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Nami Build Guide by SawyerNelson

Support Season 9 Nami Support Guide

Support Season 9 Nami Support Guide

Updated on December 10, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author SawyerNelson Build Guide By SawyerNelson 7 1 16,127 Views 1 Comments
7 1 16,127 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author SawyerNelson Nami Build Guide By SawyerNelson Updated on December 10, 2018
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Champion Build Guide

Season 9 Nami Support Guide

By SawyerNelson
Nami is an enchanter support with heavy emphasis on winning the laning phase, snowballing early, and countering enemies engage and following up on her allies engage late game.

  • Nami wants to spam W Ebb and Flow on the enemy in the laning phase and get single auto attacks then kite away over and over, to damage the enemy and farm spellthief's stacks.
  • You can push the lane when the enemy jungler can't be around to get gold by taking tower plates.
  • Stay in the Bot lane, roaming early isn't very valuable since Nami is so slow and gains so much gold by bullying her lane.

Mid Game
  • Be near the lane your ADC is farming in, get wards near that area to protect your ADC & Team.
  • When you can move with your jungler to gank a lane or start a fight in the Jungle.
    Avoid moving alone or starting fights without allies nearby.
  • Carry multiple Control Wards to deny vision from the enemy to easily catch them out.
  • Use ULT Tidal Wave to start fights, to follow up on your allies that started a fight, or to disengage a fight that the enemy has started.

Late Game
  • Move with your allies to setup vision around objectives.
  • Stay behind your carries and don't get caught out.
  • Carry multiple Control Wards to deny the enemy vision on baron or around it
  • Peel for your carries properly in team fights.

Sawyer Nelson

This guide was written by Sawyer Nelson on December/8th/2018 for free, with the purpose of educating those interested. If you want to show your appreciation you can do so by Donating via [PayPal] or following Sawyer's Social Media:
  • Twitch - (Gameplay, Personality, Commentary, and Coaching League of Legends Live stream)
  • Twitter - A trash can for my stupid thoughts
  • Youtube
  • Instagram - Clips of my gameplay, maybe a picture of me once a year
Nami is the healing, damage dealing Enchanter Support. She can dominate lanes early and protect her allies later. She also has small amounts of cc which puts her a leg up on most enchanter Supports.


+ Strong Heals
+ Strong Damage in lane
+ Has cc as an enchanter
+ Great Champion to learn how to fundamentally play Support


- Burstable / not very tanky
- Bad when behind
- Can stagnate Mid Game
- Abilities are better on some ally champions than others

Nami is an extension of a champion, so much of what she does is done through her allies. This makes Nami very akin to the Support role. When playing her you should get a better sense of what is best to do in the Support role as an Enchanter Support. Nami also has 2 [[cc] abilities giving you the opportunity to punish enemies as well as help your allies which. Most Enchanter Supports only have protective abilities.
Summoner spells


Ignite gives you more damage for all in ing enemies. It will also negate some healing which during 2v2s bot if you Ignite the enemy ADC not only will you be dealing more damage to them for free, but preventing some healing from their summoner spell Heal


Flash is standard on most champions, Nami is no exception. As an Enchanter Support most of your Flashes will be defensive, you can use it offensively to lane a bubble Aqua Prison.

These Runes give Nami a lot more dominance in the laning phase with extra damage & Mana. With an option of running slightly more defensive / supportive variante.

Sorcery Inspiration
Summon Aery
Summon Aery deals damage to enemies, and shields your allies. Nami makes great use of Summon Aery. It gives her slightly more damage every time she damages the enemy with abilities or auto attacks and gives her allies a shield when you can abilities on them, or proc Nami's passive Surging Tides.
Manaflow band
Manaflow Band Gives Nami mana for hitting enemies with abilities, eventually increasing her Max Mana by 250, then giving you Mana Regen based on Max mana. Nami can make use of all the mana she can get because of the relatively high Mana cost on her abilities.

If you are against a lot of AP threat you can consister running Nullifying Orb instead, but you will have to manage your mana, especially early game.
Absolute Focus
Absolute Focus gives you Ability Power based on level. Any enchanter support wants all the free Ability Power they can get. You will likely be in the health threshold to get this AP for the majority of the match as well.
Scorch gives you slightly more damage on abilities, and is on a fairly short cooldown. So it works in combination Summon Aery to compound lots of damage throughout the laning phase.
Biscuit Delivery
Biscuit Delivery are mostly for the Mana regen in lane. With Biscuits you will be able to cast more abilities than you would otherwise be able to during the laning phase.
Cosmic Insight
5% on Abilities, Summoner Spells, items, and lets you surpass 40% CDR to 45%.

You can run Resolve secondary with Bone Plating & Revitalize to play a more passive style. Bone Plating + Revitalize will be more useful if you can't challenge your lane matchup or if your ADC 1v2's the lane anyways.

Passive: Surging Tides
When Nami's abilities hit allied champions they gain Movement Speed for a short duration.
[Q] Aqua Prison
Sends a bubble to a target area, dealing damage and stunning all enemies on impact.

Ebb and Flow

Unleashes a stream of water that bounces back and forth between allied and enemy champions, healing allies and damaging enemies.
Tidecaller's Blessing
Nami empowers an allied champion or herself for a short duration, the next 3 auto attacks will slow and deal additional magic damage.

Tidal Wave

Nami Summons a massive Tidal Wave that knocks up, slows, and damages enemies. Allies hit gain double the effect of Surging Tides.

So as you can see Nami's kit is very versatile. Nami can deal damage, heal allies, and cc enemies she has a little of everything which is great when you can manage it all. Early game a lot of what you will be doing is take 1 auto attack then W Ebb and Flow trade with the enemy and then kiting away to avoid minion aggro. You will also be using W Ebb and Flow to stack up Manaflow Band throughout the laning phase, the quicker you stack it up the better. The Flat Mana and Mana regen offered from fully stacked Manaflow Band make Nami a lot more funcional. The only time you will be able to make use of using E Tidecaller's Blessing on yourself in lane is if the enemy is to far forward or generally out of position and you are there to auto attack them. If you cast it on yourself or an ally during the laning phase and they don't use the empowered auto attacks to damage the enemy than it's mana wasted, which isn't good for Nami everything she can do relies on her mana. If you have an auto attack traveling and you cast E on yourself with ALT + E, than the auto attack will be empowered as it lands and hits the enemy. It's better to cast it this way, if you cast E Tidecaller's Blessing on yourself then start running at the enemy for an auto attack they are going to be more likely to simply walk away from you.

Aqua Prison is a very hard ability to use, like one of the hardest in the game. Don't let that discourage you, but rather go into practice using it understand that even the best Supports in the world (such as myself) have a hard to using this ability. Luckily Nami has 2 tools to set herself up to land an Aqua Prison. First her E Tidecaller's Blessing from either you or your allies auto attacks will slow the enemy making the Aqua Prison easier to hit. The sure fire way to land a Q Aqua Prison is by landing ULT Tidal Wave, and during the brief knock up cast Q Aqua Prison on the enemy. That all happens pretty quickly and the enemy realistically can flash out of the combo. Like any skillshot you should be aiming it to where the enemy is likely going, not where they are. If you see the enemy is moving backwards as you approach them in lane you can cast it behind them to land it.

If you manage Summon Aery's cooldown while casting abilities on allies during fights you can get multiple shields off from Arey. The benefit of a heal ability is to counteract poke, and sustain damage during fights. Most enchanter supports have Shields, shields let you block incoming damage immediately and are still useful even when your ally is at full health. When your ally is at full health casting W Ebb and Flow doesn't help them. This makes it hard to assist allies against a lot of burst since you have to have a delayed but well timed heal or your ally will be bursted before you can even heal them. Items such as Redemption and Locket of the Iron Solari help against this.
Starting Items


If you want to play to win your lane then start Spellthief's Edge. If you are in a losing match up, and can't fight / interact with your lane going Ancient Coin is fine. Both are fine items on Nami, the snowballing potential and bonus damage from [spellthief's edge]] is very effective. Ancient Coin allows you to still gain lots of gold while in a losing match up. Also if there is stagnated action nd the game is played out methodically you will gain more gold with Ancient Coin but whens the last time that happened in your solo queue match?

Spellthief's Edge gives Nami slightly more damage and rewards him with gold for damaging enemies. Early W Ebb and Flow spam + auto attacks is the best way to proc Spelltheif's early. The additional damage offered also works well in combination with Summon Aery & Scorch.

Ancient Coin's stats offered aren't that useful early. You will get to pick up Mana coins during the laning phase which makes your mana sustain a bit different but you have to pick up coins for gold and mana meaning cc / tank supports will often have opportunities to punish for picking up the coins.

Early Build Path

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If you are playing for to win lane and you back with enough gold you can purchase Dark Seal + Refillable Potion giving you more AP, Mana, and effectively more health through healing. This buy is more effective against ranged matchups since you will be trading poke with them. Having Health Potion or Refillable Potion after first recall lets you sustain the enemies damage without having to use W Ebb and Flow on yourself.

Purchasing 2 Faerie Charms during the laning phase is cheaper so it can be more consistent of a buy, and effective since it later builds into Forbidden Idol.

Standard Order

> > > > >

Along the way you can purchase Health Potions, Refillable Potion, Control Wards. You can also sit on a Ruby Crystal throughout the laning phase instead of Boots. Ruby Crystal helps a lot against Tank matchups or matchups with lots of burst such as Lucian + Bard.



Redemption is a very solid first item on Nami since it offers Health, Mana Regen, Cooldown Reduction, and an active that heals your allies and damages enemies. Redemption is also one of the cheapest completed Support items in the game. Nami's gold generation spikes very quickly during the early game & laning phase, then dips entering the Mid game since you stop interacting with champions as much there for getting less gold from Spellthief's Edge so purchasing a complete support item with a useful active is a lot more impactful than sitting on components to another item for a long time early - mid game.

After completing Redemption you can upgrade Frostfang into Remnant of the Watchers this will give you a small amount of AP, Health, and an extra ward on reset. Doing this lets you play out the early game with a good amount of health so that even if an enemy hits you with an ability you aren't so likely to insta die for it, allowing you to position a lot more aggressively and potentially be more useful in fights. The extra ward offered also helps if you are against champions that want to abuse the fog of war such as Rengar, Thresh, etc.

In a majority of your games on Nami you will be sitting on these couple of items Remnant of the Watchers, Mobility Boots, Redemption, and Control Wards. Get used to how it feels to play with these items and the limits of Nami with them.

Athene's Unholy Grail is a great item for Nami making her heals MASSIVE when fully stacked, providing her with more Ability Power, and giving her a good amount of Magic Resist. Athene's build out of Chalice of Harmony which is a very, very strong item for a enchanter support. During the Mid game the magic resist it gives is very strong against AP assassin's such as LeBlanc wanting to dive onto you, and against any magic damage in general.

Athene's Unholy Grail gives you Ability Power based on your Mana Regen so all natural enchanter support items give you extra Ability Power.

Locket of the Iron Solari is very solid 3rd item as it synergizes well with both Redemption and Athene's Unholy Grail. As a 3rd item you will be completing it some time in the Mid - Late Game. Locket offers Armor & Magic Resist which is nice coming into the Mid - Late Game for more survivability / utility.

You will likely not get past 4 completed items in most matches. Late game you can purchase Stopwatch for the 1 time use. You can also start purchasing Elixir of Iron after you complete Locket of the Iron Solari.

I list Ardent Censer as the 4th completed item because it's usually very important to complete Locket of the Iron Solari Late game to have protection for yourself and your allies. Ardent Censer only gives your team more damage, and not a game breaking amount of damage compared to the damage that would be blocked by Locket of the Iron Solari. That being said as a 4th item Ardent Censer is fine. Since you will be purchasing it in the later stages of the game, you can apply it's attack speed and on hit buff with heals, aery, and locket.

You can consider getting this item early, but it's really lackluster compared to Redemption or Athene's Unholy Grail early game.

Twin Shadows is ok on Nami because it offers a lot of AP, CDR, and an active the slows enemies. The slow isn't very useful, but can be used to scout the fog of war, or slow enemies to set them up for your ULT Tidal Wave.

If you purchased an early Dark Seal and your team is winning OR losing VERY hard you can upgrade Dark Seal into Mejai's Soulstealer which will give you AP per kill or assist. This is a very cheap way to get a lot of Ability Power on Nami. It's easy to stack since Nami gets so many assist.

Mejai's Soulstealer like I said can be purchased when ahead, but more importantly almost definitely should be purchased when your team is very, very ,very far behind. Say if you and your team lost laning phase and is continuing to lose the match and you had purchased Dark Seal in the laning phase and still have completed Redemption you should look to purchase Mejai's Soulstealer since any won fights will give you a good amount of AP, and compounding winning fights give you more and more AP. It makes winning comeback fights even stronger and makes the next fights easier.

When ahead it mostly offers an otherwise unattainable amount of Ability Power which will give you more damage on abilities.

Mikael's Blessing has fallen off as an effective item since it's hard to use, stat's aren't particularly valuable, and most champions have micro cc abilities rather than long duration cc abilities making the cleanse not as valuable. In matchups that Mikael's Blessing would be valuable your ADC should most likely purchase Quicksilver Sash instead of you purchasing Mikael's Blessing. The ADC will complete QSS faster, will have magic resist, and it builds into a not bad item.

So buy this item basically never except in the 1 out of 1000 games it's ok.

Zeke's Convergence is an ok first item. It gives you Armor, Magic Resist, CDR, Mana, and an ok active mostly used for peeling on enchanter supports. You can look to buy Zeke's first if the enemy has a lot of champions that can dive onto you and your ADC such as Irelia, Talon, Xin Zhao, etc.

You can continue the normal build path afterwards.

If you are into an all AD team you can purchase Knight's Vow instead of Locket of the Iron Solari 3rd item. It's cheap, offers you Armor and CDR, and gives your binded ally +20 Armor. The healing passive is whatever you purchase this for the Armor.

Currently this item is heavily outclassed by other support items. You can purchase it instead of Ardent Censer 4th item. Use it's active for disengage, not engage to get the most value out of it.

All other items on Nami are likely bad.
Early Game

Early game on Nami is very important. If Nami can accrue a lead in the laning phase she can set herself, her ADC, and her entire team up for success entering the Mid Game. Nami's kit enables her to be a dominate lane bully in most matchups with constant poke from Auto attacks, W Ebb and Flow, and big punishes on every bubble Aqua Prison that lands. There is a defininate art in playing Nami because it's so easy to over do it. When you over do it you give the enemy an opportunity to punish you that they otherwise wouldn't have. A basic example of this is level 1 as the minion wave has crashed in the middle of the lane, you will likely go for a 1 auto attack + W Ebb and Flow trade onto the enemy. To over do it you would go for a 2nd auto attack, or a 3rd auto attack, by this time you are past the minion wave taking not only the entire minion wave but the 2 enemy champions with your ADC likely very far behind you, and a 4th auto attack is probably your death as the enemy support likely only has to spend 1 ability + Ignite to finish you off.

Taking damage trades with time distance inbetween is best. Nami's main poke ability is W Ebb and Flow. Walk up just in range and cast it on the enemy then stay near them for the heal to bounce back to you, get 1 auto attack and then move away from them, and the minion wave. Single target abilities and auto attacks make the minions aggro you, move way from them to drop aggro. You can spot minion aggro by little red marks above them.

Even if you are taking these proper trades you may fall to around 80% - 60% health which is fine. When you do use your Health Potion or Total Biscuit of Everlasting Will to regen health instead of W Ebb and Flow. If you cast Ebb and Flow on yourself without it bouncing to the enemy you will lose out on damage in lane. If you are low on health and walk forward into the enemy to get the bounce than you may put yourself at risk of the enemy punishing you. In general there are only negatives to using W Ebb and Flow on yourself just for the heal early. The only times it's really acceptable is if you are overstaying in an non lethal ( you can't kill the enemy, and they can't kill you) lane for EXP, and using W Ebb and Flow will keep you out of an obvious lethal range for the enemy.

You get your first Total Biscuit of Everlasting Will at 3 minutes, it should be used to give you enough mana to cast more Ws Ebb and Flow on your lane. It's not primarily for the health regen, it's mostly for the Mana regen + Flat mana before first recall. It's important to use that first biscuit before first recall while you are around 40% mana or less. Selling Biscuits to complete items is fine.

It's very easy to push the lane as Nami since you are a ranged champion all you have to do is auto attack the minion wave with your ally. You can do so when proper, but a lot of the time you want to keep the minion wave in the middle of the lane so that you can punish the enemy for walking up to hit a CS. Pushing the minion wave into the enemy tower or when letting the minion wave crash into the enemy tower think about where the enemy jungler could and should be. Say if you are on Blue side, and the enemy xin zhao started Red buff, level 2 ganked mid, and is now pathing out of mid lane through the right side into the river what is he likely to do? Obviously go for the scuttle crab he will also have the option to gank bot. Now say the minion wave is meeting in front of the enemy tower at the timing of Xin Zhao leaving mid lane. Your options are to move into the river and ward half way up to spot Xin Zhao moving from scuttle to bot, skipping scuttle and coming bot, or to see him clear scuttle crab and move to his Blue buff, or go into your red side. All options give you information. If you see the jungler taking scuttle crab you could disrupt him if your jungler is around or if Xin Zhao used his E, you could stay in your lane and continue to poke until he finishes scuttle then move away if he is pathing towards bot lane or you can concede the lane completely which is the easiest play, the most consistent play especially in solo queue but overall the worst play. Conceding the lane means you simply walk backwards to the safest range, telling the enemy I know where your jungler is and you can't get me here. You also give up damage threat to the enemy lane briefly. The better you can manipulate the enemy champions movement without dying or costing Summoner Spells / abilities the higher value and higher level of play you can achieve.

Poke in Lane

Don't forget that what is most important is that you play Nami well, and play the lane well. Getting good poke on the enemy is to make good use of Summon Aery & Scorch luckily for bad Nami players these happen automatically for Nami's W Ebb and Flow poke, since their cooldowns are so short. On champions that can spam multiple abilities they lose out on these bonuses by casting multiple abilities in a short duration. Summon Aery's cooldown is based on how long it takes for Aery to walk back to you, so the closer you are to the enemy the faster it comes back this is only important when going for multiple auto attack trades or run downs, and again happens almost automatically so you don't have to put much thought into it. Scorch's cooldown is only 10 Seconds and it's damage scales with levels.

When approaching for poke think about what threat the enemy has, if you are walking up to a level 3 Alistar and you W Ebb and Flow him, and he combo Headbutt + Pulverizes you, you lose. You can avoid this by damaging his ally while being about of range of Alistar, or by getting combo'd by him when his ally ADC is to far away to immediately follow up on the cc.

Early levels Nami can really abuse champions, think about the level 1 of your bot lane matchup as you are loading into the game, as you are leashing the jungle, as you are walking to lane. Think about how the level 1 plays out. Nami beats almost every support in the game level 1. For example against Braum level 1 all Braum has is Q Winter's Bite which damages, slows, and applies Braum's passive Concussive Blows so you can tank that for free and trade W Ebb and Flow to probably heal most the damage it delt, get 1 auto attack on him, then kite into your bush to drop minion aggro. Go out of the bush to auto attack and enemy champion, kite into your bush to drop minion aggro, then start auto attacking minions for level 2.

First Recall
First recall it's ideal to have enough gold to purchase Frostfang. Frostfang gives you more damage in lane, but more importantly more gold generation. Extra gold you have on first back can go towards purchasing Faerie Charm, Refillable Potion, Health Potion, Dark Seal, Control Ward, Ruby Crystal, or Boots.

I really like coming back to lane with say Frostfang, Faerie Charm,faerie charm]], Health Potion, Control Ward. This is realistically consistent, allows you to have more mana therefor more W's Ebb and Flow, and 1 Health Potion is solid for all ins, and the 1 Control Ward is obviously useful to secure your lane and deny the enemy vision of your jungler's incoming ganks.

If you have enough gold the highest value item you could purchase is Ruby Crystal, making you very hard to burst even if you are against say Alistar the extra mount of health is a lot to play with on a healing champion such as Nami. Ruby Crystal will later build into Redemption or Remnant of the Watchers.

Dark Seal + Refillable Potion is a solid buy against ranged poke lanes such as Zyra, Karma, etc. Champions that have range over you that you will likely have to take temporary negative HP trades to farm your spellthief's stacks and also get damage on them. Going this build over Ruby Crystal makes you easier to burst through, so if you get Flash + Ignited than be sure to flash and heal / use any potions you have.
Mid Game

Mid Game starts around the time the first tower goes down in any lane, but most likely the Bot Lane. Laners will likely swap lanes to farm at this time, such as Top lane going to Bot Lane, while ADC and Support go to Top Lane. You can also end up Mid lane when your ally Mid is on a champion such as Kassadin, Zed, LeBlanc, etc. Champions that can survive and thrive in the side lane, and want to continue to scale rather than stay Mid and sharing EXP with the ADC & Support Duo. Where you and your ADC should or shouldn't go is fairly simple. Highest priority should be to get into the safest lane for your ADC to farm. Regardless if your ADC is strong, they likely can't force any more advantages in the Mid Game, and rather can use them being strong as the advantage by freeze waves that the enemy will be at risk to come up to, or by playing defensively and forcing the enemy jungler into them and into a bad 2v3 or 3v3. Being in the same lane as your ADC allows you to gain experience, and some gold with your support item. It also makes it safe for your ADC to farm, and if any champion tries to attack them it's very hard for them to get through Nami.

So much of how you will perform Mid Game comes down to your Macro skill, which involves how well you watch the map, how well you move around the map, how well you react to things happening around the map, and how well you can predict the enemies movements and counter them with your team. If you don't watch the minimap, play basically center screened and only see the enemy champions when they are on your screen, you're going to have a very bad time trying to play out the Mid game properly.

Nami similar to most enchanter supports doesn't do much by herself, aka she doesn't do anything. Moving into the enemies jungle alone is offering yourself to them. Nami's abilities help her allies, so let them go in front of you. Ping them like they are AI waiting to be controlled and hope they move to where you want them to go, and if they don't then react to that, it's a big part of the game especially from the support role to try and command your allies properly and following up on their actions. Nami's ULT Tidal Wave is good to start fights, but better to respond / follow up on your allies starting a fight. Tidal Wave is slow moving, so anyone with hands will be able to move out of the way of it. Casting Tidal Wave from non linear angels so from the side of the enemy than you will be more likely to land it on an unexpecting enemy, especially if the wave travels through terrain, the range on Tidal Wave is long enough to be cast over a lot of walls. Tidal Wave can be cast to cut off enemies exists to, say if you are sieging top tower, and you cast it to where they would run away from the tower as your jungler is coming in they have no options to run away.

Your goals during the Mid Game on Nami should be to provide safety for your ADC, set up plays with your jungler, and provide vision to the side of the map you and your ADC are farming safety.

Late Game

Late Game on Nami is very simple. Your job is primarily to get vision around objectives with your jungler / allies, even though you are stronger / tankier late game you still probably die when face checking enemies in the fog of war. So you still want to move with your allies to get vision around Baron. Put control wards on your side of the map to deny enemy vision, and put vision wards on their side of the map so they can't see where you have vision and you can see them entering the river / near objectives. If it's too risky to ward, don't. It's fairly simple to know where the enemy team likely is without them. Wards are used to guarantee the information of the enemies position. Wards are also necessary when starting objectives such as baron to spot enemies approaches and so your allies can auto attack. Nami's job stays the same in team fights to peel for her allies and land Aqua Prison. You can use Tidal Wave aggressively or defensively. If you don't have to spend it aggressively because your team as other engage than probably save it to use defensively against champions that can dive onto you or your ADC such as Jax, Xin Zhao, Irelia, etc. It can interrupt their dash and sets you up to land a bubble Aqua Prison.

The only way you can lose late game on Nami is by being to far forward and getting caught out. There are benefits to being too far forward, but they are very slim and hard to pull off. It might sound boring to be behind your team, but that's your play you are waiting to follow up on your allies engage, or to counter the enemies engage. It's not Nami's job to be in front of everyone to throw a bubble at the enemy team. So play back. Don't be too far forward. Stay behind your carries. Really don't move far past them. If you move past them at all.

Sawyer Nelson

This guide was written by Sawyer Nelson on December/8th/2018 for free, with the purpose of educating those interested. If you want to show your appreciation you can do so by Donating via [PayPal] or following Sawyer's Social Media:
  • Twitch - (Gameplay, Personality, Commentary, and Coaching League of Legends Live stream)
  • Twitter - A trash can for my stupid thoughts
  • Youtube
  • Instagram - Clips of my gameplay, maybe a picture of me once a year
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