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Recommended Items
Runes: Runes
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health
Most games
Gustwalker Smite
Ability Order
Moonsilver Blade (PASSIVE)
Diana Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Master Yi
Master Yi q completely negates diana combo, as well as his w reduces dianas burst. HARDEST DIANA COUNTER IN GAME DODGE ON SIGHT UNPLAYABLE
Champion Build Guide
What to build and when and why
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Riftmaker should be your 2nd item, this synergizes with the defensive stats so you will get even stronger as you build more items. |
Game Dependent
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Plated steelcaps should be your default boots every game, only shift away if one is much better or steelcaps give little value. reduced damage on autos is too strong especially at this price point |
Armor Items
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Randuin's Omen is generally the best armor item you can go, in the meta right now most games will have 2+ crit champs, randuin's is very strong in these games. |
Magic Resistance
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Kaenic Rookern is the best default MR item and should be built nearly every game, this item gives by far the most MR and isnt super expensive, along with a shield on top. Best into burst champs. |
IMPORTANT: when playing tank diana its important to keep your mejai/seal stacks so usually you want to build mejais after getting some tank items, in games where im not afraid of dying and im super far ahead i may upgrade to mejais right after nashors
Chamion Matchups
Impossible Matchups
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Master Yi q completely negates diana combo, as well as his w reduces dianas burst. HARDEST DIANA COUNTER IN GAME DODGE ON SIGHT UNPLAYABLE |
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Kha'zix just benefits in this matchup in every single way possible. If you can make it to 3 items without getting behind it become diana favored but its nearly impossible to get to that point. there are windows you can kill kha zix but its very small and depends on khazix either being without ult or jump and also usually requires diana to have the ambush. Try to stay away from Kha zix unless you have help |
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Kindred will almost always beat diana in a 1v1 and his ult completely counters her burst in teamfights. I would recommend banning kindred |
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Poppy is very hard to kill for diana and can cancel diana dash not allowing it to reset |
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Diana isnt a champion that can invade very easily. allowing shyvana to be able to free farm and will end up stat checking diana from level 6 onwards. Diana almost never can beat shyvana in a fight |
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Diana excels in teamfights, mordekaisers ability to remove her from a teamfight completely shuts her down, and diana will almost never win in a 1v1 fight to morde |
Difficult Matchups
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While her rocks make it really hard to play the game with dashes, she is pretty easy to duel as diana so long as you can get on top of her, use your dueling power to snowball before her counterpick matters. |
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Ekko ult makes it nearly impossible to ever 1v1 as diana |
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Elise E can negate Diana ult damage when timed perfectly. Very hard to kill for diana |
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Reksai is very easy to assassinate if you get ahead as diana however, reksai has the advantage for how strong his early game is and being able to snowball. He also can use his ultimate to negate diana ultimate damage, but if you can use zhonyas it will guarantee your ultimate to hit because he wont be able to ult to dodge it |
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Wukong with his clone can make it hard to land your combo on the correct one. diana can win at certain points, and i think it is favored for diana when played correctly but after 2 items wukong almost always will win. play for objectives at that point |
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Tristana has a dash and ult that completely counter dianas assassination. and if you misstep she will blow you up |
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Vayne condemn as well as shieldbow makes it almost impossible to ever assassinate vayne |
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Lulu shield, and ultimate make it hard for any assassin to burst. however, she is easy to jump onto and kill if you are strong enough |
Even/Skill Matchups
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These champions play on a knife's edge, both can win this matchup and it's super volatile, be aware all game because if you make a mistake it will be costly. whoever gets ahead or has more help from team usually ends up hard snowballing this matchup. |
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Nocturne isn't too hard to fight for diana once you get items, however his spell shield if timed well can negate a lot of your damage and it is also very hard to gank vs a nocturne because he can counter your ganks very easily |
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Graves is a skill matchup, both champs have timers to duel each other, depending on skills hit/dodged and level advantage this matchup is very volatile. weakest point is before your first item but after first item you win 1v1 pretty hard so long as you hit r and dont get kited. Against graves i like to 3 camp cheater recall for a dark seal because graves likes to early invade, this item can give you an unexpected edge and allow you to snowball. |
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Karthus is pretty easy for diana to deal with but i put it as an even matchup because every karthus takes exhaust which makes combatting karthus very hard. If you can bait his exhaust before an all in it becomes very easy to win, but him having exhaust makes it very hard to punish straight up. |
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Shaco is not a bad matchup, just gotta get through first 2 clears without dying and you pretty much can never die to him after that, your q mark stays on the correct shaco if you use it before he ults so makes it pretty easy to tell which is the correct shaco under those conditions. also with aoe spells you can determine which is correct depending on which takes less damage. |
Easy Matchups
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Nidalee only strength early is kiting and playing from afar to weaken her enemy. Diana can dash onto nidalee and beat her in almost any fight. However, diana level 2 is very week so just need to be careful of the level 2 invade and you will win. Against nidalee i like to 3 camp cheater recall for a dark seal because nidalee likes to early invade, this item can give you an unexpected edge and allow you to snowball. |
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Hecarim is a very easy matchup for diana, you beat hecarim pretty much throughout the entire game. However, if you let him free farm he becomes hard to punish from clear speed and mov speed. use your power early before he becomes a problem |
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Fiddlesticks is a champ that wants to farm to get strong, which is perfect for diana because diana is strong enough to invade him at any point. She also clears much faster so will be able to free farm all game |
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Lee sin is a pretty easy matchup for diana, diana only loses 1v1 to lee sin very early in the game so as long as you stay safe during that point he isnt much of a threat. the only thing to notice against him is that his ult can prevent you from landing any damage on him so try to time your ult properly or zhonyas (if ap) so he cant ult you away. Against lee sin i like to 3 camp cheater recall for a dark seal because lee sin likes to early invade, this item can give you an unexpected edge and allow you to snowball. |
In depth Diana abilities
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Your abilities will give additional attack speed for a short period, so its best to spred out your abilities in fights or when clearing your jungle. |
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Think of your e cd as your q cd, dont use e unless you can reset with q or guarantee to kill/survive or a massive ult engage |
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Diana ult will do more damage the more enemies it hits. |
Important notes
even though youre playing tank so most your damage comes from nashors rather than raw ap, dark seal stacks are still a crucial part of the build and its important to make sure you dont lose them easily. if you happen to lose them and its too late in game to stack it again you can sell it for a large rod and hold it until you can finish rabadons after finishing rest of build
since you dont do as much burst and most of your damage comes from rotation of spells its important to be patient when playing tank diana, think of your e cooldown as your q cooldown, only ever use your e without reset if you need to and know you wont need a reset.
you have a massive power spike at nashors/sorcs so make sure to use it to take obj, fight, or plates
since you dont do as much burst and most of your damage comes from rotation of spells its important to be patient when playing tank diana, think of your e cooldown as your q cooldown, only ever use your e without reset if you need to and know you wont need a reset.
you have a massive power spike at nashors/sorcs so make sure to use it to take obj, fight, or plates
Diana clear
Cheater recall
Standard Full Clear
Fast Level 5
Standard Full Clear
Fast Level 5
Your goal when playing Diana
Your goal when playing Diana is to do your first clear without being killed, at that point youre in a pretty good spot to get fed from how fast diana clears. Don't underestimate how much damage Diana does early if she can land her full combo especially with conqueror stacks. only take fights before 6 if they are a guaranteed kill. if you stall your level 6 it will be much harder to win.
IMPORTANT: when playing tank diana all of your damage comes from your dark seal so it is important to protect your dark seal stacks and not go for fights you will lose your stacks in unless it is overall worth it for the game state.
IMPORTANT: when playing tank diana all of your damage comes from your dark seal so it is important to protect your dark seal stacks and not go for fights you will lose your stacks in unless it is overall worth it for the game state.
Teamfight decisions
When going ap diana you need to be careful to go in without stopwatch as you will have almost no way out, a lot of the time you can look to jump to a minion then your target for an engage but be careful as you will be overextending from your team so dont int too hard. If you have stop watch its a lot easier to go for a fight because even if you dont kill the enemies your combo should get them low enough for your team to collapse and clean up.
When playing tank diana most of your damage comes from over time and you are very tanky, she uses a ton of mana so if you are not fighting in the jungle sometimes you will need blue buff or you will need to pay attention to your mana costs and not take too long of fights. with jaksho you become insanely tanky and still do insane damage assuming you have a good amount of dark seal stacks. You can use your q to stack your jak sho stacks before fighting so you can have extra armor/mr before committing to a fight. if you jump in without jak sho stacks a lot of the time you can get one shot
When playing tank diana most of your damage comes from over time and you are very tanky, she uses a ton of mana so if you are not fighting in the jungle sometimes you will need blue buff or you will need to pay attention to your mana costs and not take too long of fights. with jaksho you become insanely tanky and still do insane damage assuming you have a good amount of dark seal stacks. You can use your q to stack your jak sho stacks before fighting so you can have extra armor/mr before committing to a fight. if you jump in without jak sho stacks a lot of the time you can get one shot
Early game decision making and goals
The path i like to take on Diana is to start raptors solo and full clear red side into a cheater recall for dark seal. This gives you a secret edge for the scuttle fight and allows you to start stacking your dark seal early into the game. On your way back to your jungle you can take your wolves, blue, and gromp before scuttle spawning, just be weary of your lanes if there is a lane you need to protect, however getting your level 4 for scuttle along with having dark seal is important as well because you will straight up win most fights from that. This extra dark seal will give you the edge in most fights.
Pushing your lead
As Diana you want to be a very greedy jungler meaning do whatever gets you the biggest lead possible. You almost always want to take the kills for yourself as well as not do coinflip ganks. If you can be consistent with farm and keep your dark seal stacks, it is very easy to carry a game as Diana. You want to be on your camps nearly as soon as they spawn and look for invades on enemy camps if you know they are free to take. Dragon isnt necessary on diana however, once you are past 6 it is good to look for objective fights
Farming efficiently with Diana
Once Diana has a little bit of ap her clear is very fast meaning its almost always best to be full clearing on diana. any camp you leave up is missed gold and exp from the camp resetting. You can use your q on minions to get vision on it in fog of war and dash to it to get over walls and farm faster. As well, when you use abilities on diana she gets an attack speed buff for a short amount of time so you do not want to use all your abilities at once but try to spread them out over time to keep your attack speed buff.
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