many Crit and Full AD Stuff on him. It doesnt felt very OP after all even if you hit your Stacks...I would prefer atm basicly to burst him with AP stuff and runes. With better spell hit movement you will get better fights between hit and run from close combat into distance.

Smolder dmg is huge but he realy have a magical problem in his kit. His Basic AD isnt that best compared to other adc´s and his ablitys always Scale with AD + AP and he also do to much magic dmg in the reason that your heal will never be that OP like adcs that got ablitys skills that burst attack speed and ad dmg more than he does.

Omnivamp is the smart healing he needs at its best. Riot changed so much healing stuff in league that it isnt worth at all to scale it for Smolder. I hope you like what i have tryed out and collected together in this thread.

Enjoy and have fun. If i find better stuff to compile i will upgrade this thread.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Sephix92
Sephix92 Smolder Guide
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