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Jax General Guide by LoKi88LoKi



Updated on May 20, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author LoKi88LoKi Build Guide By LoKi88LoKi 5,831 Views 2 Comments
5,831 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author LoKi88LoKi Jax Build Guide By LoKi88LoKi Updated on May 20, 2014
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Hi my Name is DEADPOOL INC (formerly LoKi88LoKi)!

This is my first Guide here on Mobafire, it would be nice if you could give some Feedback in the Comments.

I'M from Germany so don't be mad at my English i tried my best. :D

Many People will look at this Guide and think " Jax Mid wtf?!", i thought the same but Jax works MID. Believe THAT and BELIEVE IN THE JAX :D

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Pros / Cons


+ High Burst Damage with Empower/ Leap Strike and Grandmaster-At-Arms
+ Almost unkillable with this Core Build
+ Fast Stacks on Tear of the Goddess
+ Great Escaping/Chasing with Leap Strike
+ Stun and AA counter with Counter Strike


- Mana reliant before Tear of the Goddess
- No ranged attacks or pokes
- Stun is only one second and doesn't increase
- Easily harassed
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Summoner Spells

Flash: It's a really nice spell to have, since you can jump walls, close gaps, and run away. Think of it as a really long cooldown Leap Strike without a target. This spell can be used both offensively and defensively to make clutch plays at the last moment, such as flashing so your Counter Strike hits an enemy or stunning an enemy while you flash away. In my opinion, I prefer Flash, but you can take Ghost as well.

Ignite: Nice to have if your enemy is running away too fast with lamp post shaped bruises and wounds, and you just can't get to them fast enough. Can be used to finish off an opponent or reduce the healing they get, i.e. Volibear's passive.
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I prefer to go 21/9/0 to get the most Damage out of the Masteries tree.

OFFENSE: Take Feast to have some Sustain in lane, Fury to get more Grandmaster-At-Arms Stacks, Spell Weaving & Blade Weaving to maximize the DMG from my q->w or e->w, Arcane Blade cause AP!!!JAXIMUS, Brute Force for more finishing potential.

DEFENSE: Pretty standard defense masteries. Recovery for sustain, Block]9 & [[unyielding to reduce incoming DMG, Veteran Scars & Juggernaut for some HP.
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Press the Attack
Lethal Tempo

Greater Mark of Hybrid Penetration: Jax deals AD & AP DMG so I take these Marks, to make it harder to itemize against Jax.

Greater Seal of Armor: Standard Seals for Melee Mid.

Greater Glyph of Scaling Magic Resist: I take 4 of those to get some MR in Mid/Late Game

Greater Glyph of Scaling Ability Power: 5 of those to boost your Damage in mid/late Game

Greater Quintessence of Hybrid Penetration I take 1 to round the Marks up.

Greater Quintessence of Ability Power 2 of them for the early Game Damage.
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Skill Sequence

Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Purple: explanation of the Skill
white: Cooldown
Blue: Tips & Tricks

Relentless Assault!|Passive

Every time Jax attacks an enemy he gains 4 / 6 / 8 / 10 / 12 / 14 % increased attack speed for 2.5 seconds. The percentage is increased every 3 levels. This effect stacks up to 6 times. Will still stack if the attack is dodged or misses due to blind.

This Passive is what makes JAX the GRANDMASTER AT ARMS, with the passive you will get more hits from Grandmaster-At-Arms! More Grandmaster-At-Arms = More Damage while dueling!

Leap Strike!|Q

Jax leaps towards a target. If it's an enemy, he attacks, dealing 70 / 110 / 150 / 190 / 230 (+60% of ability power) (+1.0 per bonus attack damage) physical damage.

COOLDOWN: 10/9/8/7/6

Great Escape/Chase Skill and it has a 0.6 AP Ratio which gives combined with Empower and Trinity Force good burst Damage.
Max it 2nd for the best Damage.


Jax charges his weapon with energy, causing his next attack to deal 40 / 75 / 110 / 145 / 180 (+60% of ability power) additional magic damage.

COOLDOWN: 7/6/5/4/3

This Spell synergizes very well with Leap Strike & Grandmaster-At-Arms.
Max it 1st for the best Damage.

Counter Strike!|E

Jax dodges all incoming basic attacks for 2 seconds and reduces AoE damage by 25% while he is dodging. At the end of the duration, Jax deals 50/75/100/125/150 (+0.5 bonus attack damage) physical damage to nearby enemies and stuns them for 1 second. This spell deals 20% (up to a maximum of 100%) increased damage for each attack dodged. Jax has the option to activate the ability again after 1 second to end the effect early.

Counter Strike & Empower are JAX's Bread & Butter in 1v1 fights.
Activate it and then jump with Leap Strike on the opponent for a direct stun.
Max it 3rd.

Grandmaster's Might!|R

Passive: Hitting 3 consecutive times enhances Jax's next attack for 100 / 160 / 220 (+70% of ability power) bonus magic damage.

Active: Jax gains 25/35/45 (+30% of his bonus attack damage) armor and 25/35/45 (+20% of his ability power) magic resist for 8 seconds.

Thanks to this Spam you don't need to buy much MR & AR.
Activate when you start to fight someone or in TF's.
Max it at lvl 6/11/16.
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This is the Part I will explain my Items I pick with King Jaximus.

Trinity Force: JAX is the Champ who synergizes most with Trinity Force. It makes him the * GRANDMASTER AT ARMS*.
It gives you all you need: MS/AD/AS/CRIT/MANA/HP/AP and the Best Part for AP JAXIMUS the Sheen PROC.

Seraph's Embrace: These must be so Item why everybody thinks I'm crazy or just stupid... But Seraph's Embrace is such a powerful item on APJAXIMUS. The Mana is very useful to spam your Abilities, the AP you get from it boosts your Damage Output and the Active is a nice Shield that can save your life.

Hextech Gunblade: This Item is almost famous as Trinity Force on JAX. It gives you Lifesteal & Spellvamp, which is really nice cause Jax deals Mixed Damage. Also it gives a nice slow with the Active.
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Here are 2 Pic's of me playing with my Build.

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League of Legends Build Guide Author LoKi88LoKi
LoKi88LoKi Jax Guide
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