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Mordekaiser Build Guide by Vajeja

Jungle [Patch 11.11] Best Crumble Recipe (Jungle/Top)

Jungle [Patch 11.11] Best Crumble Recipe (Jungle/Top)

Updated on May 29, 2021
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Vajeja Build Guide By Vajeja 20 1 38,390 Views 3 Comments
20 1 38,390 Views 3 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Vajeja Mordekaiser Build Guide By Vajeja Updated on May 29, 2021
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Mordekaiser
  • LoL Champion: Mordekaiser
    Tank(off meta)

Runes: Standard 1 (Top/Jungle)

1 2 3 4 5
Legend: Alacrity
Last Stand

Shield Bash

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

[Patch 11.11] Best Crumble Recipe (Jungle/Top)

By Vajeja
this is an early attempt to explain you the thought process behind my build,runes, etc.. It's still a work in progress , be kind to me ^.^' and for those who are confused about the title: A crumble is a dish that can be made in a sweet or savoury version and also a quote from Mordekaiser ( pls dont report me ahahaha )
Pros and Cons(Work in Progress)


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Work In Progress.
Work In Progress.


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FLASH: This is mandatory , it is optimal at any stage of the game.
SMITE: Mordekaiser Jungle is viable, i'll talk about it in another chapter.
TELEPORT: Another must in my opinion, without it you cant abuse any kind of early lead and it allows you to split push , which is more than viable with Mordekaiser.
IGNITE: Most of the times its not worth the trade with Teleport, unless you are 100% sure you're getting an early lead with it.
GHOST: It's definitely an option to consider if you are playing in the Jungle.
BARRIER,HEAL,EXHAUST: I know what you're thinking... just... don't...
CLARITY,CLEANSE: Please don't troll your teammates...
Mordekaiser is an AP juggernaut and it's not a big surprise that, in order to fullfill the role, your primary path will be Precision with Conqueror as your way to go rune. There are few exeptions ( i'll cover it later on ) where Resolve might be the optimal choice, but even then if you are not sure about it you can just go for your standard runes and be effective anyway, this is what i recommend you if you are new to the champion or you dont have a really good understanding of the game. You have a little bit more freedom of choice for your secondary path, and you can experiment with it , but what i recommend you for the current patch is Resolve : It's not only a good complement for your role as juggernaut , but with the recent nerfs to Ravenous Hunter, it is also the superior choice(at least when it comes to Mordekaiser).

Let's start with the primary path, shall we?
  • Conqueror synergies really well with Mordekaiser's abilities and, on top of that
    ,it's also a really good match with your core items (Hello Riftmaker and Demonic Embrace!)
  • Triumph is the superior choice here, the other 2 runes dont synergies with your kit/role
  • Alacrity and Tenacity are your 2 options here, depending on your opponent or team composition. Bloodline doesn't do much for you
  • Last Stand is the superior choice here, you're a juggernaut after all!
Now things get a little bit more intresting when it comes to your secondary path,
basically you have 2 main choices here: Domination and Resolve , both of them work great on Mordekaiser and depending on the current season/patch , one might be better than the other.

  • Revitalize is what makes this secondary path worth the trade with Domination: it synergies with your abilities, your core items and your primary path, you dont need to stack it (Ravenous Hunter needs 5 stacks instead) and if your team can shield/heal you it becomes even better
  • Shield Bash is another great rune with good synergy overall, but you can swap it with Conditioning if you are playing for the mid/late game , Second Windif you are playing against a poke champion with a slower approach(Vladmir,Teemo,etc..) or Bone Plating if you are against champions who like to go all in (Tryndamere,Riven,etc...)
  • Resolve as your primary path is worth only if you can stack Grasp of the Undying for free, if that's the case then feel free to pick it and you wont regret it, it scales so much better in the late game

Build Path (Work in Progress)
Build Path
Work In Progress.
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Work In Progress.
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Work In Progress. Work In Progress.


Work In Progress. Work In Progress.


Work In Progress. Work In Progress.


Work In Progress. Work In Progress.
Welcome to the Jungle!
Finally Riot buffed Mordekaiser as a Jungler and now you can play him without teammates flaming you for playing something out of meta... i played him quite a lot in the jungle last season and he had a good early game clear ,but for someone who needs to power farm your way to level 6, it wasn't good enough to make him a good pick in most scenarios.
Game Plan
Mordekaiser doesnt have good gank options before level 6, so you basically play like Evelynn or Fiddlestick: power farming until level 6, ganking only when the enemy laners push their lane a lot and counter jungling.When you reach level 6 your ganks becomes a lot better: you basically have 1 kill granted on the enemy adc whenever it is up!In general your main focus with Mordekaiser is to secure/contesting objectives and counter jungling.
For your summoners, i recommend you teleport instead of flash: it is a better option in most scenarios and it allows you to pressure/gank while power farming , i got soooo many kills before level 6 thanks to Teleport! It is also a better option for the mid/late game since it allows you to split push.In regard to your runes, i highly suggest Precision for your first path and Resolve for your secondary path: Revitalize helps you quite a lot in your first clear!
First Clear
Now let's talk about your path options: with the new jungle buffs you can take whatever path you want without a leash and still be at the scuttle in time and healty enough for a 1vs1! What i recommend you though is a full clear starting red or blue with a leash , so you can realx and hit level 6 as soon as possible. Unfortuntely at the moment i cant make a video where i show you different paths and how to pull your camps in order to optimize your clear speed,so i'll link you an excelent video where it shows you how to path with Mordekaiser from red
Red start-Full clear
Credit: Phylaris
Top(Work In Progress)
Work In Progress.
Game Plan
Work in Progress.
Work in Progress.
Work in Progress.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Vajeja
Vajeja Mordekaiser Guide
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[Patch 11.11] Best Crumble Recipe (Jungle/Top)

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