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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Ki Barrier (PASSIVE)
Shen Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Elise has heavy poke and 2 percent damages. She is one of the few champions that has the potential to tower dive Shen with rappel. Avoid being poked down from her human form and poke her when she spiders with vorpal.
-You have the best map presence in the game (arguably)
-Laning and team fighting phases are exceptional and dueling is surprisingly powerful
-Heavy poke for almost no cost
-Tank for days
-Ultimate is the biggest shield you may ever see
-Can teleport across the map by pushing R
-Can Shadow Dash into an entire team and not get blown up (so much better than Rammus)
-Does excessive amounts of magic damage with the right items
-Can also support and jungle
-He can be kited easily when Shadow Dash is down
-Gets outscaled by hyper carries
-Is team reliant for damage if not building Bruiser Shen
-Can carry, but it's pretty hard
-Losing lane prevents a lot of play making
Armor Items
Sunfire Aegis was made for Shen. He forces enemies to stay within melee range and take around 40 magic damage per second, gains Ki Strike damage from the bonus health and prevents them from hurting him much after he uses Shadow Dash with the armor. Sunfire Aegis is a must for split pushing and wave clearing and even dueling. I would almost always recommend Sunfire Aegis as Shen.
Randuin's Omen is a great item. It has a nice chunk of health and armor, a slow active, and an attack speed slow passive on hit, meaning if you land Shadow Dash you automatically reduce an attackers attack speed. I would get this item against a heavy AD team or fed AD champions to help peel for your carries and to add the chances of surviving.
Thornmail is a great counter to the AD heavy meta, especially as the ADC's have had a great impact in the preseason. With its tweak, I would recommend getting the item later on as it gets stronger off of additional armor.
Dead Man's Plate This item is pretty powerful on Shen right now. If you need the extra armor it stacks incredibly well with Trinity Force for burst damage and has more health than Randuin's Omen
Magic Resist Options
Spirit Visage is a great item on Shen, mostly because of the passive and CDR. 10% cooldown will help massively with map presence on ultimate, dueling, and peeling in team fights, while the passive increases sustain with Vorpal Blade.
Banshee's Veil is a very useful item against champions like Ekko and Kennen who rely on chaining and it's also good vs champions like Annie and Veigar who almost fully rely on their stun to win a fight.
Locket of the Iron Solari is a good item as you are able to sheild many of your teammates and give them all extra magic resist. This item is almost a necessity against heavy AP compositions.
Damage Items
Trinity Force is almost a perfect damage item for Shen. The only issue is you lose item value with mana. It helps prevent kiting with the rage from Phage, gives you extra damage with Sheen and some good attack speed to lower Ki Strike's cooldown with Zeal.
Sterak's Gage is a great item for Shen if your team begins to lack damage and you become the carry in teamfights. Being able to Shadow Dash into their whole team and gain extra AD and a shield is excellent and with the cooldown being so low, teamfights can be forced more often.
Titanic Hydra is Shen's almost core damage item. Building just this means that you are able to out-trade many champions, even a Darius and it also increases your 1-shotting potential with the extra damage on the active.
Frozen Mallet is the ultimate anti-kiting tool, with works so well against champions like Gnar who rely entirely on their kiting in his Mini Gnar form. It also gives him an extremely high amount of HP and some extra AD to duel better.
Extra Tank Options
Guardian Angel is when you end up as the carry (dealing a lot of damage and being the main assassin on your team), and everyone focuses you. You might be surprised how easy it is to jump into 5 people and kill the enemy ADC when you have 15+ kills.
Warmog's Armor If you have decent resistances and armor and the enemy team has evenly keeled damages or simply isn't hurting all that much Warmog's Armor will make you extremely difficult to kill. It's also useful against pesky champions like Darius, Irelia and Master Yi that do a lot of true damage (if you already have Randuin's Omen and/or Thornmail).
Max Vorpal Blade first for massive damages and poke AND sustain.
Max Shadow Dash second for escape, chase, intiate, and even damage in some cases.
Max Feint last. Its a great ability, but just not as useful as the other 2 in most lane situations. If you're losing horribly against heavy poke, max Feint before Shadow Dash.
Teleport is very useful for maximum map control, as you can Stand United bot lane, get both of them and still be able to Teleport top lane to protect turret or farm waves.
Ignite is optional. I prefer to use it against very Life Steal or Health Regeneration champions such as Dr. Mundo, Volibear and Olaf so that you don't lose purely to their health rising up crazily.
Vorpal Blade in team fights, you will often taunt the enemy carries, Vorpal Blade them, and right click till your mouse breaks. And pop Feint to deflect large bursts. If there's no chance of you killing a carry, Vorpal Blade whoever your ADC or other auto attack reliant teammate is focusing and help burst them down while sustaining your ally. It just might save their life.
Fein is great for replenishing Ki Strike but usually it'll just get beaten down as soon as it's popped. It's still great for soaking damage after using Shadow Dash, though.
Shadow Dash can be even more useful than your ultimate in some situations. Try to land it on as many enemy champions as you can, but prioritize APC's and ADC's. You get a refund of 40 energy per champion hit, so if you think you will hit more than 2 shield first. Flash taunting in team fights for the squishies will, with the right positioning and focus, blow them up instantly. Make sure to communicate which target to focus with your team and ping during fights.
Stand United If you teleport onto a champion they will become much more difficult to kill. At level 16 your shield has 850 base, and a 1.5 AP ratio. Ulting too late, however, will prevent you from even entering the fight if your ally dies. Ulting too early will just scare off the enemy team. ALWAYS ping before you ultimate. ALWAYS. If you don't your teammate may attempt to run away from an easy fight and completely waste your ultimate and any summoners or abilities they may have used to aid their escape. Communication is key on Shen.
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