Aatrox's skills counter your entire champion,it's really easy for him to poke you with E + Q and his W will pull you most of the time,if he manages to land his full combo it will hurt you a lot. Taking bramble vest doesn't really work against him since that item only applies anti-heal if someone auto attacks you. And on top of all this his ultimate works as a steroid,as for tips against him: Take Oblivion Orb early and take ghost to dodge his skills,if there is not a fed champ on enemy team you'll want to ult aatrox to not let him steamroll your team and heal for ages.
Fiora is a bigger threat than Aatrox with her insane amount of %HP True Damage and mobility,she is weaker than you in teamfights than you but is insanely strong in splitpushing,be careful about her in mid-late game. As for tips: If her vital is facing towards her get out of her vision to reset it (Her vitals will either be on your left/down or right/up,when she procs a passive on left the next one is guarenteed to be at right/up,so be careful about that), her W counters 3 of your skills,most importantly your ultimate,if she times it right though,in early game be careful with your E's as she will take W level 2 and can parry you to proc 1 or 2 passives early,you beat her at early levels so try to use that to your advantage,also when she ults you hug to a close wall so she doesn't proc all 4 sides and heal herself. You should go bramble vest early.
Vayne is Fiora with range,you should be careful about her 3rd shot since it will deal %HP True Damage,considering she will go for BoTRK she will be a pain in your ass after a while. As for tips: Take Ghost and time your W's well to negate her True Damage,the only good thing is she is really squishy, Rylai's will also help you to slow her down a lot,but you'll have to get a lead otherwise she'll outscale you and kite you all day long.
Yone is again another %HP deal damaging champion,with his long range Q3 and W he is able to poke you down from afar without you being able to respond,after he finishes BoTRK he will be more of a problem since he deals all forms of damage and his E allows him to engage and then go back to safety.
As for tips: When he is in E form,if you ult him he won't be able to E back,when he Q3's into you or minions,pull him with E and Q to punish him and in late game try to stay away from him if he is even or ahead of you.
She has a lot of dashes and a spammable Q ability with shroud,a pretty major threat if you can't land your skillshots (which is understandable since she has 4 dashes in a row with shroud. As for tips: Take Ghost, try to get her low on health by punishing her when CS'ing,since she doesn't have any kind of sustain in lane it'll be pretty easy to engage once she is low on health.
Aurora has decent poke against you,and her W makes her invisible for a moment,considering she goes for Liandry's it'll be hard if you can't manage to get close to her.
Camille's True Damage might seem dangerous but since the remove of Divine Sunderer she isn't that big of a problem. As for Tips: Dodge her E and W, use your W when she is going to deal true damage ( Q2 ) and she shouldn't be too much of a problem.
Darius's early game is stronger that yours and this matchup works in a coinflip,either you crush Darius and he won't be able to do anything for a long time, or he will crush YOU and you won't be able to do anything at all since his ultimate is a true damage finisher and he is a beast in teamfights. As for tips: Don't trade with him early on since his passive will let him winning all early trades,go for W maxxing route and take Oblivion Orb or Ignite to lower his healing,overall don't overextend and you should be fine.
He used to be a bigger threat when his W removed your ult,he still is a big problem but your ult is useful now. As for tips: Dodge his barrels as much as you can since they will hurt a lot after Trinity Force,he needs mana for his Q and W so he won't have much sustain in lane,try to get a lead someway and focus on him in teamfights,the bad thing is even if you manage to get a lead on lane he can easily collect kills/assists with his global ultimate.
She is not much of a problem when you get her away from minions to a 1v1,but you'll have to dodge her E or you'll lose most likely. As for tips, go Bramble Vest early to stop her healing,dodge her E and ult her when she ults,removing her cage and making it easier for you to fight.
Jax isn't really a problem in laning phase against you since you're able to block his damage with your W,but after he takes a few items it'll be problematic for you,be careful in late game.
Free lane in early game,she isn't able to contest with you in anyways pre-6.
After she gets her range it'll be harder for you to kill her,and in late game you become a free target for her since she scales up to sky.
Like kayle,free lane in early game but a menace late game,try to group fight with him in mid-late game since his E is going to reduce a lot of armor from you. Take Bramble Vest early to lower his healing.
An auto-attacker healer.Rush for Bramble Vest and Steelcaps to lower his damage,he will deal true damage with his E so be careful about engaging.
She loves to engage and fight with you. But since she doesn't have any damage besides Physical,it's really easy to deal with her later on,just be careful about her passive stacks and ult in laning phase. A fed riven will be able to run you down with ease.
He's able to heal from any living thing so Oblivion orb is your best choice here,you'd also want to rush for MR since he doesn't have magic penetration in his kit whatsoever,focus on ulting him in teamfights so he doesn't steamroll everyone.
There is this new meta of Rod of Ages with him,which is alright since it makes his early game a lot weaker and you can get a lead on him early on,just be careful about his splitpushing and tower diving potential.
He is able to deal a lot of damage once he finishes BoTRK but you should be fine if you go Bramble Vest.
Use pings to warn your teammates since he'll most likely roam when your teammates are low on health.
Just Yone with a less useful E but a much of useful R,don't let him airborne you and take steelcaps early.
Garen matchup is similar to Darius where one of you is going to crush the other,hopefully it's you or it'll be living hell for you to deal with a fed Garen. I take Rylai's first to get into long trades with him since when he uses E he doesn't have much to do,use your W when you get low on health to negate his True Damage
Boring lane,I usually go for Phase Rush and Protobelt to match his speed,take MR early to block his damage.
His E is a really great skill to engage or disengage and his R is a steroid.
Go for anti-heal early and be careful about his empowered W since it gets rid of shield.
Like Darius,be careful pre-6 and then you can run him down by using your W wisely. An example would be to use W to counter his W.
Ghost + Protobelt she can't really kite you down since you outrun her,be sure to warn your teammates since her ult is really great to roam around and collect kills.
Tahm Kench
Boring lane,take Liandry's to melt him down but since he can have a big ass shield it's really hard to match him in lane.
A problematic auto attacker with a crazy ult. He is really strong in 1v1's (maybe even stronger than you) and also splitpushing. So just be careful overall and don't let him get fed.
A problematic auto attacker with a crazy ult. He is really strong in 1v1's (maybe even stronger than you) and also splitpushing. So just be careful overall and don't let him get fed.
(basically same as Trundle)
He is not really popular so I don't have much experience,but he likes to stay close like you do.he will be a problem around late game but you can demolish him early game.
The only problem is his ghouls and his splitpushing,don't worry about his bride since ulting him gets rid of her temporarily ( if he spawns bride in your ult he will lose her permanently).
Just dodge his E and it'll be easy lane for you.
Ghost, Ult him away from his turrets and he will be left defenseless.
If he goes tank he isnt gonna deal damage and you can kill him if he stays long enough,if he goes ap he won't be able to oneshot you and you can kill him easily.
A tank that lowers his defences.
Ult her away from tentacles
Dr. Mundo
first E then ult him,take Liandry's and anti heal.
He likes to attack,you like to attack,just make sure you're on winning side
Keep track of his ultimate and boxes and it should be easy
Ghost onto him and ult away from mushrooms,he is really squishy so it won't be a problem.
he can't really do damage against you and he doesn't have mobility as well,just take Liandry's as run him down.
He wins until you have W but after that you're stronger,just be sure to not get ganked.
Liandry's and its over for him
Any champion with AoE stun abilities will go great with Mordekaiser's slow
Any Champion that can grant you movespeed will make it easier for you to reach into enemy team.
Any champion with AoE stun abilities will go great with Mordekaiser's slow
Any Champion that can grant you movespeed will make it easier for you to reach into enemy team.
Mordekaiser is a really good champion if you want to make the life of someone from enemy team a living hell with your strong 1v1 kit and your ult.But even this simple looking champion has some tricks to learn before playing him.
-Great 1v1 and 1v2 potential
-Can isolate enemy carry in teamfights
-Weaker in late game
-Dependant on landing skillshots
-MR counters him pretty badly
We'll look at a bunch of combos that you can do with Mordekaiser,these are pretty easy to do so you should be able to do these even in your first game.
E + Q + AA = Passive
The easiest and most fundamental combo of Mordekaiser to proc your passive.
E Backwards
You get your mouse on top of Mordekaiser so the end of your E will be on top of you,you will use this to either get away from your enemy(s) or pull them behind you.
R + E
If you want to secure a kill you can E on your opponent and R at the same time,your R slows the enemy for %99 for a moment so your E will most likely hit them and get them next to you. Fun fact: Your R arena will depend on where you're looking at,the way you're looking will always have the bigger part of the arena so if you're looking to kill an enemy you should first get infront of their escape route so you can deny them to get close there while in your ultimate,a pretty simple but useful tip.
Thanks for reading.
I have made this kind of guide before but I lost it sadly,anyways I hope you learned atleast one thing from my guide,I'm sorry I couldn't show the combos via videos like other in-depth guides.
Thank you for reading all the way through.
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