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Talon Build Guide by thatsnotmypirate

Talon - The Noxian Assassin (Season 3)

Talon - The Noxian Assassin (Season 3)

Updated on May 25, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author thatsnotmypirate Build Guide By thatsnotmypirate 338 136 1,518,573 Views 283 Comments
338 136 1,518,573 Views 283 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author thatsnotmypirate Talon Build Guide By thatsnotmypirate Updated on May 25, 2013
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Please Read the chapter below this one! Love you guys!

Talon is an assassin hero, he does crazy burst damage and is able to get in and get out fast.

Talon is easy to kill people with, but being able to get a kill and get out unharmed will be the key difference between the bad Talons and the good Talons.

You will see a lot of Talons end up with 5/5 or a lot of Deaths. But I will try my best to help you become a pro assassin who can get away with your kills.

My build is for max burst damage while giving you some protection from CC and a high amount of HP to keep you alive. You are in no way tanky but it is enough Hp to get you in and out safely. Talon is very fun to play and very good assassin for your team. I hope my guide can help you get start on your own build.
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What it means to be a good LoL Player. Finally Back! (New Video)

I have been working on other things at the moment so sorry I haven't been making guides lately. I made a video updating you on why I have been gone and what it means to be a good LoL player.
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My Games

Note how I try to get as many kills as I can and dying little as possible, making me more useful to my team

Remember, being able to get in and get out is the key to being a good Talon. I have played a lot of heroes like this before so i am pretty good at calling it when I should get in there and not.
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Pros / Cons

*Great Burst damage
*Easy to get kills.
*Low Cooldown ult that can get you kills and get you out of trouble.
*As pretty cool CC that get your kills before they can fight back.
*Fun and easy to use
*Assassin's creed say what?

Cons __________________________________________________________
*Must learn when to get into fights
*Have to play safe and have map awareness so you don't jump into a gank.
*If on cooldowns you have little escapability
*CC can be a Bi***
*If in a lane with ranged heroes, you can have a very hard time farming.
*Even if your ult stealth you, you can't juke enemy to get away because when you destelth your ult blades will give your position away
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Fans Game **Info update

Send me your games using this build and I will post them here :D

Ok so I have been getting tons and TONS of your guys stats and I would love to put them up but I can't have a whole long chapter of 100ths of all your stats.

SO I have an idea! I will make a top Scores of the Month chapter. The top 5 Best kill deaths will be posted each month. I will have one for normal games, and one for ranked games. Comment and tell me if you like the idea :D

Max Replaced Cloak and Dagger with another Blood Bloodthirster. Great for Late Game.
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Key To Talon

As I said before, Know when to get in, and get out.

The best way I found to play Talon is as a roamer. Hardly be seen by the other team will always have them worried about where you are and if they are your target. I normally farm till i'm level 6 and I noramlly have enough for BF sword by then. After that, if my team mate is ok top I go for ganks.

Grab red when possible, I also jungle sometimes if I don't want to be seen just yet. But if you do that grab some life steal and you will be fine. Talon's damage mainly comes from your skills so ATS isn't very important but ATS build are possible, I just don't think Talon should be an auto attacker, he is an assassin.
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Lane Vs Roaming **READ** New

I play Talon as a Roamer.

What is a Roamer?

Well many people have different ideas about them. But this role is played a lot by supports or Alstars.

Roaming is when you stay hidden a lot on Talon. Your in the jungle most of the game.
"Does this mean you jungle?" Yes and No. Start game I lane till I am level 6. Then I even go for a kill in my lane. Or I go back and grab a BF sword if I did well, or boots of swiftness.

So why is this better then being in lane? Because Talon can bring more to the team by ganking. If your doing your job well you will get more money out of lane then it in. Talon is a very bad farmer because he can be harassed so easily. You want the other team to fear where you maybe at all times. Just not being seen by the other team, will give you map control.

So after level 6, I go gank. Quickly as I can before they call mia. (I let them see me B so they don't call mia), But its because I don't lane as much after lvl 6 that I make sure to farm 1-6 as hard as I can. Which means Last hitting creeps only. I normally farm enough to get BF sword when I go back.

So the goal is to jungle easy minions to keep your CS up(CS means minion kills) But always ganking. My goal is to gank every time my Ult is up.

******This is what you must know below******

Start off a little far back with so they can't see the blades. Run closer to them and use CUTTHROAT to get behind them. Then KITE THEM, to let all your blades hit them best as you can, Then unload an auto attack followed by Then as they run. This should give you a kill with team mates help.

So why auto attack before ?

Cause you can hit Q right after an auto attack to make the attack happen at pretty much the same time. Making sure you get the most damage on them. If you can lane an auto attack, 80% of the time will hit them also.

So what have you learned.

Be seen little as possible.
Keep your CS Up
Make sure they don't see you activate your before getting into range.

Good Luck :D
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In the Lane

Laning is fun with talon. Try to get a lane with someone who has range like tris. Rake is an amazing harassment. When it comes time to kill your combo is pretty easy.

CUTTHROAT + Auto Attack + +

Only do this combo if your sure they won't jump you. Talon is very week to being forced down. So I try to do this combo after I have got them low, and i can just jump into the brush after.

You can normally get a kill at 6, Does so much damage.

If you don't think you can kill anyone in your lane, then try to go for a gank.

Also Last hit minions. What do I mean? It means only hit the minions once before they die to get the gold.

"But that will make them push me to tower and we will lose the lane"

Being at your tower is a good thing, You can pretty much free farm while they cant. Also protects you from ganks and keeps them open to being ganked. I see so many players auto attack. You get more minion kills by last hitting then just auto attacking.
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Out of Lane

After your done laning, you want to be ganking as much as you can. When your not ganking your farming and pushing towers.

It is important to remember that the Goal of the game is the nexus, not kills. I can't tell you how many times i see people let towers fall or not push towers when they can because they think they can get a kill. Lets say you get that kill, lets say it was for 500 gold. But your tower falls. Towers give 150 to each player. So you gave them 750 gold and you gave them more map control. Was it worth it? No

The only time where this can be done tends to be in late game. Lets says they have a tryn who is railing people. He has a kill streak of 13 kills. Is it worth killing him if you die? Yes, could your team can make a come back and push while he is down. But I am just making the point that normally a kill is never worth a death.

Now when going for kills, don't use your ult if you don't need to. Yes its very fun but you will be wasting it if you didn't need the damage. "O well its cooldown is short" So? What if you get ganked after that kill. Your ult has many uses and its best to keep it open for when its needed.
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Summoner Spells

- An amazing spell for Talon. If your on cooldowns you have no away of getting away. Flash is the best skill for Talon because it can get you kills and protect you from being killed.

- Another great spell. This can help you solo someone because it lowers there damage. Also help you keep hitting someone trying to get away. Also good for if they flash after, they will still be slowed enough for you to get in range.

- This spell is ok on Talon if you need to catch up with someone, But because you have a blink skill already, I find flash more useful.

- A good spell but I don't believe its very useful on Talon. You have very good damage and pretty low cooldowns. Its really just personal preference.
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Rune Paths **New**

Now I have a lot of runes and sometimes I will find that it is a pain to have to buy new runes just cause I want to play a different hero so I will add some other runes that work with Talon.

- I want to start with this and here is why. This rune is not the best for Talon. Also are cheap. But I know some people don't want to have to buy runes for 30 different champions. Greater Seal of Evasion are one of the best(if not the best) melee champion runes in the game. But mostly for Auto Attacking heroes. They do cost A LOT of IP but it is worth it cause you can use them on so many champions. So if you don't feel like getting armor runes, this works also. But they aren't the best for Talon.

Greater Seal of Vigor - This can keep you in lane a long time and is good if you don't want to grab 3 HP potions at the start of the game. Farming early game is important for Talon

- Good cheap runes for early game if you are having problems.

- Cooldown runes are good for many champions. Both Flat and per level are both good. I like flat because it makes harassment with rake A lot faster early game.

Greater Quintessence of Vigor - Shown in his spotlight. They are very good for keeping you in lane. Better then Greater Seal of Vigor but they cost 2050 IP, which is a pain.

- One of the most common runes to get and used. Its for an extra start HP which can make you pretty intimidating early game. Good if you are putting off HP items till later in your build. But useless late game.
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Why Not Mercury treads?

I know these are the best boots in the game.

But I play talon as a Roamer Meaning you need to move fast, But at the same time I wanted Talon to have at least some defense for CC. So Cloak and Dagger was a great pick for the ATS, Crit and CC defense.

But if there team is very CC heavy it is worth getting this item and not getting cloak and dagger because they don't stack there effects.

But remember this is a guide, so your more then welcome to take this build and play how you like to play. If you like Cloak Mercury treads, Go for it! :D
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Trinity Force

Ok I have had a lot of questions about this, people don't seem to understand why I have this item. If you look at sheen, when you use a skill. Your need attack will deal 100% damage! That is like a free crit.

Now why do I get Trinity Force? Because it gives 150% Damage.

This buff works with any AD Attack which also mean AD Skill!

So when you use Trinity Force With its 150% Stronger

So its Mainly to make your burst 150% higher then it normally is. Case solved
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****Items Options****** IMPORTANT

- This item is great if you (or your team) is doing good early game. If you get stacks up to 20 it give you 15% more movement speed.

- Very good item for Talon, gives good Cooldowns and armor pen which is really good. Its active helps you keep up with a fleeing enemy. Also good for taking down towers.

- Great item to finish build with if they are stacking armor. Even can get it early if they start to get armor.

- I tried this item out and love it. I like it because of the extra HP and the cooldowns. But the best part is the active. You can use it while stealth so you can get in range for your ult really easily. Its cooldown is fast so you don't have to waste ghost if you have it. And if you like ghost this item can replace that spell.

- Really good for a spell caster heavy team or CC teams. It gives good magic resist and HP. The Spell shield is amazing. Lets say Annie has a stun up. Well to bad Annie, you have to waste it on my spell shield! I added this to my first build.

- A great item when you are fighting an AP heavy team. Gives you a 30 magic resist and pretty good damage as well. The best part about this is when you take a blow from an AP skill that may kill you. You get a shield that blocks 300 magic damage for a few seconds. This item will save your life.

- Anti caster item. Blocks ult, what else do I have to say? More hp, more Mp (not that you need more MP) and magic resist. Great for when your having problems with a caster.

Quick Silver - One of the most underrated items in the game. It is Cheap, High Magic resist, and active gets rid of all debuffes, Suppression, and summoner spells. It can even stop Mord and Malz ult.

- Amazing item, even more so when put with Warmog's armor. The HP from Warmogs will give you higher AD and this item gives you armor to back up that HP. Also 18% crit is really nice too.

This can be good late game, even more so if you add Atma's Impaler. You will be able to take some hits and the extra HP will give you more AD with Atma's impaler.

- Very good vs magic teams. Give you attack speed and more magic resist. I like to build more damage then get tank items. So whenever it calls for it I get items that give Ad and Magic resist or armor. That way i'm not giving up much. Items like this can always be sold later.
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Boots Options *New

- Talon is better Burst AD then ATS. So I don't believe these boots are very good on him.

- People have asked me about why I don't get these as a Roamer. Well they work very well, even more so getting in range for a gank. But I like boots of swiftness because if i'm in a team fight or being chased down, I don't want to have to wait for its passive to kick in. I'd rather be able to just out run someone. But this boots work just as well. Depends on your play style.

- My favorite on Talon. I just like when I'm faster then people without a passive. Good for out running someone or getting into range. Becomes better when you get Zeal.

- These boots are very good to, Cooldowns really help on a burst hero like Talon. If you get this item I would work on zeal sooner for speed.

- Best boots in the game. Amazing for CC which is one of Talon weakness. But it makes Cloak and Dagger useless to get because Tenacity doesn't stack with each other. But really good boots, just cost a lot.
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Bad Early game? Doran's Blade like a Pro

If you have a really really bad start you have 2 options.

1. Stack up to 3 Doran's Blades. It can really get you back into the game. Giving you a strong early game and they can always be sold later. Some players don't do this but infact all the high level players do this. The item is the most cost effective item in the game. Also farm up as much as you can

Wtf 3 Doran's Blades? But they don't upgrade.

Here is a screen shot of bigfatlp match history. As of right now he is the top ranked Solo 5v5 player. at 2539 ELO when I wrote this.

As you can see, he ends the game with still 2 doran's blades. I am sure he had 3 at one point and sold it later. But if you look up a lot of the pro games you will see Doran's rings and blades. 1-3 at least.

2. Get Ghost blade. It gives pretty good stats but you want to get it mainly because while building it you get an item that gives gold. You already have greed so it helps. While building Ghost Blade.
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Infinity Edge vs The Bloodthirster

I have tryed starting my build with both.

I like Infinity Edge because the crits really help. Also if you crit with you do massive damage. While bloodthirster just gives you the most damage.

But if you rather start with Blood you can. You will end up getting a higher base damage that can be used with for some pretty epic damage. But i'm just a crits kind of guy.
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Work with your team. (Team fights)

You never want to be seen before a team fight. You want to wait till the first starts before you jump in.

You want their team to start forcing someone else so when you come in to do damage you won't get forced down right away.

So when they turn to you which they will. Use They will even jump onto someone else, or they will freeze for a bit waiting for you to come back up. This is great cause you can even disengage or let your team hammer them while they save there skills for you. So sometimes its best to just sit in your ult.

Don't be afraid to let your team get some of your kills if you may die.

A kill is never worth a death. The point of league of legends is to die as little as possible. Which means in each game. Your goal is to NEVER die. Lets say your kill death is 7/5. Some people may say "o well i'm doing well cause I have more kills" This is wrong. You have give then at the very least 1500 Gold. But more importantly you have spent a large amount of time dead. Time you aren't ganking, not helping, not kill, not defending. Your gone. That is the worse thing about dying, so don't do it.
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Some teams will stack armor which sucks so here are items to get you back in there.

- 20 Armor pen which is pretty nice, Also has some very nice goodies. The active on it will is really nice to because it can be used when stealthed.

- A Holy ballz amount of armor pen. This gives you 40% armor pen. If you also have Ghostblade, you will ripping into people like no tomorrow.

This item is ONLY for if Last Whisper and Ghostblade are somehow not enough. You have to hit them 3 times to get all the stacks on them so always get the other 2 item first. I don't play Talon as an auto attacker and you shouldn't also. But sometime they are just to tanky.
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Still need help?

If you just can't seem to get the hang of him. Play with me! I will watch you play and give you pointers and how to become a better Talon. Just message me your name and I will add you on LoL when I have some free time.
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Sum it Up

So to sum up how to play talon.

Stay in the shadows
Take kills you know you can get
Be aware of the map, know where people are.
Don't kill someone if it means killing your self.
Help in team fights, don't just hide cause you may die.
Play Smart, out smarting someone will win you the game.
WARDS WARDS WARDS WARDS, will save and win games.
Be nice to team mates and work together.
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