Now heres the thing... If you get wave prio and freeze it on your side and just deny him stacks and solo kill him you just win. But if you can't do that you pretty much lost the game.
If you get hit by E don't try to fight her walk it out. Try to E her Q to dodge it. The entire fight will be you repeatedly trying to dodge her q's and E's. Try to kite out her ult if you can. Shes just really hard to kill without grevious and also kinda shits on you.
Dr. Mundo
You can't ever catch him with his curse shield, he far outscales you, and if you try to chase he'll just q and walk away. Literally such a boring matchup and champ. Best you can do is get his curse shield off for a jungle gank.
Skill matchup here. If lilia has half a braincell she'll just perma q spam and you can't gap close but if she walks up to farm infront of your face early trade with her and you easily win. Otherwise she can kite you and space you out and easily kill you.
You really just can't fight him. Kites you. Uses his pool to kite you even more. Pokes you with Q the entire lane. And just heals everything you do to him. Either way you can't even gap close onto him since he's gonna be farming 10km away from lane.
Never faced this matchup apparently its difficult though.
I mean if you dodge her sleep and just E into her theres not much she can do, but she's probably a little shit stick and will just hit her zero skill blind one combo.
Very even, you can trade with her very well early, though her 6 she just mega kites you. Stride breaker may not be a bad idea.
See heres the thing, if you can E into him, w, and q and weave in some auto into that and use your last E to run away he can't really trade with you since hes stunned for that duration. Try to get a max fury W for extended stun though. But for the most part he can just take an extended fight with you and win so good luck. Quick trades are your best bet.
try to dodge first Q, E into him on second Q, use Second E on third Q. Then you should be able to just beat him that way. A good aatrox will typically walk away after missing 2nd q though. Early bramble and conqueror will be a life saver here.
He runs at you presses Q, spins and presses R. Woohoo! The only thing I ever see work into this is trying to get enough tenacity to completely delete his silence and E away from him to kite out his E, then going into fight him. Though the one massive edge you have over him is you can easily take quick trades with him though preferably when his Q is down.
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