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Singed Build Guide by Singed_Vlad

Tank Proxy Singed for beginners and advanced s6.23

Tank Proxy Singed for beginners and advanced s6.23

Updated on November 27, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Singed_Vlad Build Guide By Singed_Vlad 4,831 Views 0 Comments
4,831 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Singed_Vlad Singed Build Guide By Singed_Vlad Updated on November 27, 2016
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LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost


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Im gil9055 an etw league player. I picked singed up a while ago and I've been having a lot of success with him due to the lack of knock ledge of enemies to play against him. Proxying is one of the hardest and skill requiring things in league. This will improve your map awareness and your basic knowledge of the enemy jungler.
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How to proxy

You will want to walk into the enemy jungle at 1:15. If the enemies chase u just go ahead and waste their time. If things get hairy pop ghost and get out of there. Sometimes the enemy jungle chases you for so long that he takes so much poison dmg so that he can't continue his clear. In an optimal case the enemies won't do anything. In that case you can just proxy 3 waves between tier 1 and tier 2 tower and let yourself get executed afterwards so that the enemy jungler can't first blood you. After ur back u get back to lane and either push it out to proxy again or u might have a big enough advantage by backing with 350 more gold than him so that you can 1v1 him on lane.
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You can also try ignite or smite on top lane singed. Ignite is really good if u want to get a cheesy first blood. For that I would recommend going death fire touch in the masteries. Smite is good for counterjungling and you get a 150 hp heal every 60 sec which is pretty nice as well. You can even farm enemy drugs/gromp in between waves coming in while proxying.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Singed_Vlad
Singed_Vlad Singed Guide
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Proxy Singed for beginners and advanced s6.23

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