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Shaco Build Guide by Pluckin Penguin

Shaco: Dominion AP(Annoying Pest) Build

Shaco: Dominion AP(Annoying Pest) Build

Updated on January 8, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Pluckin Penguin Build Guide By Pluckin Penguin 7,857 Views 10 Comments
7,857 Views 10 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Pluckin Penguin Shaco Build Guide By Pluckin Penguin Updated on January 8, 2012
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I'm Pluckin Penguin and this is my guide to Dominion AP Shaco. Shaco is unbelievable in this game. Now if you're looking for a roaming Shaco guide I'm afraid you will have to look else where. If you're going to vote please base it off of the build I'm still adding description and what not.

This Guide's Status: Meh
Reason: AP Shaco is still viable nerf didn't do too much.
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+Burst Damage is crazy if played right
+Fun to play
+Amazing Windmill Defender if you set up traps right
+Is very dominate early game
+You will get kills while your dead at least once a game


-You will get cussed out frequently
-Team Fights are tricky(Why AP Shaco isn't good on Summoner's Rift)
-AOE Damage destroys you boxes(ex: Pillar of Flame)
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+Burst Damage is crazy if played right
+Fun to play
+Amazing Windmill Defender if you set up traps right
+Is very dominate early game
+You will get kills while your dead at least once a game


-You will get cussed out frequently
-Team Fights are tricky(Why AP Shaco isn't good on Summoner's Rift)
-AOE Damage destroys you boxes(ex: Pillar of Flame)
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Skill Sequence

Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Backstab: Not much to say about this passive. It's straight forward that when you hit somebody in the back it's bonus damage. It isn't very useful if you play an AP Shaco though.
Decieve: This is Shaco's own Flash. It is very useful to get away, and catch up. You want to max this skill last because it has no AP scaling what so ever. You can poof through very thick walls, and it grants stealth. Try not to use this to initiate because it's cool down is relatively long, so I would save it for a final blow or escape. If you haven't figured out yet stealthed champs are revealed if they are near a capture points.
Jack In The Box: This is Shaco is found very pest-like. You want to max this skill first to guarantee easy kills. If they walk into 3 stacked on top of eachother. For more info go to the "Jack in the Box(in-depth)" section.
Two-Shiv Poison: This is a ranged single-target slow that I like to use to keep enemies in range of the Jack In The Box trap. It has an incredible 1.0 AP scaling, but you want to max it second because in most combat you will only have time to throw one.
Hallucinate: A very tricky ult to use in the right way. A good idea would be to tower dive your clone into the turret and make sure they die next to the low health champ. This is a hard thing to do because they notice you're doing a stupid thing and run for their lives. This is a very good escape spell if used right. With proper practice you can direct your clone in one path to base and the actual Shaco the other direction. You can control your clone using Alt + Mouse. You will want to put points in this whenever it's available.
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Skill Sequence

Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Backstab: Not much to say about this passive. It's straight forward that when you hit somebody in the back it's bonus damage. It isn't very useful if you play an AP Shaco though.
Decieve: This is Shaco's own Flash. It is very useful to get away, and catch up. You want to max this skill last because it has no AP scaling what so ever. You can poof through very thick walls, and it grants stealth. Try not to use this to initiate because it's cool down is relatively long, so I would save it for a final blow or escape. If you haven't figured out yet stealthed champs are revealed if they are near a capture points.
Jack In The Box: This is Shaco is found very pest-like. You want to max this skill first to guarantee easy kills. If they walk into 3 stacked on top of eachother. For more info go to the "Jack in the Box(in-depth)" section.
Two-Shiv Poison: This is a ranged single-target slow that I like to use to keep enemies in range of the Jack In The Box trap. It has an incredible 1.0 AP scaling, but you want to max it second because in most combat you will only have time to throw one.
Hallucinate: A very tricky ult to use in the right way. A good idea would be to tower dive your clone into the turret and make sure they die next to the low health champ. This is a hard thing to do because they notice you're doing a stupid thing and run for their lives. This is a very good escape spell if used right. With proper practice you can direct your clone in one path to base and the actual Shaco the other direction. You can control your clone using Alt + Mouse. You will want to put points in this whenever it's available.
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Summoner Spells

The Good

Ghost: This is just a must have summoner spell in Dominion. In Dominion, the mobility of your team will win game's. Ghost is a low cool down, and speed boosting summoner spell. They probably made the summoner spell, Ghost, with Dominion in mind.


Ignite: This is the typical summoner spell I run on Shaco. I choose this due to the fact that there are health relics around the map. Therefore, if you ignite them if they aren't bursted down fast enough the health relic won't heal them for that much life. Ignite is a great summoner spell that you can use to guarantee a kill.


Exhaust: I know that some of you like to run Exhaust on AP Shaco. In some cases Exhaust may let your Jack In The Box's get one more hit, but usually the Two-Shiv Poison's slow satisfies me. It's certainly not a bad idea to use it, but don't feel like you're invincible when you use Exhaust on Kog'Maw. He shreds squishies down at lightning speed.

The Decent

Cleanse: As Shaco you are squishy and a hard cc team will tear you into pieces. That's why there is a crafty spell for when all goes wrong :D. Simply Cleanse+ Deceive will get you out of any sticky situation.

Garrison(The remake of Fortify for dominion): A great summoner spell... that is if you go bot lane. I don't think this is very useful unless you're playing bot lane because when playing bot lane you are more of a defender. Garrison is great when it's 4 v You and your point. Shaco isn't a bad defender, nor is he a good one. I say this because he lacks his capability to farm so if the minions are pushed it may be difficult to stop them. If you want to play the defender role go buy Heimerdinger, or Yorick.
Flash: You have your Deceive which is the same thing as Flash, but it gives you stealth and 100% crit chance with a low mana cost, and a short cool down.

The Bad

: Another summoner spell that I see is only good for the person defending bot lane. It allows them to push the lane with ease, if you're not bot lane don't even bother with this spell.
Clarity: Grab this if you struggle with mana, but in my opinion mana shouldn't be too much of a problem.

The Ugly

Clairvoyance: This is not necessary in Dominion due to the fact that you are given vision around all capture points and the speed relics. In my opinion, never use this unless you feel like being a troll.
Revive: 9 minute cool down o.0 Just No...
Smite: Go on Summoner's Rift if you want to use this summoner it's useless on Dominion.
Heal: A relatively long cool down and there are health relics all around the map.

The Banned

Fortify: It was replaced by Garrison for Dominion.
Teleport: Would be overpowered if it wasn't banned for Dominion.
Rally: I have no idea why this summoner would be banned, but I wouldn't use it if it was available.
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Summoner Spells

The Good

Ghost: This is just a must have summoner spell in Dominion. In Dominion, the mobility of your team will win game's. Ghost is a low cool down, and speed boosting summoner spell. They probably made the summoner spell, Ghost, with Dominion in mind.


Ignite: This is the typical summoner spell I run on Shaco. I choose this due to the fact that there are health relics around the map. Therefore, if you ignite them if they aren't bursted down fast enough the health relic won't heal them for that much life. Ignite is a great summoner spell that you can use to guarantee a kill.


Exhaust: I know that some of you like to run Exhaust on AP Shaco. In some cases Exhaust may let your Jack In The Box's get one more hit, but usually the Two-Shiv Poison's slow satisfies me. It's certainly not a bad idea to use it, but don't feel like you're invincible when you use Exhaust on Kog'Maw. He shreds squishies down at lightning speed.

The Decent

Cleanse: As Shaco you are squishy and a hard cc team will tear you into pieces. That's why there is a crafty spell for when all goes wrong :D. Simply Cleanse+ Deceive will get you out of any sticky situation.

Garrison(The remake of Fortify for dominion): A great summoner spell... that is if you go bot lane. I don't think this is very useful unless you're playing bot lane because when playing bot lane you are more of a defender. Garrison is great when it's 4 v You and your point. Shaco isn't a bad defender, nor is he a good one. I say this because he lacks his capability to farm so if the minions are pushed it may be difficult to stop them. If you want to play the defender role go buy Heimerdinger, or Yorick.
Flash: You have your Deceive which is the same thing as Flash, but it gives you stealth and 100% crit chance with a low mana cost, and a short cool down.

The Bad

: Another summoner spell that I see is only good for the person defending bot lane. It allows them to push the lane with ease, if you're not bot lane don't even bother with this spell.
Clarity: Grab this if you struggle with mana, but in my opinion mana shouldn't be too much of a problem.

The Ugly

Clairvoyance: This is not necessary in Dominion due to the fact that you are given vision around all capture points and the speed relics. In my opinion, never use this unless you feel like being a troll.
Revive: 9 minute cool down o.0 Just No...
Smite: Go on Summoner's Rift if you want to use this summoner it's useless on Dominion.
Heal: A relatively long cool down and there are health relics all around the map.

The Banned

Fortify: It was replaced by Garrison for Dominion.
Teleport: Would be overpowered if it wasn't banned for Dominion.
Rally: I have no idea why this summoner would be banned, but I wouldn't use it if it was available.
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Fleet Footwork
Phase Rush


I chose Greater Mark of Magic Penetration because they're the most powerful caster mark in my opinion, and it is great when you can penetrate all of their magic resist!


I use Greater Seal of Armor because I like to have some durability, but Greater Seal of Scaling Mana Regeneration aren't a bad idea either.


I use Greater Glyph of Cooldown Reduction because Shaco's cooldowns are relatively long to me, but their are other viable options.



I like to go with Greater Quintessence of Ability Power, but there are many other viable options as well. If you think the cool down's are too long on Shaco then grab some Greater Quintessence of Cooldown Reduction. You should pick your runes based on your needs my build is just a recommendation.
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Fleet Footwork
Phase Rush


I chose Greater Mark of Magic Penetration because they're the most powerful caster mark in my opinion, and it is great when you can penetrate all of their magic resist!


I use Greater Seal of Armor because I like to have some durability, but Greater Seal of Scaling Mana Regeneration aren't a bad idea either.


I use Greater Glyph of Cooldown Reduction because Shaco's cooldowns are relatively long to me, but their are other viable options.



I like to go with Greater Quintessence of Ability Power, but there are many other viable options as well. If you think the cool down's are too long on Shaco then grab some Greater Quintessence of Cooldown Reduction. You should pick your runes based on your needs my build is just a recommendation.
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Offense Tree


- Archaic Knowledge : Penetrates 15%
of Magic Resist. Booyah!
- Sorcery: Reduced Cool Downs!


- Deadliness : A waste of one point because
you burst people down too quick to auto attack them.

Defense Tree


-You will be more durable


-You don't have any points in this tree

Utility Tree


- Quickness : Movement Speed
- Good Hands : Shorter Time spent dead
- Utility Mastery : Longer Speed buff :D


-I've got nothing
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Offense Tree


- Archaic Knowledge : Penetrates 15%
of Magic Resist. Booyah!
- Sorcery: Reduced Cool Downs!


- Deadliness : A waste of one point because
you burst people down too quick to auto attack them.

Defense Tree


-You will be more durable


-You don't have any points in this tree

Utility Tree


- Quickness : Movement Speed
- Good Hands : Shorter Time spent dead
- Utility Mastery : Longer Speed buff :D


-I've got nothing
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Starting Items

This is what I will typically take because I want some durability at the fight for windmill. This health is provided by the Prospector's Ring, but remember the health won't stack if you buy it twice! SPACE
+ +
This is what you should take if want to play very defensive because it gives you more mana regen. If you go with this Jack In The Box the entire map :D
You should always take tear 1 boots it's Dominion MOBILITY IS KEY!

Core Items

Deathfire Grasp: This is an amazing item to add to your burst. Some may say it's not a needed item on Shaco, but it's insane active is not to be ignored. It will give reduced cool downs which is much needed, mana regen, ability power, and your active that deals a whopping 30% OF CURRENT HEALTH. Drop their Twitch like a fly. SPACE Rabadon's Deathcap: An item that provides crazy ability power to any caster in League of Legends except for Ryze. He's just a little funky. Anyways, Shaco's burst is incredible with this item. SPACE Lich Bane: Once again another item that improves Shaco's burst. Lich Bane does ridiculous damage beyond belief. Don't try this at home kids, but I've even seen a Lich Bane
Karthus o.0 It will allow you to have massive damage output and your Deceive will be much, much more effective now.

End Game Items

Zhonya's Hourglass: I typically buy this so I don't get rocked by an AD Carry. It is also great in situations where 3 or 4 people walk towards your boxes, you can immediately use your hourglass once they outlast the fear but most of the time just run away.

Abyssal Mask: Great against an Akali, magic resist is insanely powerful. Also, this handy-dandy item will give you some more AP.

Quicksilver Sash: When the enemy team's Crowd Control is ridiculous, just buy yourself a Quicksilver Sash. The magic resist will come in handy as well.

Thornmail: When the Tryndamere gets fed on the other team grab yourself one of these.

Frozen Heart: If their are many attack speed reliant champs like Master Yi, or Kog'Maw this will slow them down.
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Starting Items

This is what I will typically take because I want some durability at the fight for windmill. This health is provided by the Prospector's Ring, but remember the health won't stack if you buy it twice! SPACE
+ +
This is what you should take if want to play very defensive because it gives you more mana regen. If you go with this Jack In The Box the entire map :D
You should always take tear 1 boots it's Dominion MOBILITY IS KEY!

Core Items

Deathfire Grasp: This is an amazing item to add to your burst. Some may say it's not a needed item on Shaco, but it's insane active is not to be ignored. It will give reduced cool downs which is much needed, mana regen, ability power, and your active that deals a whopping 30% OF CURRENT HEALTH. Drop their Twitch like a fly. SPACE Rabadon's Deathcap: An item that provides crazy ability power to any caster in League of Legends except for Ryze. He's just a little funky. Anyways, Shaco's burst is incredible with this item. SPACE Lich Bane: Once again another item that improves Shaco's burst. Lich Bane does ridiculous damage beyond belief. Don't try this at home kids, but I've even seen a Lich Bane
Karthus o.0 It will allow you to have massive damage output and your Deceive will be much, much more effective now.

End Game Items

Zhonya's Hourglass: I typically buy this so I don't get rocked by an AD Carry. It is also great in situations where 3 or 4 people walk towards your boxes, you can immediately use your hourglass once they outlast the fear but most of the time just run away.

Abyssal Mask: Great against an Akali, magic resist is insanely powerful. Also, this handy-dandy item will give you some more AP.

Quicksilver Sash: When the enemy team's Crowd Control is ridiculous, just buy yourself a Quicksilver Sash. The magic resist will come in handy as well.

Thornmail: When the Tryndamere gets fed on the other team grab yourself one of these.

Frozen Heart: If their are many attack speed reliant champs like Master Yi, or Kog'Maw this will slow them down.
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Jack in the Box (in-depth)

This chapter will cover everything you need to know about Jack In The Box when playing Shaco.


There is no wrong place to put Jack In The Boxes, but you want to keep your traps around key areas. For example, place traps near health relics(typically one if you put them here because people who go for them are likely at low health), speed relics, and capture points. You want to switch up the location of your traps, so you're not predictable.

The Trap

When an enemy approaches your trap, and you're waiting hopefully in the brush or on the other side of a nearby wall. You want to use Deathfire's Grasp, this will take out 30% of their current health, then immediately use Two Shiv Posion to keep them in range of the trap. Now if they haven't died yet and are at relatively low health. use Ignite, and Deceive+ Two Shiv Poision to finish them.


One of the hardest parts about the traps is making sure someone sets it off. One of the common ways to this is to poke someone on the other team who has lots of confidence, and thinks they could kill you. Simply, Deceive in and throw a Two-Shiv Poison then run for your boxes before they pummel you in the ground. They will think that if your Deceive is down you have no escape, so will chase and follow you into your boxes. I strongly encourage to tell your teammates to try to bait people to your traps as well so it's not as obvious.
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Jack in the Box (in-depth)

This chapter will cover everything you need to know about Jack In The Box when playing Shaco.


There is no wrong place to put Jack In The Boxes, but you want to keep your traps around key areas. For example, place traps near health relics(typically one if you put them here because people who go for them are likely at low health), speed relics, and capture points. You want to switch up the location of your traps, so you're not predictable.

The Trap

When an enemy approaches your trap, and you're waiting hopefully in the brush or on the other side of a nearby wall. You want to use Deathfire's Grasp, this will take out 30% of their current health, then immediately use Two Shiv Posion to keep them in range of the trap. Now if they haven't died yet and are at relatively low health. use Ignite, and Deceive+ Two Shiv Poision to finish them.


One of the hardest parts about the traps is making sure someone sets it off. One of the common ways to this is to poke someone on the other team who has lots of confidence, and thinks they could kill you. Simply, Deceive in and throw a Two-Shiv Poison then run for your boxes before they pummel you in the ground. They will think that if your Deceive is down you have no escape, so will chase and follow you into your boxes. I strongly encourage to tell your teammates to try to bait people to your traps as well so it's not as obvious.
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Q: What do I do if they buy an Oracle's Extract?
A: Well, try to keep your Jack In The Box traps in the brush, and focus them down in any fights

Q: What if they have Cleanse?
A: If you don't rage quit... you should ignore them and just throw your Two-Shiv Poison at them. Jack In The Box traps aren't useless against them you may get a few hits on them, but Cleanse has a 2 min cool down be aware of that.

Q: What if there is a Shaco on the other team?
A: If they're AD: They're not as big of an annoyance, you should be fine
If they're AP: You should play with caution especially around speed relics and health relics because that is where many Shaco's like to put their traps. Now if you have a guess of where they set up a trap put your own Jack In The Box there and if a enemy Jack In The Box goes off the spot is safe... for now.

Q: You didn't answer my question in this section.
A: Post it in the comments and I will attempt at answering at ;]
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Q: What do I do if they buy an Oracle's Extract?
A: Well, try to keep your Jack In The Box traps in the brush, and focus them down in any fights

Q: What if they have Cleanse?
A: If you don't rage quit... you should ignore them and just throw your Two-Shiv Poison at them. Jack In The Box traps aren't useless against them you may get a few hits on them, but Cleanse has a 2 min cool down be aware of that.

Q: What if there is a Shaco on the other team?
A: If they're AD: They're not as big of an annoyance, you should be fine
If they're AP: You should play with caution especially around speed relics and health relics because that is where many Shaco's like to put their traps. Now if you have a guess of where they set up a trap put your own Jack In The Box there and if a enemy Jack In The Box goes off the spot is safe... for now.

Q: You didn't answer my question in this section.
A: Post it in the comments and I will attempt at answering at ;]
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If you have any good games with AP Shaco feel free to post in the comments below, so I can add them. I take suggestions, and constructive criticism. Unfortunately, I know somebody will have to say, "Your guide sux!", and give no suggestions. Please if your going to hate give me a recommendation of some sort.
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If you have any good games with AP Shaco feel free to post in the comments below, so I can add them. I take suggestions, and constructive criticism. Unfortunately, I know somebody will have to say, "Your guide sux!", and give no suggestions. Please if your going to hate give me a recommendation of some sort.
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