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Ryze Build Guide by The Clingy Fox

AP Offtank Ryze Jungle (Full clear, no leash!)

AP Offtank Ryze Jungle (Full clear, no leash!)

Updated on July 14, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author The Clingy Fox Build Guide By The Clingy Fox 11,671 Views 2 Comments
11,671 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author The Clingy Fox Ryze Build Guide By The Clingy Fox Updated on July 14, 2016
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In Depth Guide and Video Comming Soon.

P.S. If you're afraid of dying on Brumbleback, feel free to smite it instead of krugs and then wait a little bit out side of krugs to recover some HP.
In the mean while here are some quick pointers:

- ALWAYS start at GROMP. No early Blue Buff = You lost the jungle. If you somehow lose Blue Buff, cut your losses and rush an early Tear of the Goddess instead of rushing a Sabre/Blade.

- ALWAYS use your spells in this order: E>E>Q. This gives you great clear, damage, and a sheild which makes this leashless jungle possible.

- ALWAYS finish off monsters with auto attacks unless you're about to B. Mana > Health since your sheild accounts for low health, and can only be activated with a large sum of mana. If you NEED to finish off a enemy using spells, avoid using E and W and try to only use Q.

You can also change the skill build to E>Q>Q>W>E, since this will use less mana and clears almost the same. Be warned that this can effect the speed of your earlier Golem/Brambleback clears, since the extra 25 magic damage from E isn't fully accounted for by Q, and can stack up when dealing with high HP monsters.

- DO Take every camp from Gromp to Krugs on your first clear. You may have to wait 2-10s to regenerate some mana/health if you aren't mana smart, but you shouldn't need to heal from Scuttle Crab as long as you know what you're doing.

- DO NOT man fight invaders. Ping for assistance and try to sniper camps/whittle down invading junglers with your long ranged Q and annoying E-W combo. Don't Face Check brush either, Esp. if you think/know the enemy is counter-jungling you.

- DO NOT Attempt doing this jungle without the provided runes. They're the reason this is possible. If you don't have them, you risk losing the game for your team.

- DO NOT Main Ryze Jungle. This strat is situationally strong, and is ultimately weaker then Mid/Top Ryze. The point of this build is to give your team deal powerful AOE magic damage and a initiation/positioning tool. If your team doesn't need both (They already have enough magic damage, the initiators on your team don't need a initiation tool, or the enemy team doesn't have any abilitys that warrant your ult being used to avoid them) don't pick Ryze up as your jungler.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author The Clingy Fox
The Clingy Fox Ryze Guide
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