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Kassadin Build Guide by xblademojo

Middle [S13] Kassadin Beginner Guide by Coach xblademojo

Middle [S13] Kassadin Beginner Guide by Coach xblademojo

Updated on November 1, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author xblademojo Build Guide By xblademojo 24 2 29,475 Views 0 Comments
24 2 29,475 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author xblademojo Kassadin Build Guide By xblademojo Updated on November 1, 2023
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xblademojo's Featured Video

Runes: Heavy Poke / Farming

1 2 3 4
Fleet Footwork
Presence of Mind
Legend: Tenacity
Coup de Grace

Second Wind

+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist


1 2
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None


Hi! I started my adventure in season 3 and pushed my way towards the goals in the game.

Started as top lane main and transitioned to Mid and Jungle to carry my games easier.
Currently, I enjoy playing mid and support the most.

I played a lot of Kassadin and was Rank 1 with him, and
Rank 1 Annie World.

I have peaked at Challenger EUNE and after that, I focused on growing my coaching services, because I find myself passionate about helping others and being their Mentor.

Currently, I’m Full-Time Coaching and playing on EUW in my free time aiming to get Challenger and help people achieve their goals in the game ❤️
I also create free content to help others with the game on my youtube and Twitch. Feel free to join my discord to become part of my community, a friendly corner for all of us!

I have always wanted to become a player that did not have to depend on my team to win games and be able to impact the game even in 4v5 situations where a team mate is trolling or AFK. Kassadin is the perfect choice. Playing him forces me to go through a flawless early game in order to make an impact in the game. I always used to say my champion counts as Two at Level 16.

Please remember that a guide can only help you understand Kassadin and give you a nudge towards achieving your goals but the final decisions you make, your playstyle and what you like the most from runes and items is up to you! To become the best you try everything here, test it and then try to see what feels the best for you. That’s how you can become a complete Kassadin player with good game sense. Good Luck!

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I'm here to help you in your journey, to make sure you will know how to play him in every phase of the game, and what combos and runes you should be conscious of. Itemization, Matchups, anything you need is here for you

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Rank 1 Malzahar Complete Guide
Author: xblademojo

Rank 1 Kassadin Complete Guide
Author: xblademojo
Rank 1 Annie Complete Guide
Author: xblademojo
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+Amazing Scaling, Power Spikes Pre 16
+Insanely High Mobile Mage-Assasin
+Great against Heavy Ap Team-comps
+Good Splitpush, Insane Map Pressure
+Huge Carry Potential
+Forces you to play better
+Flexible with many builds

Currently, Kassadin allows you to get your power spikes way earlier and snowball through the game. You don’t have to necessarily go for Tear of the Goddess and scale until level 16.
You can survive most of the matchups without a problem by utilizing Second Wind, Doran's Shield, and Cloth Armor. You can start getting an advantage in some matchups starting from level 1 with your Nether Blade trades. The game starts quite early thanks to all of that.
In Mid-game you always have a chance of pressuring the sidelines and crossing the map if team fights 5 vs 5 are hard.

-Easly Punished early, divable
-Weak early game pressure
-Hard to play without frontlane
-1 mistake and might be GG for you
-Unplayable against some team comps
-Lack of CC

As you probably know, one of the biggest problems is early game. Making just one mistake can cost you the game. The biggest problem for your jungler is usually your lack of priority for the river fights and scuttler → always make your jungler aware of the midlane standing otherwise you might end up getting blamed for playing your champ. Luden's Tempest became the hardest mythic to play with as Kassadin, you will be a glass cannon most of the time, which requires insanely good game sense.

Flash and Teleport

Flash is one of the best summoners spells in the game and Kassadin’s interactions with it are amazing. You can increase your Riftwalk range by using Flash right after it which can land you a kill. You can use your Force Pulse and Flash right after to finish your opponent. It's a core summoner spell to help you survive the early laning phase, get a chance for an outplay possibility and game-changer plays.

Teleport is going to help you go through the early game, allowing you to fix your laning mistakes since you can Teleport back to lane. You will also be able to match the enemy roam with your Teleport if necessary to save the game. In midgame or late will allow you to stay on sidelane being ready to get back to your teammates whenever.


Why? Kassadin has many matchups where starting Nether Blade works insanely well, and can help you snowball pre-6; same with connecting it with Resolve for the best early game potential and Dark Seal with 3 Health Potion's for early sustain. Ignite counts as 1 stack for Electrocute which makes it easier to proc it in combat.

Ignite helps your jungler get early priority and offers the both of you a stronger 2 vs 2 potential. Moreover, in some hard matchups like Lucian, Tristana etc. if they were about to dive you with your Fleet Footwork they would do that without a problem. However, they would probably be more careful about diving you if you had Electrocute + Ignite. Keep in mind that the higher the rank tier, the better the players are at punishing you, that’s why you won’t see Ignite that often in higher divisions compared to Teleport.

To develop most Consistent playstyle I will explain here two Options of Runes for your gameplay.

Take to have Damage Impact way earlier:
Personally, I highly recommend Keystone which offers the highest potential of carrying a game, an abnormal amount of damage even when you’re behind → huge chances of a comeback. Make sure to always press auto-attack before your Nether Blade in order to get 2 stacks from it, then follow it up with Null Sphere or Force Pulse. It’s quite hard to proc it in the early game that’s why auto attack into Nether Blade is going to help a lot. In case of early kill potential, remember that Ignite counts as 1 stack for Electrocute
Another choice from Domination would be Taste of Blood for the laning phase sustain, as you know our early game isn’t too great. If you are brave boy, sure go for the Sudden Impact for even more damage
Your next decision is between Eyeball Collection and Zombie Ward.
If you feel like you can stack your eyeball fast enough, then go for it but if you feel like the game is going to be slow and you won’t be able to snowball, then go for Zombie Ward, since starting Level 6 OR EARLIER, I recommend swapping your Stealth Ward to Oracle Lens in order to start collecting stacks for it
Ultimate Hunter - Helps you to Riftwalk sooner which makes you more mobile and threatening, really comfortable and noticable upon playing it for longer time.

Presence of Mind will restore 15% of your Maxium mana upon a kill or a assist. Thanks to it you will be able to clutch a team-fight or escape, freerly. Really comfortable to play with.
Legend: Tenacity will increase your immue to a CC (Crowd Control), which means if you get stunned, silenced or anything it will have a effect on your for a shorten duration of time. Take it when enemy have a lot of CC, if they aren't take Coup de Grace

Take to Survive any lane:
Fleet Footwork let you heal from minions and opponents, will help you dodge enemy abilities better because of the movement speed it gives upon procing . It's at the same time offensive and defensive. Really comfortable to start with.
Presence of Mind will restore 15% of your Maxium mana upon a kill or a assist. Thanks to it you will be able to clutch a team-fight or escape, freerly. Really comfortable to play with.
Legend: Tenacity will increase your immue to a CC (Crowd Control), which means if you get stunned, silenced or anything it will have a effect on your for a shorten duration of time. Take it when enemy have a lot of CC, if they aren't take Coup de Grace
Coup de Grace - Increases your Damage to the low health opponents, take it against squishy people, take Last Stand against Tanky and Bulky Champions.

Second Wind is going to increase your Health Regeneration every time you are getting poked depending on missing health. It's like a mini Doran's Shield. Take Bone Plating, while facing a melee Champion on lane - You can as well take it Secondary with Electrocute
for every 8 minons that die near you, gain 3 health. After 120 minions die near you, your health will increase by 3.5%. More health = bulkier you become. Take Unflinching instead of Overgrowth when opponent have a ton of Crowd-Control

Dark Seal

Dark Seal doesn’t offer much sustain in lane but the statistics are comparable to Doran’s Ring and since Kassadin’s mana sustain is not that bad, you can save a lot of gold getting this item because it’s efficient when you get it with Refillable Potion. Take it when the opponent can't poke you like crazy.

Doran's Shield

Doran's Shield Insanely strong item gives you sustain against heavy poke lane matchups due to its health regeneration passive working well with melee champions. Moreover, it helps with last-hitting minions.

Cloth Armor

Cloth Armor Great choice against heavy physical damage matchups. It can be considered aggressive due to the amount of sustain that 4 Health Potion will give you since usually your opponents only have up to 3 max. Using this with a Nether Blade start is good for trading against melees. It can also help you survive against AD ranged matchups like Lucian

Here I will explain some of Kassadin item choices--when and why you need them.

Luden's Tempest

Luden's Tempest currently the highest burst damage item due to the early flat magic penetration and mythic passive it offers. Magic penetration works insanely great when opponents are not buying Magic Resist so when you are the sole magic damage source in your team. Right now Luden's Tempest is one of the hardest mythics to play with because of how squishy it makes you, high risk high reward. I would recommend choosing Crown of the Shattered Queen to start with or Rod of Ages.

Rod Of Ages

Rod of Ages Take only when the enemy team is insanely Tanky / Bulky. You will be lacking damage early and have less impact in general. ROA is good in for Pro-Longed fights, not one-shotting so the tanker they are the better it becomes over time. Great when opposite laner is a scaling champion too. Play it with Conqueror.

Crown of the Shattered Queen

Crown of the Shattered Queen Gives you a barrier that reduces incoming damage for 1.5 second and it's cheaper 400 gold. In current meta works great against heavy burst champions and assasins like Talon, Rengar, Qiyana and Evelynn. Currently, I'm deciding always between Luden's Tempest and this item. It prevents every Assasins of fully committing on you before the damage reduction from the barrier expires. If they fully commit there is a chance they will lose against you. Item basically makes you way tankier for the first 1.5 second of going in on opponents. One of most consistent mythic for Kassadin and way easier to play with compared to Luden's Tempest

Zhonya's Hourglass

Zhonya's Hourglass is definitely one of the core items that you should consider building second or third in most games. As I mentioned before, you are glass cannon so going in and having a 2.5-second buffer to load another Riftwalk can be a gamechanger. This item doesn’t offer great statistics but might counter many champions like Zed Death Mark, Fizz Chum the Waters, Karthus Requiem.

Seraph's Embrace

Seraph's Embrace is one of the core Kassadin items in terms of mana sustain and powerful scaling. Currently, it gives you ability power the more mana you have. Moreoever it gives you a Active that you can use to get a huge shield depending on how much current mana you have. - Old Kassadin is back.

Void Staff

Void Staff In most games, every mage should consider getting it as the fourth or fifth item once opponents start building magic resist from items. Why not too early? Because Void Staff Magic Penetration is % which means the more magic resist the enemy stacks, the higher value it gives. For example, if the opponent has 200 Magic resist, 40% is -80 Magic resist. If the opponent has 50 magic resist then it only penetrates an additional 20 Magic resist.

Rabadon's Deathcap

In High Tempo Kassadin, I build it as the second item which scales great with Electrocute value and still gives me the highest Ability Power value. However, in standard Kassadin build you will get it around 4th or 5th Item. Depents if you need Zhonya's Hourglass or Void Staff before that. If not, go for it third item.

Sorcerer's Shoes

Sorcerer's Shoes Currently one of the best choices due to its flat Magic Penetration especially combined with Luden's Tempest Burst and Electrocute. Kill the enemy before they kill you. The more offensive the build, the more pressure Kassadin offers.

Ionian Boots of Lucidity

Ionian Boots of Lucidity I would go Ionian’s if the opponents are planning on building a lot of magic resistance in the game and are quite tanky. As I mentioned, the Cooldown Reduction value is better when opponents are stacking Magic Resist. It offers us way more utility. It’s a good purchase when your summoners are still up. Works great with Rod of Ages since it have 0 Ability haste at the start.

Mercury's Treads

Mercury's Treads If opponents have a lot of CC like Malzahar, Sejuani, or Leona then it’s an amazing counter item especially if the enemy mid laner and jungler damage are double AP.

Plated Steelcaps

Plated Steelcaps A great choice but I wouldn’t really rush it unless at least 4 of the enemy team’s damage are auto-attack based. Frozen Heart and Zhonya's Hourglass are better choices. Don’t underestimate the potential of full aggressive Kassadin builds!

Void Stone

Void Stone is Kassadin’s passive, which allows him to take 15% reduced magic damage and ignore unit collision.

This is one of the reasons why the enemy team would dodge when they have double/triple magic damage in their team against Kassadin. Avoiding unit collision means you can walk through your enemies, minions, and allies → that means excuses like “Oh, I was creep blocked” is something you cannot use anymore.

Null Sphere

Null Sphere shouldn’t be considered as a poke ability in the beginning of the game. It’s Kassadin’s main ability to survive through the early game. You will use it in order to last hit minions at times. You can also utilize it when you walk in to get a minion and use it against the opponent to reduce damage from their abilities as it provides a small shield magic damage.

As Kassadin, you can’t really walk in near the enemy whenever you please when farming, because he is vulnerable to being punished and receiving a lot of poke, which is why Null Sphere is an essential ability to use at the right time. In the early game, it’s more efficient to use this ability to farm rather than poking the enemy with it.

Remember that Taste of Blood in Domination works with Null Sphere perfectly so when you use it against the enemy, it will heal you as well. The only problem is that it is a targeted spell which means you won’t be able to cast it if the opponent enters the fog of war.

The most broken thing about Null Sphere is that it can cancel the channeling of opponents’ abilities like that of Katarina Death Lotus, Fiddlesticks Crowstorm, etc. Because of that, make sure to use it wisely and save it for game-changing situations as a clutch to prevent enemies from casting their core abilities.

Nether Blade

Nether Blade in the early game will help you last hit minions in the lane, under the tower, and give you mana sustain.

Nether Blade gives you a longer range of attack and resets your auto-attack, which means if timed correctly after an attack, it can offer you more damage at the same time. Sometimes it’s impossible to last hit a minion if you don’t fluidly auto attack into Nether Blade.

Since it offers abnormal amounts of damage early game, there are instances when you should start this ability at Level 1 (in some melee matchups) in order to out-trade your opponent using the Auto Attack → Nether Blade Combo.

Kassadin with Nether Blade isn’t as weak an early game champion if you are able to utilize it depending on the matchup.

Most importantly, it is a nice finisher. You can Flash → Nether Blade when the opponent Flashes away because it will end up applying the damage anyway. You can cast your W while in stasis using Zhonya’s, which goes to show how unstoppable Kassadin can be when it comes to securing kills. Moreover, Nether Blade counts as 1 stack for Electrocute so by pressing Autoattack → Nether Blade, you will need only 1 more Ability or Attack to proc Electrocute.

Force Pulse

Force Pulse is one of Kassadin’s main abilities which will help you wave clear since it has an AOE (Area of effect) damage in the early game. Without this ability, the game would be too hard for Kassadin. Thanks to this ability, wave management is a bit easier which allows you to set up timely recalls and roam around the map.

During the laning phase, if the opponent’s positioning is suboptimal, look for a chance to poke them with this ability → slow from Force Pulse allows you to reach him right after

It gives you possibilities of engaging or disengaging against opponents, peeling for your teammates since you can slow down the ones that chase them. Moreover, in terms of teamfights it offers you so much of value due to its Area of Effect.
You can cast Force Pulse → Flash to surprise your opponent as a finisher, since it works faster way than Flash → Force Pulse

Always pay attention to the cooldown of it, since most of the time you can go in on the opponent without having it ready. Getting 4 more missing seconds is not a problem. You can load it during your rotation of the spells, the opponent’s spells count too.


Riftwalk An ability that gives Kassadin so much mobility in the game! It allows you to teleport through walls, roam the map way faster and secure kills. If used wisely, you will be mostly ungankable. It allows you to dodge many abilities and survive most situations on the map. It offers you an amazing advantage in terms of avoiding enemy vision, since you can bypass warded areas by jumping from bush to bush without being seen by your opponents.

Riftwalk can be used with Flash which will result in increasing its range. I recommend trying this maneuver out in the Practice Tool in order to get used to it. Moreover, there is one thing that many players are not aware of and that is by casting Riftwalk, you can cancel the CC of certain opponents’ like Blitzcrank’s Rocket Grab, Poppy Keeper's Verdict , Qiyana Supreme Display of Talent. It will only take a matter of time until you get used to it and then you can even help peel for your team by catching for example blitz grab.

Here I will explain some fundamental combos starting from the laning phase to teamfights.
Everything is going to be on the video below the description of combinations.

A.) Your first basic combo is Auto Attack (AA) → Nether Blade. This is used the most in the early game and whenever you have time to execute it with other spells.

B.) Force Pulse → AA → Nether Blade → Null Sphere. You can use this combo prior to Level 6 if the enemies have already used their crucial spells and they are out of position. Usually, when the enemy laner is attempting to siege under my tower, it gives me an opening to use this combo. Try to be mindful and have an end-goal when using this. For example, Lux win condition is her Light Binding and the chance of making this combo worth executing is basically impossible unless she wastes it. However, if Tristana used her Explosive Charge on the turret instead of me then, I would use that as a chance to harass her. After level 6, you can combine it with Riftwalk to disengage in the end.

C.) Riftwalk → Force Pulse → AA → Nether Blade. This is Kassadin’s full engage combo if you are concerned about winning the trade and not getting one-shotted. Sometimes, even just an equal trade might benefit you if your jungler is coming or if the enemy laner is about to roam which knocking off some HP from their health bar is essential.

Null Sphere is the ability you usually would use in the beginning of a combo before fully committing in a fight. You could also opt to use it in certain scenarios like when you are recalling and want to reduce incoming magic damage from the enemy.

While in combat, you should know your burst potential. Most of the time, I “dance” with the opponents slowly while preparing to combo them to death. I never fully commit to a fight unless I’m sure that I can kill the enemy. Kassadin is combo-dependent so that means if you can’t one-shot the enemy, you have to wait for another set of cooldowns on your abilities. Take it easy, generate pressure and slowly stalk your prey. A good Kassadin player is defined by how well he can sense what he can and cannot do in those terms--knowing your potential as well as your limits.

A.) Fastest and highest damage combo is:
Riftwalk → Flash → Nether Blade → Null Sphere → Force Pulse
If you are able too, add an AA before Nether Blade.
Towards late game, consider using Zhonya's Hourglass if there are powerful enemies while waiting for cooldowns like
Riftwalk to escape or turning around and killing the enemy
Kassadin doesn’t have many combos and most of them should be thought out well depending on the state of the game, how powerful you are and what your opponents will allow you to do. What I wrote above is a fundamental base that you could try to memorize but most importantly feel because once you get used to it, then it’s over for the enemy.

Currently, Kassadin offers a few options and I will do my best to explain them in the easiest way possible!

Most of the time you want to max Force Pulse for the fastest cooldown and good AOE wave clear and damage. However, in some matchups where the opponent is often walking up to poke and you can’t really trade with them, get 3 points on Null Sphere. First, it will help you generate some early pressure and give you a stronger magic shield, which is good against some matchups like Vladimir against his Transfusion

I wouldn’t really max Null Sphere fully due to the high cooldown and lack of waveclear and is also weaker against 2 vs 2 fights.

It’s okay to max Null Sphere second but in my personal experience, maxing Nether Blade second is more advantageous since it doesn’t have a cast time, has a faster cooldown and scales better with 80% AP compared to the 70% AP with Null Sphere.
In some situations you need to save your Null Sphere in order to stop an opponent's ability like Katarina’s Death Lotus etc. so you can't really waste it to poke.
Here I will explain to you all Must Know behaviors and mindset for the Laning Phase.

Kassadin is a Champion who is going to be extremely bullied in the early game 90% of the Time. He doesn't have that much of an option to reach an opponent before 6.

I created a few Mile-Stones that I would like you to reach to make your Gameplay as consistent as possible with him.

Once the Games Starts, ask yourself this:

- Where does the enemy Jungler Starts? Who Leashed for Him?
- What Summoner Spells enemy Midlaner have?
- What Item did he start? How many Potions, Sustain?
- How he can Threaten Me? What are His most dangerous Spells?

Power Spikes List:

- Reaching Level 6 for Riftwalk
- Rushing Blasting Wand
- Completing Mythic Item Except Rod of Ages
- Completing Sorcerer's Shoes
- Reaching Level 11 Riftwalk Upgrade
- Completing Rabadon's Deathcap and Void Staff
- Reaching Level 16 Riftwalk Upgrade

From Level 1 to 6:

- Once The First Wave comes Q opponent once, it will draw the aggro of enemy minions so you can drag them toward you.

- Make sure you know where the enemy Jungler Started. Your Goal is to Reach Level 6 without Dying. (Simply Check who is Coming to lane late from laner)

- Prioritize CS'ing, but at the same time be rational to not go for each since you would get poked too much. Ranged Minions early give you 14 Gold - Don’t lose too much health for them.

- Use your Q to last hit CS instead of poking the opponent mindlessly. Use The Magic shield from it to block their magic ability's damage.

- How much you can do against a certain Champion depends on how bad or how good is the player himself. Kassadin is a champion who responds to opponent mistakes and poor positioning, since he can’t engage before 6.

- It's okay to Teleport before Level 6 if you are too low to stay at the lane.

From Level 6:

- Before going in on the opponent make sure to have the ward placed, to be sure you won't throw your lead by using Riftwalk without vision or knowing where is enemy jungler.

- Pay attention when the opponent is using his most important abilities, this is your window of opportunity to contest him and win the trade. (Check Combos)

- Only Riftwalk In if you can win the trade against Opponents. Otherwise, use your Force Pulse -> Walk up and follow with other basic abilities and then Riftwalk away to disengage. ( This is Your Main Combo for Trades with low Risk)

- If you can't kill him or trade, as long as you are being fed with constant minion waves that's all good. Keep on Scaling, you always have the late game.

-If you got ahead, work on transitioning your lead to help your teammates and impact the map.

Roaming is a part of Mid-Lane and the game itself.

As I referred before, if you can’t kill opponents they are different ways to win the game.
You as a Kassadin champion with a lot of burst and mobility can rotate around the map and make Impact, but how to do it?

Every time you deliver the wave upon the enemy turret, you have a certain time until the next wave reaches your lane. This time you can use for a Proactive action which includes:

- Rotation
- Warding
- Joining for an Objective
- Invading
- Recalling

The faster you crash your wave under the enemy turret the more time there is until the next wave comes.

The longest time you have is after every 2nd wave, because every third wave in early game is a Cannon. When you are seeing Cannon coming from the base it’s your longest time to look for proactive action.

Take this:

Conclusion: It’s not only about killing your opponent, but they are also WAY MORE ways to win and carry your game. Make sure to define when your roam went bad, including losing a wave or dying on it. - Work on coming to your own conclusions when it was most beneficial.

Kassadin from Level 6 - 8 will have way more chances for that. The Better the wave clear of both players gets the more it becomes about roam timers.
Any Questions? Ask me on my Discord

You want to know where the enemy jungler is starting, the same goes for your jungler.
Which scuttler on the map are they gonna path towards and contest? Are they going to meet on the same side river?

- Every good Jungler is going to be on the river at around 3:30 minutes into the game, which is the spawn time of the Scuttlers. Gank is going to have a place before or after this timer. The optimal ward time is around 2:40.

- Before that time you should ward the side he is pathing towards. Trying to get priority for the river around 3:15 timer for your jungler sounds great, but don’t force it if you can’t since you are Kassadin aka minion early ^^

Most Importantly = Be Rational.

- 4:20 is the time when the jungle camps again. If the enemy jungler did Blue Sentinel into Gromp at the beginning, then Gromp is gonna spawn at 4:20.

- This means, starting from 4:15/20 both junglers are going to start the pathing and clearing from the same side on which they started their jungle clear on.

The conclusion is that they are going to recall and come back to the side they started at because that’s the order of the camps spawning after their first clear.

People are overthinking too much about how warding around Mid-Lane works.

What you need to know is Jungle Tracking (Chapter Above). It will make you more capable of working on a solid and safe vision around your lane.

How and where you ward depends on your goal, priority, vision and the state of the map. Sometimes you might die trying to put a ward somewhere without any other priority or clue where the opponents might possibly be.

In my opinion, warding should come naturally to you, but there are a few great places to ward around the Mid that I put in the screenshot below.

Green = Good Warding Spots
Red = Not Enough Vision
Purple = Ways the Enemy Jungler could path towards you

Basically, that’s called fighting with your opponent on the lane - making trades. A lot of this stuff should come naturally with experience, and I’m not a fan of making people a “zombie” of following patterns, but I will share some tips with you on what to look for.

How to trade well and what to consider? (This is general knowledge)

Usually, you can easily look for a trade when an opponent is busy executing a minion. That’s the time his moves are usually easier to predict and he won’t be able to answer back due to his auto-attack/spell animation on the minion. You can also get punished that way while getting a minion. How well you can punish and trade with your opponent depends mostly on how well or how badly you guys are clicking. Positioning and dynamically adjusting clicks for the best results is the golden key.

In “League of Legends” - Language it’s called spacing: to either achieve the most comfortable position for you to be in or cause the biggest discomfort to the opponent. Pay attention to how you click and position yourself. Minions are as well a huge factor to consider, the amount of them could simply give you an advantage or disadvantage.

That’s why the one who can push early and get priority in the number of their allied minions is usually the one who can trade more freely without worrying about getting too much aggro from the enemy. To put it simply, the more minions you have compared to the opponent, the safer and stronger you are. If your opponent is pushing into you with a bigger minion wave, that's his moment to win trades most of the time.

Another trading pattern is when the opponent uses his important spell on the wave. For example Syndra uses Dark Sphere on the wave which causes her to become vulnerable to the opponent, forcing a trade on her. Another example would be Orianna Command: Attack the wave, leaving Yasuo or Irelia a chance to jump on her. Look for those simple factors to use them to your advantage.

Kassadin example would be:

Talon using his Rake on the minion wave, that let's Kassadin trade with his Force Pulse and commit to a closer combat.

Kassadin goes it with his Riftwalk on a Talon with all spells Up - Of course, he will die since Talon has way more burst early.

It is insanely important to use momentum when an opponent is using his spells carelessly. Finding a window of opportunity and using it to outtrade opponent is key.

Here I will explain how to behave and what to prioritize in the Mid-Game & Late Game.

Mid-Game starts for you once your or the enemy's bottom-lane turrets fall down. That’s usually the time when a Good bot lane should transition their pressure to the other side of the map.

Usually, they will rotate to the Mid-Lane which lets them rotate to Dragon and Herald easily. By staying on mid-lane they are as well way safer because it’s way easier for their jungler to play around them.

Okay, but what about Kassadin? He hates sharing experience, this will be your time to move to the side lane.

Moving to Side-Lane will help you stay efficient with solo xp while making pressure. The worst you can do is to constantly stay with your team without a goal and doing a famous ARAM mid-lane.

In short, way once your team or enemy got T1 turret you should aim to swap with them to be efficient. Kassadin on side lane is insanely mobile which lets him free-farm the waves and rotate back to their team while the enemy is going to catch the wave that he pushed.

Step by Step:

- Team / Enemy gets Turret, you will ask to swap with them
On the side lane, you will implement the pressure by pushing, which will force the opponent to pay attention to you
- Once you out-pushed the wave deeper (Doesn’t have to be under their T2) you can look for a possible rotation to split the map
- That will generate multiple chances to pick opponents in their jungle, or rotate to your team while one of the players needs to catch the wave that you just pushed
- Since you would have Teleport person who goes to bot-lane with Ignite can’t follow you, if you teleported.

Conclusion: You are an insanely mobile champion who can Implement ton of a pressure on a side lane, rotate to your team, and look for picks & flanks. Make sure to have your Oracle Lens to scan for enemy wards.

Think about yourself as a Predator who is looking for a prey. What I just told you above is a cheat code, especially for lower ranks when they only fight.

If you have Teleport ready, be far away from the objective that is up, this way you can always tp to your team.
Prioritize making pressure, and tell your team to be careful while you are split-pushing
Stay proactive, just because you are on the side lane doesn’t mean you can’t rotate.
Avoid sharing experience with the team
Don’t force objectives, you can give up to even 3 Dragons if that helps you reach your Level 16 to carry game.

The macro game during this phase stays the same, but the decision-making becomes even more important. Each mistake can cost you the game.

For Kassadin Late-Game is his peak of performance since you are already at your Level 16 Riftwalk. That’s the time when you shine the most and have the most impact in the game.

More than covering and repeating how to play macro I must tell you about:

-Always ask yourself who is the squishiest in the enemy team but at the same time insanely dangerous.

-Work on using the fog of war to your advantage and look for flanks with your mobility to win fights.

-The presence of your champion makes insane pressure on the opponents be aware of that.

-The more Ability power you have the better Flash + Riftwalk comes in clutch for those team fights.

-Depending on your build you will be hard-focused, that’s when Zhonya's Hourglass is a great Item to survive after engaging.

Once you master flanking with Kassadin and using fog of war to your advantage you will be often able to kill the enemy player before the group team fight would even start. You are the Predator.

Will add all every-day

Take Conqueror + Resolve Second Wind and Teleport. Cloth Armor and 4x Health Potion with Teleport. Start with Null Sphere and prioritize cs till Level 6. Rush Warden's Mail into Frozen Heart. This way you can solo kill him 1 vs 1 if he doesn’t go magic resist early.
Take Conqueror + Resolve Second Wind and Teleport. Cloth Armor and 4x Health Potion with Barrier. Start with Nether Blade and prioritize cs till Level 6. Rush Warden's Mail into Frozen Heart. This way you can solo kill him 1 vs 1 in pro-longed trade.

Take Electrocute + Resolve Second Wind and Teleport. Cloth Armor and 4x Health Potion. Start with Null Sphere and prioritize cs till Level 6. Rush Seeker's Armguard into Crown of the Shattered Queen. Keep your Null Sphere to cancel his The Culling. Don’t walk for every minions.
Take Electrocute + Resolve Bone Plating and Ignite. Dark Seal and 3x Health Potion. Trade with your Nether Blade at Lv 1. You win before he gets Immortal Shieldbow. Riftwalk only in if you can kill him or around your turret. Luden's Tempest or Crown of the Shattered Queen

Take Electrocute + Resolve Bone Plating and Ignite. Dark Seal and 3x Health Potion. Trade with your Nether Blade at Lv 1. Trade hard with her before her level 3. Play around quick trades and Riftwalk only if you can kill her or around your turret. Crown of the Shattered Queen

Take First Strike + Domination Bone Plating and Ignite. Dark Seal Refillable Potion. Start with Null Sphere and use it against his Transfusion. Once you get Riftwalk each go in you farm free gold with Strike. He out sustains you heavily, so you need Ignite for early kill pressure.

Take Conqueror + Domination Ultimate Hunter and Teleport. Dark Seal and Refillable Potion. Start with Null Sphere to farm. Play till Level 11 and get Rod of Ages with Ionian’s Boots, otherwise, he outrades you.


Take Fleet Footwork or Conqueror and Teleport. Dark Seal and Refillable Potion farm till level 6. From Level 6 you can freely go in at him, make sure to not get stunned by his cage and be careful with jungler.
Take Electrocute + Resolve Bone Plating and Ignite. Dark Seal and 3x Health Potion start Nether Blade. You outtrade him with your setup and have way more damage. Play around your Bone-Plating. You can kill him before level 6. From Level 6 matchup becomes easy. Can go Everfrost.
Take Electrocute + Resolve Bone Plating and Ignite. Dark Seal and 3x Health Potion start Nether Blade. You outtrade him with your setup and have way more damage. Play around your Bone-Plating. You can kill him before level 6. From Level 6 matchup becomes easy. Can go Everfrost. Make sure to keep your Null Sphere for her Death Lotus, be careful of Katarina who starts with Doran's Blade early or any AD.
Take Electrocute + Resolve Bone Plating and Ignite. Dark Seal and 3x Health Potion start Nether Blade. You outtrade him with your setup and have way more damage. Play around your Bone-Plating. You can kill him before level 6. From Level 6 matchup becomes easy. Can go Crown of the Shattered Queen. Make sure he won’t kill him before Level 6. Keep Riftwalk to dodge his Chum the Waters.
Take Electrocute + Resolve Bone Plating and Teleport. Doran's Ring and 2x Health Potion start Null Sphere because she outrades you early. Trade with her around your turret. At 6 she can one-shot you so be really careful and go for Rod of Ages to be tankier. Get Ruby Crystal early. Quick-Trade with her, always keep Riftwalk to escape. Unless she is low
Take Fleet Footwork + Resolve Second Wind and Teleport. Doran's Shield and 1x Health Potion start Null Sphere to Farm till 6, abuse his mana sustain with your regen. Trade with him as soon as you get Riftwalk before he pokes you out. Go for Rod of Ages. Jump on him with Fleet Footwork ready.
Take Fleet Footwork + Resolve Second Wind and Teleport. Doran's Shield and 1x Health Potion start Null Sphere to Farm till 6, abuse his mana sustain with your regen. Trade with him as soon as you get Riftwalk before he pokes you out. Go for Rod of Ages. Jump on him with Fleet Footwork ready. Make sure to dodge his Tectonic Disruption or you will die. Keep your Null Sphere to stop his Life Form Disintegration Ray
Take Fleet Footwork + Resolve Bone Plating and Ignite. Dark Seal and 3x Health Potion with Ignite. Start Nether Blade to trade with her since level 1. Don’t get killed before Level 6. Get Crown of the Shattered Queen
Aurelion Sol
Take Conqueror + Resolve Conditioning and Teleport. Dark Seal and Refillable Potion with Teleport. Start with Null Sphere and prioritize cs till Level 6. You win pro-longed fights with him as long as you cancel his Breath of Light. Get Rod of Ages to scale freely.

Thank you for taking the time to read my guide. I believe all of you can achieve what you want if you stay truly dedicated to the knowledge from the guide. Believe in yourself, don’t give up, and always push! Remember that growing as a better player is a marathon not a sprint. It takes time and practice.

If you would like to see me playing Kassadin or want to learn useful game tips, feel free to follow me on Twitch Channel and join my Discord Server !

Big thanks to the Maniouz for the amazing graphics and VOD edits! Elora for checking my grammar and fixing mistakes! Katasandra for a lot of help with bbcode :)
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