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Morgana Build Guide by Lightdn

Ranked Morgana

Ranked Morgana

Updated on June 9, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Lightdn Build Guide By Lightdn 40 15 163,040 Views 47 Comments
40 15 163,040 Views 47 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Lightdn Morgana Build Guide By Lightdn Updated on June 9, 2012
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  • LoL Champion: Morgana
  • LoL Champion: Morgana
  • LoL Champion: Morgana


So, You don't know how to Morgana, That is okay cause most people don't. Hence why I am writing this guide. In ranked you can take Morgana because she is good on any team, and is usually one of the main reason her team wins or losses. Usually you can manage to talk your team into giving you top solo, but fear not she can be played anywhere, as i will explain later in this guide.
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Greater Mark of Scaling Ability Power - Scaling Ability Power, I find these best as by level 5 they're already better than flat AP runes.

Greater Seal of Scaling Ability Power - Scaling AP, See Greater Mark of Scaling Ability Power.

Greater Glyph of Scaling Ability Power - Scaling AP, See Greater Mark of Scaling Ability Power.

Greater Quintessence of Ability Power - Flat AP, 15 AP at level 1 is greater than 28 at 18 so flat quintessences are the way to go for AP.

Notable Subs

Greater Mark of Magic Penetration - Magic Pen can really help but i don't feel it is necessary due to the fact her Tormented Soil lowers Magic Resistance anyways.

Greater Seal of Scaling Mana Regeneration - Mana Regeneration per level, It never hurts to have mana regen and these are cheap reliable runes.

Greater Glyph of Magic Resist - Magic Resistance, Good if you are feeling like you cant survive, Also very cheap reliable runes, good for most champions in league.

Greater Quintessence of Health - Health, Health is nice but since these runes got nerfed you pay 6000ip for 74 health, not worth it in comparison to almost every other rune!
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Summoner Spells

Exhaust - Very nice spell all around for Morgana, Ult and Exhaust will almost guarantee that they will be stunned unless they have flash.

Flash - Well that fixes that problem, They flash you flash simple. OR you can flash into team fights with Amumu, or Galio and ult spam the other team to death.

Notable Summoner Spells

Ghost - More Move speed, Combined with flash this is amazing for chasing or escaping.

Ignite - This plus tormented soil is a ton of DPS, and can be used for early kills or against heal heavy teams.

Clarity - If you really think you will run out of mana, also useful for chasing.

Clairvoyance - If you are pro you are pro and this can help your team tremendously.
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Item Sequence

Ionian Boots of Lucidity 900
Rod of Ages 2600
Zhonya's Hourglass 3250
Rabadon's Deathcap 3600
Abyssal Mask 2650
Lich Bane 3200

Always get Sapphire Crystal a Health Potion and a Mana Potion first, this is for laning as it can get rough out there and Mana is used for staying in lane.

Once you get enough gold, return to base for Catalyst of Aeons if for some reason you get owned in lane buy the Ruby Crystal or Boots when you go back, whichever you think will keep you in lane the longest.

Core Build

Ionian Boots of Lucidity - Cool down Reduction is at the price of the cheapest boots in the game make these the second best choice, but since this build costs so much gold these boots become the best due to price. :)

Rod of Ages - Health, Mana, AP. This is Morgana's main item. If you get one item in the entire game it better be a Rod of Ages.

Zhonya's Hourglass - AP, Armor, Stasis. This is a good item for Morgana because you can cast your ultimate and activate this item and take no damage while using your Ultimate.

Rabadon's Deathcap - AP. This item will take you from dealing decent damage to dealing carry status damage. If farming is going easy and you aren't being targeted heavily grab this before the Hourglass, because that means the team doesn't fear you for some reason, so give them a reason to fear you.

Abyssal Mask - Magic Resist, AP, AoE Magic Pen. Fits this build perfectly gives you more nuking capability as well as protecting yourself from spells when you don't have your Black Shield on yourself.

Lich Bane - Deals your AP on the next attack after a spell cast. We have been building AP but what do you do when your cool downs are up? Tada, This item tops this build off making Morgana your teams Carry! Now you can push towers using Soil on minions and Wailing on the turret for 600 Damage! And adds more AP and Magic Resistance just saying, <B.


Item Sequence

Rod of Ages 2600
Rylai's Crystal Scepter 2600
Rabadon's Deathcap 3600
Zhonya's Hourglass 3250
Void Staff 3000

Notable Items

Sorcerer's Shoes - Magic Pen and Move speed, Could you ask for more! These are her best boots but are a bit pricey.

Mercury Treads - 40% less time disabled can be a life saver.

Mobility Boots - Good for going between lanes and ganking.

Boots of Swiftness - Good if facing fast moving teams, aka teams with ((Janna)) on them.

Berserker's Greaves - Useful i guess for attack speed. Kinda noob but still okay.

Ninja Tabi - Dodge is nice against AD heavy teams as well as armor. Still you laugh at AD so these really aren't that great.

Rylai's Crystal Scepter - AP, Health, Spells Slow. Good item to sub in if you don't like the Abyssal Scepter or Lich Bane idea for some god unknown reason, or just prefer some extra slow for your ult.

Malady - If you get this early it could help i guess, Magic Pen and Attack Speed.

Nashor's Tooth - Cool down Reduction, Attack speed, Mana Regen, could be useful if you keep missing kills by a small amount.

Archangel's Staff - MANA and AP, Great item for any AP champ but a bit unnecessary on Morgana as she has low mana costs.

Will of the Ancients - Spell Vamp and AP, Very Nice item if the Hourglass is a bit too pricey for your farming, as it helps your team, Teams win games so i recommend this item.

Mejai's Soul stealer - If you're Getting Kills why not grab this, just know this could come back to haunt you, but i doubt it. Good Item

Banshee's Veil - If you just cant seem to get away, or want to be a dueschbag.

Deathfire Grasp - Amazing item, once you get AP. This item is useful for aiding in the killing of a tank, but To Be Honest most tanks i see run Magic Resistance primary and Armor secondary, so at this item's peak it still sometimes isn't that good. But still a good one versus a Dr. Mundo, Cho'Gath type champion
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Skill Sequence

Dark Binding - Snare, Skill Shot, Nuke. This is your main ability even though you don't level it as fast as Tormented Shadow.

Tormented Shadow - After level 3 of this spell you one shot minions in lane with this without even attacking. We level this first because even in the hardest of lanes we can still farm and gain a little experience.

Black Shield - Protects whomever you choose from magic damage, yea yea, but the main reason we get this to at least level 1 is because it saves you from disables which saves you from ganks, thus this ability is Amazing at level 1 but with AP there is no need to level it over your other spells.

Soul Shackles - Scary in team fights. Pick a target get close to them and stay close to them. Stunning one person is better than stunning none, if possible use this in team fights and stand in the middle of it and try to move to keep it on everyone. Easier said than done.

Passive - 15 - 35% Spell Vamp, meaning you get 35% of the damage dealt with your spells back as life. Amazing passive, had to clear that up as i get asked what spell vamp is all the time.
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I take a 9-21-0 approach as my build is an off tank AP Carry build. Cause Ardor
is just too amazing to pass up for a little bit of mana, sorry if you feel otherwise.

a 9-0-21 build is also acceptable, but unnecessary, but i feel you lack so much defense, Still very good for jungling.


If for some reason you have chosen to Go AD which i am not saying is bad, just different, then 21-0-9 is the way to go! But your runes would have to be all attack damage or attack speed and you would likely level Dark Binding and Black Shield over your other spells. But like i said i have done it and seen it many times, it is effective. Still Curious? The items are, Same beginning game get Catalyst and lane, but this time the Catalyst of Aeons Makes a Banshee's Veil once you have Banshee's Veil get Berserker's Greaves, Malady and Nashor's Tooth/ Madred's Bloodrazor after Nashor's Guinsoo Rageblade and Trinity Force Once you have Trinity force get Infinity Edge and Tada AD Morgana is Complete! Now back to the Actual Guide.
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Pros / Cons

Black Shield is amazing for support
Disable in both Dark Binding and Soul Shackles
Tormented Soils is epic for farming
Great Team Player
Amazing Support Carry Off Tank
Low Mana Cost Spells

Mana Problems Early if you spam too much.
Bad Tower Taker without Lich Bane, Trinity Force
Squishy if not built right
Ultimate can sometimes be a pain to land in team fights.
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Farming Solo 1v1

Place the center of Tormented Shadow between the Range and Melee Minions for full spell vamp and farm potential. If Minions are in a Position where you must make a choice Pick the Ranged Minions for the love of god! :)

Anyways use your Dark Binding and Black Shield to protect yourself from the jungler trying to catch you over extending, and the Champion you're facing while you farm.

Don't be scared to farm with her one spell equals one creep wave.

Post Catalyst:
Spam Whenever you are close to a level as you will get mana and Health for leveling.
Never have full mana!
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Farming 1 v 2

Place the center of Tormented Shadow between the Range and Melee Minions for full spell vamp and farm potential. If Minions are in a Position where you must make a choice Pick the Ranged Minions for the love of god! :)

Anyways use your Dark Binding and Black Shield to protect yourself from the jungler trying to catch you over extending, and the Champion's you're facing while you farm.

Be cautious as there are 2 in your lane and likely a ganker. to farm with her one spell equals one creep wave.
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Farming in lane with a partner 2v2

Now our role has shifted we must last shot minions to avoid getting into a situation in which you cant save both you and your ally! Don't feed and wait for ganks. Try to focus hitting the enemies with the Dark Binding Tormented Shadow Combo. If you land Dark Binding , Place Tormented Soil under them with a slight focus behind them.

Minion farming is not your priority as much here, rather to get assists and not die.
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Farming in lane with a partner 2v1

Now our role has become quite fun, Harass, Do not let the Solo even think about touching a minion without taking damage. last shot minions to avoid getting into a situation in which you cant save both you and your ally, Let your ally farm while you harass! Don't feed and wait for ganks. Again try to focus hitting the enemy with the Dark Binding/ Tormented Shadow Combo. If you land Dark Binding , Place Tormented Soil under them with a slight focus behind them.

Minion farming is not your priority as much here, rather to get assists and not die.
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Jungling Again Next Chapter If You Want

There are tons of ways to Jungle with Morgana
but she is much stronger in lane, even with a partner than jungling.

No need to change your AP Runes, They just give you extra spell vamp.

But if you must. Have an ally help you get blue buff, Using your 9-11-10rab masteries. Use Tormented Shadow and Dark Binding to jungle. Place Tormented soil under the Monsters at each camp and let your spell vamp do its job. When i jungle with Morgana, my first item is always amplifying tome and a health potion. Once i get to red buff i call my carry from mid to come take it from me as Morgana with red isn't really that good and she doesn't need it to jungle at all? Once we go back the first time we grab another amplifying tome to make Will of the Ancients. Your final items with a jungle Morgana end up being!

Will of the Ancients Sorcerer's Shoes Rabadon's Deathcap Banshee's Veil] Rylai's Crystal Scepter and Zhonya's Hourglass.

As i stated Jungling is not Recommended but can be done. Always ward Dragon and both sides of River when doing this.
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Ranked Play Team Fights

So here is the moment you have all been waiting for, Team fights. Morgana is a key player in every single team fight, understanding your role is the key to victory.

Approaching a Brush without a ward
Lets be logical here, unless you're sure that they aren't waiting in the brush, or you have your entire team ready to go with you. DON'T DO IT! If your team is with you however, throw Dark Binding and put your Black Shield on yourself or your DPS/Nuker ally i.e. Ashe Tristana Veigar.

Team fight with hard disabling tank
Sometimes you will have the luxury of playing with Galio Amumu or Cho'Gath these are ideal situations, you wait for them to go in Black Shield your DPS/Nuker Flash on top of your tank and Soul Shackles + Dark Binding+ Tormented Shadow.

Team fight with disabling tank and Zhonya's Hourglass.
All the steps above but Zhonya's Hourglass after you Soul Shackles+ Dark Binding.

Team fight with No disables
More often however, you get stuck with Nunu & Willump Xin Zhao Olaf Mordekaiser as your tank. Not fun but your play only changes a little. Black Shield your tank as they are the key to the fight, Use Dark Binding to hold targets still for your tank and dps to maintain their range/ Lifesteal or in Nunu & Willump's case Continue his ultimate. Use Tormented Shadow underneath your tank in this one, in the case they get surrounded, Flash+ Soul Shackles when you see them at half life, or just see an opening where they are deciding not to fight. Your ult makes them unable to escape, as well as allowing your Schmexy Taric Sion combo to do what they do best.
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Now you are ready for ranked. You should practice a few rounds in some normal games, you know those games that noobs play in and are pretty much free wins, so why not grab a friend who really wants to play with you but you find noob to play with you while you practice. This is very good practice for Ranked seeing as how you get noobs in ranked that just don't feel like playing normal and try to troll your game! But you get the last laugh cause at the end of the day you're Morgana and you don't mind winning a 4v5!

Have fun Summoners and I hope I made my point! :)
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