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Choose Champion Build:
top lane massive ad/crit/armor
fast jungle nocturne
Season 5 jungle
Recommended Items
Ability Order
Umbra Blades (PASSIVE)
Nocturne Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
very hard match-up.your [[shroud of darkness]] will only block one of her q play safe in early.only go for safe kills
my name is KING_MORISA and this is my first guide on Mobafire.I hope it doesn't suck so much,if it looks like sh*t!This guide trains you to rape the enemies and dominate them.I hope i can help some players to improve their skills with noc.HF!
P.S:it would be great if u give me a feedback,so that i can improve my guide.i will think of your ideas.Everything i marked in red is important.

-noturnes passive deals a nice dmg in early and heals you.But make always sure to use it in the middle of an minion wave for maximate the heal ouput
-he is one of the best farmes in lol i have ever seen:only use your duskbringer and the passive in the midlle of the wave and u have killed tho whole wave
-very nice wave clear:use your q together with your ravenous
-high dmg ouput
-very high mobility cause of q bonus movement speed
-he has only one skillshot
-his strenth doesn't depend on the items you build
-ult can be used defensive becasue it will reduce the enemy vision for 4 sec
-need in early need much mana without blue
-can shut down fast by cc
-in teamfights fast killed if not much hp
-needs good timing with team mates for engage with ult
-u need to learn when use ultimate
-long cd's
What is the jgler supposed to do??
- Object Control(Bigger Buffs:Bluegalf,red buff,Drake,Nash)
- Warding(==>
- Ganking(Weak lanes,Counter ganks,Flash Loses)
in the early game these runes are the best choice for nocturne.
Greater Seal of Armor Penetration and the greater quintessence of armor penetration are very useful against the top lane tank and it synergizes with build(
Youmuu's Ghostblade and
Black Cleaver.
U should also take the
Greater Seal of Armor,because in each game is one champ who deals a source of physical dmg.
the scaling MR is only for reducing the magic dmg from the mid laner ,for example
A little bit ad is always useful thats why u should take four
Greater Glyph of Attack Damage and it deals togeher with your passive
Umbra Blades in early game massive dmg and in the late game a good bit of healing.

U should also take the

the scaling MR is only for reducing the magic dmg from the mid laner ,for example
A little bit ad is always useful thats why u should take four

-i recommend the
Greater Quintessence of Attack Speed because your
Umbra Blades can be used much oftnener with them
-u always need armor in jungle thats why the i pick
Greater Seal of Armor
-actually u can also take some scaling mr glyphs but only if there's one champ that deals heavy magic dmg,and even then, in early u only kill the jungle camps and dont lane
-for the late game i always choose one greater greater quintessence of armor penetration,because it supplements with
The Brutalizer
-this is the same reason for the greater mark of armor penetration
-ad can help u always in each part of the game,except in early Thats why i had chosen the
Greater Glyph of Attack Damage

-u always need armor in jungle thats why the i pick

-actually u can also take some scaling mr glyphs but only if there's one champ that deals heavy magic dmg,and even then, in early u only kill the jungle camps and dont lane
-for the late game i always choose one greater greater quintessence of armor penetration,because it supplements with

-this is the same reason for the greater mark of armor penetration
-ad can help u always in each part of the game,except in early Thats why i had chosen the

These runes are very Special/offensive,so be always aware of the match up:
*AD is for an jungler with ad scaling essential
*The same is valid for the defensvie side or your runes
Means:Armor is smth u cant renoucne on as a jungler
- Vs ap jungler these runes arent useful,cause their ap will nearly do true dmg
- Vs ad jungler these runes this runes are quite good
- These runes are actually made for and power farm and offensive designed so u dont have to recall very often
- Even Yellowstar is using the same tactic:Instead of mr he picks some other offensive runes to gain more burst or in the jungle the farm speed
*AD is for an jungler with ad scaling essential
*The same is valid for the defensvie side or your runes
Means:Armor is smth u cant renoucne on as a jungler
i already said that this guide is about an ad
Nocturne thats why i chose all those offensive items.This doesnt means you can go full ad.It's very important to know that u are an asissin.Look in your team:if there's a tank or two u are allowed to build full ad.But if there's no one u have normally go tank,even then it doesn't ristrict your dmg output.It's still very high.This means your dmg doesn't depend on your build.But if your Team isnt so tanky this doesnt mean you Need to go full tank or at least not offensive.Just adjust your items to the aspects of the enemie Teams,f.e. purchase some hp vs burst,etc.
You will see it makes sense to build and Play
Nocturne like I'm tryin to explain.

You will see it makes sense to build and Play

-in lvl 1 it is the best to skill the

-skill your e spell only once in early ,because apart from the fear it's useless.Max it last.
-first of course u max your

-with noc u skill first your

-like on top your max first your q
m-in jungle you can also train the ability

-in my opinion
Flash is the best sum for noc,because it gives u bonus mobility u can escape over walls.Additionally u can secure a kill if your enemie flashes out when,u use
Unspeakable Horror.If u flash straight to him your e spell will fear him neverthless.
-ignite can be combinated with you ult to catch fleeing enemies.
-in jungle
Smite is a must have
-exhaust is also a possibility with noc top/jungle

-ignite can be combinated with you ult to catch fleeing enemies.
-in jungle

-exhaust is also a possibility with noc top/jungle
-try to harass your enemies with passive
Umbra Blades.
-use your skillshot(q spell) to interrupt and disturb the enemies from farming.But u shouldn't spam cause of the high mana costs.
-if u have to play defensive try to form a line between a low minion and the enemie and then shoot your shadow blade,to get the creep and deal dmg on the enemie
-noc is good in besieging low enemies and towers:u can ward up close by a tow and if there's a low enemie shoot in him your
Duskbringer,if that isnt enough dive him with
-dont use your shield too early!only use it when u are very sure that the enemie is going to conjure an important spell like ult

-use your skillshot(q spell) to interrupt and disturb the enemies from farming.But u shouldn't spam cause of the high mana costs.
-if u have to play defensive try to form a line between a low minion and the enemie and then shoot your shadow blade,to get the creep and deal dmg on the enemie
-noc is good in besieging low enemies and towers:u can ward up close by a tow and if there's a low enemie shoot in him your

-dont use your shield too early!only use it when u are very sure that the enemie is going to conjure an important spell like ult
farm,farm,farm till u cant anymore EACH champ is useless without much creeps,especiallynoc.However, he is in my opinion the most amazing farmer in lol.
- only last hit in early,but when u are low attack the minions more often to get your passive faster,when possible use it on all minions
- Noc's jungle is in the late game so fast:there is no champ that can clean up the jungle
camps like noc - You should also have much creeps to stack your Devourer,actually its the same as the phareal flare,because it will deal magic dmg with each basic attack
In my opinion Noctunre is my favourite jungler.
He does not have big weaknesses and is not so hard to play.
Even tankyness will be reached through building taank items.
He is in my opninion a well rounded jungler,whiich can be also played on lanes.
I thinks its a shame that he isnt played very often,although he is definetly suitable for lcs.
He does not have big weaknesses and is not so hard to play.
Even tankyness will be reached through building taank items.
He is in my opninion a well rounded jungler,whiich can be also played on lanes.
I thinks its a shame that he isnt played very often,although he is definetly suitable for lcs.
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