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Udyr Build Guide by Catastrophies



Updated on January 31, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Catastrophies Build Guide By Catastrophies 8,568 Views 0 Comments
8,568 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Catastrophies Udyr Build Guide By Catastrophies Updated on January 31, 2018
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Hi I'm Catastrophies this is Udyr guide is to show you what you really need to build in order to do tons of damage and carry yourself out of your elo!

Starting Items:
The first item you would want to buy is Tiamat rather than your jungle item since you should have bought a Rejuvenation Bead from the start of the game. The reason why is because Tiamat gives you 25 Attack Damage and it's passive deals bonus AD when dealing damage. "Cleave: Your attacks deal physical damage up to 60% of your Attack Damage to unites around your target, decaying down to 20% near the edge". Tiamat's active, "Crescent : Deals up to 100% of your attack damage to units around you - decaying down to 60% near the edge". Next, finish up your jungle item, Skirmisher's Sabre - Warrior for Challenging Smite which can reduce your enemy's damage by 20% and helps your basic attacks do additional 60-162 true damage.

Full Carry Build:
Many people expect that Udyr has to build tank items for late game. But based on your early game advantage, he can build full AD items to carry and secure kills. First, you can build the two core Tenacity items, Youmuu's Ghostblade and Duskblade of Draktharr. These items go well together with Wilding Claw and can shred your enemy's health bar within seconds. Then you can decide if you want to build Trinity Force or Infinity Edge. After that, finish your Tiamat to Ravenous Hydra. HAPPY CARRYING!

Hybrid Build:
If your early game isn't doing so well, you can just use the hybrid build. Instead of buying Trinity Force, you can actually buy Black Cleaver as a replacement for Phage. Then you can build Dead Man's Plate which increases movement speed and deal bonus 100 physical damage upon max momentum. Then you can build Spirit Visage for Magic Resist and CDR. Afterwards, you can finish off your Tiamat for Titanic Hydra.

League of Legends - HOW I WENT 16/0 WITH UDYR! (PERFECT KDA):
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Catastrophies
Catastrophies Udyr Guide
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