If you can dodge Q's and take good trades you'll be fine, but if he's fed there's very little you can do.
Her burst damage is very scary. I highly recommend electrocute and tenacity. Try and sidestep charm and you'll win. Kinda play with fire here.
Having played both, I've never lost as Akali. Very volatile, first kill normally wins. You'll win pre-6, but then she can 100-0 you post-6. Dodge E and try and ult when she's in her shroud. ONLY ULT IF SHE'S LOW, OR HAS NO E!!!!!!!
An incredibly good lane bully and should hard counter you. He outroams and outdamages you. Just stay back and scale, try and get fed somewhere else.
Likely won't see him midlane. If you do be careful of his full ap oneshot. In a team he's just annoying as hell, knocking you away or up. Wait for him to use all cc before ulting.
Same problem with Alistar, if he hits you with a q or r it's very difficult to outplay it. Unlike Alistar he has actual stuns and not knockups. Run double tenacity if you can.
I don't like this champion at all. Pre-6 if you dodge stun you'll win, but post-6 you have to dodge stun and oneshot her or you're screwed. Will outdamage you if you miss your combo and don't instakill her.
One of the hardest counters to you. Take boneplating, can fight her lvl 3 if she uses stun. Post 6 try and dodge tibbers. Without tibbers she doesn't have too much kill threat, but can 100-0 you any time post 6. NEVER GO IN WHEN SHE HAS STUN.
Pay attention to what items, sums, and guns he has. Heal or exhaust can be difficult for you to deal with, but most likely if you can't kill phel reliably the game is just over anyways. A oneshot or likely be oneshot adc.
Annoying but nothing major. You have enough mobility to not get perma slowed. Just watch the ult and you should be fine. Don't get caught without E.
Aurelion Sol
Try and E his ultimate post-6. Ping the hell out of your lanes if he's gone, his roams are incredibly effective and frightening. look to engage on him with poke while he q's and e's wave.
Essentially an ADC but in the midlane. He can't kill you but it's hard for you to kill him. He'll poke you but just grit your teeth through it. Go for trades if he steps on daggers. Look for roams as you are much stronger in small fights than him.
This relies on how many items he has and how good the bard player is. Generally though he's too squishy for you to not kill him and his cc isn't reliable enough for you to care that much.
Her dashes and E are just too much sometimes. Very difficult to fight unless she wastes LITERALLY EVERYTHING on someone else. she out damages you and her E negates all your burst.
Depends on his team. His hook can be annoying but it's mostly his knockup because of the point and click. Respect him but don't be frightened. His pull can actually help you too if you're super fed ahead and he pulls you into their team.
Dodge stun and you win, but post-6 he can just press R and your HP is gone. Similiar to Anivia, instakill and dodge cc or you're screwed. Not as bad in lane though, but still very annoying.
No one plays him, but his kit can counter you hard. His shield blocks your q and r, and his stuns and knockup can ruin you.
Depends on what her build is. If she's lethality, wait for her E and try to oneshot her. If she's bruiser, then good luck. She'll outdamage you with her E and stun, while she heals more than you deal.
As long as you dodge her traps you should be okay. Just don't get poked down too hard before you can engage. Try to engage in a nontelegraphed way.
BRAWLER! Depends how far ahead she is, but can be devastating. Her damage is high and can oneshot you, while her R locks you down and you can't counter it.
You don't see her that much, and often times they're bad. Don't be fooled, she's one of your biggest counters. Don't dash in when she has her miasma out. Dodge her q's whenever you can. You can fight her, but be careful to dodge everything.
TIP: If you look away from her when you ult, your ult counts as you looking away from her, so if she ults you it won't stun.
You need to go full health damage, with bork and divine. He's too tanky for you to do much but his knockups and silence can be horrible for you in fights.
BRUISER! Can literally auto you to death. In lane you can only really poke with q, and never go in unless you can kill. You have to pray he's bad or you can pick up kills elsewhere.
Never seen, but he's actually a monster right now. His damage is really high and he's a very safe character in lane. Hard to kill and scales well.
I hate this. Her W and Q with passive will always out damage you. Save E for her ult, and only ult when she doesn't have ult. Try and go in when W is down. Bad matchup overall. Take conqueror.
Dr. Mundo
Similar to Chogath, you have to go full HP damage, but even worse. His ult heals him too much for you to kill, his cleaver damage and E are too good, and he's incredibly hard to kite. This is a "pray your adc is a tank shredder".
Depends if botlane fed him. Dodge his E before you ult so it doesn't get interrupted. Problem is that if he's fed, you can't oneshot or he'll oneshot you. Be careful, but you should win if you dodge E.
Dodge his stun and you should be alright. W when he jumps on you and try to trade back aggressively. Do not underestimate him.
If you can dodge his E, you should win , but his burst is insane and can completely dodge yours.
A classic counter mage. He is far too tanky for you to kill and outdamages you with Q and passive. Take conqueror and try to pick up kills elsewhere.
KAT CAT! KAT CAT! She gives movement speed, healing, shielding, slows enemies, and summoner spells. Nothing better. And unlike other supports, she doesn't have to deal with trying to keep up with you.
KAT CAT! KAT CAT! She gives movement speed, healing, shielding, slows enemies, and summoner spells. Nothing better. And unlike other supports, she doesn't have to deal with trying to keep up with you.
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