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Recommended Items
Runes: classic damage runes (AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health
Threats & Synergies
bad matchup, her shield negates your w damage, and also provides speed boost, that allows her to poke you to death. Dodge her q, bait out her shield, then engage.
he can farm safely while keeping an eye on your traps. If an enemy lands on a box he can use his w from a distance to stun the enemy
he can farm safely while keeping an eye on your traps. If an enemy lands on a box he can use his w from a distance to stun the enemy
Champion Build Guide
Flash & Ignite ➡ Most people prefer NOT having Flash because you already have a built-in Flash with your Deceive.But i personally prefer taking Flash because i can use my Deceive offensively and still have a way to escape. Try it out, if you think Flash is not necessary, go with the other option. It's a matter of personal preference. |
Exhaust & Ignite ➡ If you don't like having flash on Shaco go with this. Be careful when using your q Deceive offensively, because you won't have a way to escape if things don't work out the way you expected them to work out. |
Blackfire Torch ➡ Cheap, applies burn, gives us our much needed mana.More mana & cheaper BUT less damage than Liandry's Torment |
Liandry's Torment ➡ More damage & better vs tanks BUT provides no mana and is more expensive than Blackfire Torch. I tend to build this first if i have a big lead. If you build it first, keep in mind that you will have more damage, BUT you will have mana problems, so use your abilities wisely. |
Sorcerer's Shoes & Ionian Boots Of Lucidity ➡ I always go Sorcerer's Shoes cause of the magic pen, but if you feel like you can use that extra cd then you can also go Ionian Boots of Lucidity |
Shadowflame ➡ good ap and provides magic pen. Even if the enemy doesn't have magic resist, build it to penetrate the natural defenses. Also very useful passive. |
Zhonya's Hourglass ➡ Build this vs too much ad/ vs heavy burst/ vs assassins like Zed or Talon |
Banshee's veil ➡ Build this vs heavy ap/ heavy cc champions like Veigar |
Void Staff ➡ Build this if the enemy has built magic resist items like Maw of Malmortius or Kaenic Rookern |
Rylai's Crystal Scepter ➡ Provides an extra slow whenever you damage a champion with your abilities, synergizes well with your Jack In The Box and with burn items like Blackfire Torch or Liandry's Torment. Good cc option vs champions that are prone to cc like Katarina |
Morellonomicon ➡ Build this if the enemy has life steal, or champions that heal a lot like Warwick or Vladimir |
Malignance ➡ Enhance your Hallucinate damage, also provides good extra mana. CURRENTLY THERE IS A BUG THAT ALLOWS MALIGNANCE TO BE TRIGGERED BY YOUR Jack In The Box SO MAKE SURE TO GRAB IT!!! |
Luden's Companion ➡ It is a good item, but in my opinion it does not synergize well with your Jack In The Box. It does provide burst to your Two-Shiv Poison tho. |
Imperial Mandate ➡ Good supporting item, boosts your adc's damage, you can built it if your adc is a fed hypercarry champion like Kog'Maw |
The Collector ➡ Good passive, damage and critical, helps you finish off low hp enemies. Start this |
Ionian Boots of Lucidity & Boots of Swiftness & Synchronized Souls & Berseker's Greaves ➡ Ionian Boots of Lucidity i usually go for this when i build ad. A little cd reduction never hurt nobody ➡ Boots of Swiftness against heavy slow like Ashe ➡ Synchronized Souls not a bad option considering that with the ad build you will be more risky and take more damage, + we will have no mana items so we will need to recall more often. Saves you some time ➡ Berserker's Greaves ...sure why not... |
Infinity Edge ➡ If you manage to build this second you will deal a great amount of damage. NOTE: it boosts BOTH your critical chance AND your critical damage which is really helpful. Building it is risky tho, as it is very expensive. Only build it if you are ahead and have lots of gold coming in |
Voltaic Cyclosword ➡ Good passive, works well with your Deceive, and it slows the target when charged. Good synergy with Hail of Blades |
Yun Tal Wildarrows ➡ Works well with builds that have high critical strike chance |
Essence Reaver ➡ Boosts damage while boosting critical too. Good synergy with your passive Backstab |
Lord Dominik's Regards ➡ Build this if the enemies have stacked armor items like Thornmail or Plated Steelcaps |
Mortal Reminder ➡ Build this vs champions that heal a lot or lifesteal, like Warwick and Vladimir |
Serpent's Fang ➡ VERY useful vs teams/champions that get shields like Malphite or Yuumi |
Maw of Malmortius ➡ Build this vs heavy ap comps or fed burst ap enemies like Veigar |
Edge of Night ➡ Build this vs cc that cause trouble like Morgana or Lux |
Youmuu's Ghostblade ➡ Buy it if you need the speed boost it provides |
Eclipse ➡ Works well with Hail of Blades provides a shield during the fights. won't help with burst, but will help in longer fights |
Opportunity ➡ Cheap item, will help if you have fallen behind and need to assassinate squishes, gives a speed boost after scoring a takedown which allows you to escape after assassinating |
Profane Hydra ➡ Good damage provides area damage to your attacks |
➡ Arcane Comet when an enemy is cc'ed by your Jack In The Box they won't be able to dodge the comet, so you get an extra hit with this
➡ Manaflow Band really necessary, as shaco struggles with mana issues
➡ Transcendence extra cd
➡ Scorch works sooooo well with your w Jack In The Box and your e Two-Shiv Poison , great early game damage, can secure you kills too
➡ Cheap Shot increase damage with impaired movement, like when they step on your Jack In The Box or when you hit them with a Two-Shiv Poison
➡ Zombie Ward good rune for supports, helps with vision
➡ Glacial Augment good synergy with your w Jack In The Box and your e Two-Shiv Poison provides extra cc
➡ Cash Back this is a personal preference as i hate playing with Hextech Flashtraption or Magical Footwear
➡ Biscuit Delivery extra sustain, you can swap it if you want as it no longer provides mana
➡ Approach Velocity move speed when moving towards impaired champions, good synergy with your cc Jack In The Box + Two-Shiv Poison
➡ Manaflow Band necessary for shaco because of his early mana problems
➡ Scorch works sooooo well with your w Jack In The Box and your e Two-Shiv Poison , great early game damage, can secure you kills too
➡ Hail of Blades insanely good early game rune, i use it to engane at level 1, unlock your q Deceive go behind the enemy adc, get Backstab and watch their hp disappear
➡ Sudden Impact good synergy with your q Deceive
➡ Zombie Ward good support rune, helps with vision
➡ Ultimate Hunter personal preference because of the Hallucinate cdr, you can swap it if you want
➡ Triumph extra gold when scoring takedowns
➡ Coup de Grace helps you finish enemies off, good synergy with The Collector
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