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Rammus Build Guide by Tnock

Jungle Omni vamp Rammus (Season 11)

Jungle Omni vamp Rammus (Season 11)

Updated on December 27, 2021
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Tnock Build Guide By Tnock 16 2 73,110 Views 3 Comments
16 2 73,110 Views 3 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Tnock Rammus Build Guide By Tnock Updated on December 27, 2021
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Runes: More Healing

1 2
Shield Bash

Sudden Impact
Ravenous Hunter

+8 Ability Haste
+6 Armor
+6 Armor


1 2 3
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

Omni vamp Rammus (Season 11)

By Tnock
Hi I'm Anton
and I'm playing league since season 6.
I'm not a Rammus otp but I played a lot of games with him.
I really like funny synergies in lol and on of my favourites is this one.

This Rammus build is all around his interaction with Omni vamp.
This interaction means when you attack a Rammus with Omni vamp, his W on and Thornmail, he will actually heal himself.

Whenn you are playing Omni Vamp Rammus you are aiming for Stats like Omni Vamp, Armor, Magic penetration and Healing Booster (like Spirit Visage).
Pros / Cons

It is very funny when you hit your powerspike.

You are basically invincible when you are fighting in an enemy minion wave.


You have a lots of counters (Healing reduction, Armor penetration/ reduction, Magic resistence)

You will probably don't win the game.

I go first to the Resolve tree and then take Aftershock as my Keystone because of the extra armor from it.

The next rune is a bit difficult but I decided to take Shield Bash. Now you can't activate Shield bash by yourself but when you get a Shield from Orianna, Braum or Taric you can get extra Armor.
If you don`t have any shielding allies you can build Gargoyle Stoneplate for the shield.

After that I get Conditioning because of the extra armor.

The last rune of the first rune tree should be Revitalize because it will increase the healing.

My second rune tree is the Domination tree. I pick Sudden Impact for some extra Magic Penetration after Flash.

The last rune should be Ravenous Hunter because of the Omni Vamp effect.
Summoner Spells
For Jungle Smite and Flash

For the Lane Teleport and Flash. Teleport is good because this is a very expensive Item build so you need a lot of Gold and Teleport is helping you to have a better wave control.

Exhaust is also a good option if the enemy team has a lot of damage.
The Standard Items are:

Riftmaker (because of the Omni Vamp)

Thornmail (because of the Thorns passive and the Armor)

and Spirit Visage (because of the Healing Boost).

The best boots are Plated Steelcaps or Sorcerer's Shoes. I am not completly sure what is better but I would take Plated Steelcaps, because you get already a lot of Magic Penetration from Riftmaker.

The next Items are variable but you should build Armor or Magic penetration.

It is very important that you don't buy Frozen Heart because it slows the enemy attack speed and the enemy attack speed is your main damage source.

Other good Item is Abyssal Mask because you do more AP Damage with it so you can increase your passive and thornmail.

Supportive Items like Redemption and Mikael's Blessing give good stats and increased Heal and Shield Power which increases the Omnivamp-Healing.
Maxing Defensive Ball first gives you early the bonus Armor.

Maxing Powerball first gives you a good gank potential in the early game.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Tnock
Tnock Rammus Guide
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Omni vamp Rammus (Season 11)

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