Conqueror, ignite, D shield, take rune NO.3.
*skill matchup*
akali is a really interesting matchup, mostly a skill matchup. try to avoid her Shuriken Flip(E) and poke from max range Q, try to bait her Twilight Shroud(W) and then engage her, You can block her E2 with Aegis Assault(E). After level 6 its alot harder to kill her so try to push to help your jg or mid when necessary.
Conqueror, tp, D blade, take rune NO.2.
* Hard matchup*
This matchup is pain in the a*s, but there is a way to win it.
Try to max range poke with Q, and dont let him "Obliterate"(Q) you aspecialy an isolated one.
engage only after he's Q on cooldown and take short trades .
best u can do is to kill hit pre 6 just help your jg or mid when possible.
PTA, tp,D shield, take rune NO.4.
heimer is just farm bot that sits under his turrets, best u can do is ask your jg to gank u.
(without his turrets he's just a chubby hamster, no bit deal).
Roam the map for kills and help your team.
Conqueror, ignite, D blade, take rune NO.3.
*Hard matchup*
All i can tell about this monkey is his R will cancel your W really HARD to engage on. wait for your jg to gank u.
(pre 6 u can try to solo kill him).
Conqueror, ignite, D blade, take rune NO.3.
*Hard matchup*
Try to poke him to almost dismount, pop his lizard pet with your Q, and then follow up with your W after he's dismounted. Try to E his Violent Tendencies(W) autos.
personally i take rune NO.2 but NO.1,3 and 4 will do as well.ignite and D blade.(look for one that fit your game-style)
*skill matchup*
try to avoid his Mourning Mist(E) and poke him when u can, after level 6 kill his wife(Maiden) and try to hold your Shield Vault(W) to jump over his Dark Procession(W) to stun him or escape(stun a minion or something outside his W). he's not a big deal untill he gets more then 1 item so try your best to bully him as much as u can
Conqueror, ignite,D blade, take rune NO.3.
*Favorable for pantheon*
avoid his The Darkin Blade(Q) at least the last 2 and buy EXECUTIONER'S CALLING firstly.
If he's Q2 gonna land on u Shield Vault(W) him.
And block his Q3 if u need to with your Aegis Assault(E).
poke him non-stop and u gonna win him.
PTA, ignite, D shield, take rune NO.1.
*Favorable for pantheon*
poke from max range Q and engage him when u got empowerd W or 4 passive stacks so u can Shield Vault(W) stun him and blow his face of with a empowered Q
Dr. Mundo
for this matchup runes NO.2,3,4 are good, take ignite and D shield.
*Skill matchup*
You have to dominate him early. your best chance wining him is buying
EXECUTIONER'S CALLING first and backing it up with BotRK, Hide behind your wave and don't let him Infected Bonesaw(Q) you. After his first 2 items dont try to kill him anymore and just try to end the game before level 16 as fast as u can.
Conqueror, ignite,D blade, take rune NO.2.
*Favorable for pantheon*
darius is mostly a easy matchup,
dont let him 5-4 bleed u and if he did, back with empowerd E so u get some ms to escape.
stun Shield Vault(W) his Decimate(Q) and u can wait for him to use his Crippling Strike(W) on a minion to all-in him or just trade really hard.
u can block his Noxian Guillotine(R)
with your Aegis Assault(E) but watchout for R-flash u behind your back.
for this matchup all rune NO.1,2,3,4 are good,spells for your choice with D shield.(look for one that fit your game-style)
*Easy for pantheon*
He's E poke u through minions.
When he even thinking of farming poke him in the face with Q.
Avoid getting hit by his Q, and after level 6 be careful from his ult (around 400+ TD DMG with ult level 1) so u won't get FEAST(R) by him.
there is nothing special about him just play and chill
for this matchup all rune NO.1,2,3 are good, take ignite and D blade.(look for one that fit your game-style)
*skill matchup*
avoid her empowerd Precision Protocol(Q) and u can Shield Vault(W) her Tactical Sweep(W). try to kill her as much as you can before late game.
Conqueror, ignite, D blade, take rune NO.2.-respect fiora-.
*skill matchup*
Her W parry counters your W, so you need to bait her or come super close so she wont be able to react to it. NEVER blindly engage into her with Shield Vault(W). The way of wining her is to poke with max range Q and freeze under turret so u can hard-trade without fearing to get Deleted by her. stay close to walls while she ults and pre 6 abuse your power against her.
PTA, ignite, D shield, take rune NO.1.
*Skill matchup*
A good gangplank will try his best to barrel u non-stop, Your strongest point is his weakest point. His early game is weak so u need to kill him as much as u can
rune NO.1,2.spell on your choice with D blade.(look for one that fit your game-style).
*Favorable for garen*
best u can do is to farm and poke him, after level 6 watchout because his Decisive Strike(Q) silence u so he can ult u without fearing from your Aegis Assault(E).
roam the map and help your team if possible
PTA, ignite,D shield, take rune NO.4.
*Favorable for pantheon*
avoid his big form and do quick trades with W-Q.
Good option is to engage with 4 stacks W and follow it up with
Empowered Q.
PTA, ignite, D shield take rune NO.4.
always try to be the first one to engage.
*Favorable for pantheon*
dont get hit by his E-Q combo
and the better engager wins
for this matchup runes NO.1,2 are good,take ignite and D blade. (look for one that fit your game-style)
*Favorable for pantheon*
You can make his life a hell by poking non-stop with your Q.
he can jump stun you so be ready with Aegis Assault(E) to block incoming DMG
Conqueror, ignite,D blade, take rune NO.2.
*skill matchup*
dont get hit by Flawless Duet(E)
and poke her with Q.
play aggressive but not too much( dont w. pre 6 you're too strong for her unless u do some really hard mistake.
Conqueror, ignite,D blade, take rune NO.2.
*Favorable for illaoi*
Stay behind minions so she won't be able to hit her test of spirit(E).
If she missed it engage immediately.
Destroy her tentacles time to time and if she ults you back with your E and wait for it to end. Poke her when she try to last hit minions and don't fight her till her E is on cooldown.
for this matchup all rune NO.1,2,3 are good take what you prefer with ignite and D blade.
*Easy for pantheon*
(look for one that fit your game-style)
just watchout for her 4 stack Snip Snip!(Q) and u good to go.
for this matchup runes NO.1,2. are good, i prefer ignite and D shield.(look for one that fit your game-style)
*Hard matchup*
Never engage his W.
Poke him with Q and back a bit when his Q3 is ready. Bro is too much
After level 6 so push/crash the waves so u can roam the map for team fights/ objectives and kills when possible.
PTA,TP,D shield, rune NO.4.
*Really Hard matchup*
if the karma got more then 1 brain cell its gg for u. its a nightmare matchup and personally she's my perma ban.
Focus on farm and roams.
PTA, ignite,D shield, take rune NO.1.
*Easy matchup*(until level 11).
poke from max range Q and engage her when u got empowered W or 4 passive stacks so u can Shield Vault(W) stun her and desrtoy her, its a easy lane till level 11 and im not even talking about 16.
end the game as fast as u can.
PTA, ignite,D shield , take rune NO.1.
*Skill matchup*
try to hide behind the wave and quick trade with W-Q combo.
its more of a annoying matchup rather hard. do your best to avoid getting 3 stacks on u and u good to go.
PTA, tp,D shield, take rune NO.1.
bro is rock solid...
*Really Hard matchup*
best you can do to kill him is to poke with max range Q and quick trades with stun. hope for a gank from the gods of jg.
after he buys some armor just go roam the map and help your team
for this matchup runes NO.2,3 are good take tp and D shield.(look for one that fit your game-style).
*Hard matchup*
This matchup is a passive one.
Block his W's AA with your E(don't W his W) and rush for BotRK or eclipse try to engage after he used his E (preferred with jg)
U can cancel his ult by stunning him right before his R2(mini dash).
after level 6 start pushing the wave and roam the map to focus on objectives and help you team.
for this matchup runes NO.3,4 are good, take ignite and D blade.(look for one that fit your game-style).(Bone plating recommend)
*skill matchup*
Punish him with Q when he try to farm and wait for him to miss(or dodge it)his undertow(Q) for a easier fight/trade.
When he ult back from him with empowered E or W a far standing minion if possible.
Pre 6 u can use your E to block his E or Q for better trade's.
for this matchup runes NO.2,3 are good, take ignite and D blade.(look for one that fit your game-style).
*Favorable for nasus*
He will ignore you and farm under turret...
He's not a big threat until 100+ Q stacks so buy EXECUTIONER'S CALLING first back to make his life even harder.
U can block one of his Q later to reduce his DMG because it's his main source of attack's.
for this matchup runes NO.3,4 are good, take ignite and D blade.(look for one that fit your game-style).(Bone plating recommend)
*Favorable for sett*
His facebreaker(E) can cancel your W so don't engage from max range or bait it out for easier fight.
Hold your E to block his haymaker(W).
Avoid long term fights and remember his W&E have long cooldowns(E 16-10 sec and W 18-12 sec)
For the note:
*I mean 18 sec at level 1 W and 12 for level 5 W.same with E)*.
Look for his cooldowns to engage.
After 6 he can ult you to his turret so don't stand between them.
for this matchup runes NO.3,4 are good, take ignite and D blade.(look for one that fit your game-style).(Bone plating recommend)
*Favorable for renekton*
Put a eye when he uses his E(dash) and W(stun) because they both have 16 sec cooldown at ability level 1.
When he engages on you be ready to block his W with your E so u only get stunned, and if you're lucky even his Q
Pre 6 you can win him easily.
after 6 it's hard.
But at 2 items consider to focus on farm and help your team when possible.
for this matchup runes NO.2,3 are good, take ignite and D blade.(look for one that fit your game-style).
*skill matchup*
The "skill matchup" here is more to her then to us, A REALLY good riven will win this but we talking about a normal to good one so...
Like we love and do, poke her every time she think she can last hit minions.
After she Q 2 times be ready to block/back the Q3 one.
Try to avoid long term fights by quick trading with W-Q and punish her with Q&AA if she follows you.
Best to call jg for a early gank to be sure winning it.
for this matchup runes NO.2,3 are good, take ignite and D blade.(look for one that fit your game-style).
*Favorable for pantheon*
Use you W on his decimating smash(Q) From the side or when he start to charge it so u don't get stunned and he will.
constantly Q and AA him to force him to back. good item choice against him can be BotRK and eclipse because of the % DMG.
for this matchup runes NO.1,2. are good, i prefer ignite and D shield.(look for one that fit your game-style)
singed is a clown untill his first item,
he probebly will proxy you so wait for it and walk with the wave or ask your jg to start top side.
try to avoid a police run after him
and poke stun whenever you can
(late game you have no chance)
for this matchup runes NO.2,3 are good, take ignite and D blade.(look for one that fit your game-style).*Favorable for pantheon*
shen can block you empowerd W
with his Spirit's Refuge(W) so bait it out. if he gets his sword through you back for abit if possible. He can E(dash with taunt) so Aegis Assault(E) backwards to avoid DMG.
BotRK is a good option here.
Tahm Kench
for this matchup runes NO.2,3 are good, take tp and D shield.(look for one that fit your game-style).
*Hard matchup*
You have 2 ways:
1.Don't fight, focusing on farm, roam to kill and help your team.
2.First back u have to buy EXECUTIONER'S CALLING and quicksilver so he won't be able to heal a lot and ult u.
Stay behind minions to avoid getting hit by his tongue lash(Q).
Go skills leveling page NO.2 and first item BotRK.
If he try to run away with his W,
Shield Vault(W) him to cancel it.
for this matchup runes NO.2,3 are good, take ignite and D blade.(look for one that fit your game-style).
*Favorable for trundle*
Fight him after he used his Q on minion, buying EXECUTIONER'S CALLING can be really helpful against his passive and future items.
Always plan on quick trade's if possible.
And after 6 don't cross the middle of the lane to avoid all-in from him.
Eclipse really helpful for quick trade's so note it.
for this matchup runes NO.2,3 are good, take ignite and D blade.(look for one that fit your game-style).
*skill matchup*
While fighting him combine AA with Q
And stun(W) if he E to u.
Avoid fighting when he uses W by E back or stun(W) and backing.
(add some AA and Q to maximize your DMG from this kind of quick trades).
*(JJK reference)*
-In a 5 seconds following a ult activation tryndamere is effectively immortal- empowered E or ult from him if possible. in other cases he probably gonna kill you if u waisted your E/R so watch out for it.
runes NO.2,4. are good for this matchup take ignite and D shield (look for one that fit your game-style).*skill matchup*
he can Sanguine Pool(W) your W
so bait it out or get close to him so he want be able to react to it.
back from his empowered Q(it's when his "mana" bar is red).
First back u have to buy EXECUTIONER'S CALLING.
poke and pressure him before he gets 1-2 items.
PTA, ignite,D shield ,take rune NO.4.
*skill matchup*
Poke her with max range Q till level 3,
Then u can try to engage with your W and see if she react to it by E'ing you away.if she did, now her E on
cooldown for 20 sec and it's enough time to engage again with your W.
Keep distance too not get hit too often with AA's. Don't hug walls so u won't kiss walls by her E.
for this matchup runes NO.1,3 are good.D shield and tp(look for one that fit your game-style).
*Favorable for urgot*
if he lands even once his Disdain(E)
You're dead or really close to be
So avoid it at all cost.
If you see u can't dodge it, cast your
Aegis Assault(E) backwards so after the flip you'll face him.
If he used his E punish him as hard as u can.
"Just for the note" - it is possible to fully block his R execution by:
Situation 1-NOT running too far from him and instantly pressing E when his ult hits u(if u were low already).
It's annoying matchup and you better just farm and roam.
Conqueror, ignite,D blade, take rune NO.2.
*Favorable for pantheon*
remove his passive shield before engaging, you're stronger then him but respect his DMG and Q3.
you can freely all-in him if u poke him to half health with your Q.
u can stun him right before he
E-Q3 u so he wont plip u up and after level 6 his ult will almost always spawn him behind your back so Aegis Assault(E) it if u can react to it.
(he can bait your E this way so Pay attention).
Conqueror, ignite,D blade, take rune NO.2.
*Favorable for pantheon*
dont Shield Vault(W) him when his Q3 ready.
in a long term fight, block his E's repeating DMG if possible and if u poke him to half health and then all-in him. respect his DMG and avoid his Q3-R combo by backing or blocking it.
for this matchup runes NO.1,2. are good,D blade.(look for one that fit your game-style).*Favorable for pantheon*
Avoid getting hit by his E2(stand behind minions) and punish him when he try to last hit minions.
After Abit of pokes wait for him to use at least 1 ability(most preferred W or E) and engage with ignite.
When he takes your ult just be ready to follow up or abuse his roam to destroy the lane.
PTA, ignite,D blade ,take rune NO.1,4.
*Hard matchup*
TOO MUCH HEAL, you must get a EXECUTIONER'S CALLING as fast as you can.
farm and poke him with your Q(at the same time if possible) do your best to avoid long fights.
DONT engage him unless you have some backup from your jg or supp.
use your E wisely, pre 6 you can try to block his Q, and after 6 ww usually ult's you when you run away/they low on health so try to predict it.
(overall there is no specific pattern he can just randomly ult you so just be ready.)
For this matchup, runes NO.1,4 are recommended. Take Ignite and Doran's Blade (look for one that fit your game-style).
*Skill matchup*
He can't E you through minions, so play around it. His passive heals him with every ability, so consider buying EXECUTIONER'S CALLING early.
Poke him as much as possible with your Q. Wait for him to use his W or Q on a minion or you, so at least one of his abilities will be on cooldown (preferably W).
If played correctly, you can win the lane, but every mistake can result in you getting bursted down.
a good thresh is a pure gold for you.
you can freely jump 1v3 without fearing getting killed thanks to his W
his jg and supp. kinda good for u
its yummi, just yummi.
Nunu & Willump
weee windowsss
very good ganks
very good ganks
non-stop stuns and it can even gank you sometime
really like the early ganks and dives
lulu stuff, squirrel and shield
free spell shield, why not
a good thresh is a pure gold for you.
you can freely jump 1v3 without fearing getting killed thanks to his W
Pantheon, my very first OTP champion, holds a special place in my heart, and I couldn't be happier about it. Since I began playing League of Legends around 2021, I've dedicated countless hours to mastering Pantheon's abilities, accumulating an impressive 250,000 mastery points on him thus far. Yet, my journey with Pantheon is far from over; in fact, I have no intentions of slowing down anytime soon. With each game, I delve deeper into the intricacies of his gameplay, honing my skills and strategies to perfection. Join me on this adventure, and together, let's conquer the Rift!
From the lore point of view, he's gigachad.
From the game,same
Pantheon is a early bully champ.
Pre 6 you almost win anything, but it doesn't mean you need mindedly jump on the enemy(most of the times).
*(I'll add pictures of runes, items and different combo video later on.Its still in progress)*
here are some abillity order(combos):
Champions like Akshan, Vladimir, and Jayce often use it for quick trades. Its main purpose is to close the gap between you and your opponent swiftly. This allows you to activate Press the Attack (PTA) or stack Conqueror for a strong burst of damage, getting you ready for a fight or a quick escape.
here's another example but this time with the use of his (Aegis Assault)E
same combo but this time i add my E so if the enemy planing to attack i wont get damaged. (use it when the enemy try to land a skillshot or chase after you).
Pulling off the cancel animation combo as Pantheon is rare but effective sometimes, especially against champs like Aatrox
matchup tier list
What I think about Pantheon?
Eclipse Eclipse stands out as one of the best items for Pantheon, owing to its burst damage and shielding capabilities. With this item, the pressure exerted on the enemy skyrockets, enabling Pantheon to engage in riskier fights and execute short trades with the prowess of a true warrior. In my opinion, Eclipse is a must-have item, regardless of the chosen build .
Sundered Sky provides a critical hit along with a good amount of healing. When purchasing this item in combination with Eclipse, our initial attack becomes a critical strike, followed by a burst of 8% maximum health physical damage and a shield. This synergy creates a deadly combination of items. .
Spear of Shojin The Spear of Shojin's bonuses, offering 3% increased damage per stack (up to 4) and 15 Ability Haste for abilities (excluding ult), align perfectly with Pantheon's playstyle. Given his heavy reliance on abilities, this item provides a significant damage boost, making it an ideal choice.
blade of the ruined king Blade of the Ruined King (BotRK) allows you to effectively fight against high-health champions, demolishing them with its 12% current health bonus damage. While it may be considered a situational item, it truly shines when given the chance. The 30% slow applied by the first basic attack for 1 sec can be instrumental in helping us land our Q(Comet Spear) ability more easily. Overall, BotRK's combination of percentage health damage, slow, and utility makes it a potent choice for Pantheon when facing tanky opponents
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