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Galio Build Guide by BreakfastMC

Top Tank Like You Mean It (Patch 7.10 )

Top Tank Like You Mean It (Patch 7.10 )

Updated on May 29, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author BreakfastMC Build Guide By BreakfastMC 5,553 Views 0 Comments
5,553 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author BreakfastMC Galio Build Guide By BreakfastMC Updated on May 29, 2017
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Galio
    Team Fight Tank
  • LoL Champion: Galio
    Jungle Galio

Why Galio Tank?

Just like champions such as Nautilus, Gragas, Sion, and Malphite, Galio's rework has made him a fit for the AP tank meta, where you can go full tank. Like his top lane AP tank counterparts, Galio's full build MIGHT have 1 AP item, or may just be full tank. There are options for that AP itme, such as Rod of Ages or Banshee's Veil. BUT before we get to that point, lets look at the build path.
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Itemizing Top AP Tank

What is the meta items to help an ap top laner?

These items will keep you relevant in laning phase and let you use the AP Power Galio provides, while still saving gold to invest into your tanky items you will need.

Why No Mercury's Treads?

Galio loves to STILL stack MR! So why no Mercury's Treads?
Let me answer this in 3 Parts:
  1. You should build Mercury's Treads sometimes. There will be many times this will be a good choice
  2. You are already stacking MR in other ways, more so than many other tanks. You need the additional AR somewhere. It also helps vs most Top Laners, even if they are AP (except for maybe mages like Swain). Ninja Tabi's reduced dmg you take from auto attacks, combined other shields ( Courage of the Colossus , Shield of Durand, Locket of the Iron Solari) mean it is a good buy. Mentioning Shield of Durand...
  3. YOU ARE IMMUNE TO CC while casting Shield of Durand. Don't need to reduce CC time with Mercury's Treads when you can't be CC'd.
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  1. Going to be adding laning phase and the power of the Galio push. Punish those top laners without Teleport!
  2. Teamfighting with different comps (the offensive vs defensive Hero's Entrance)
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League of Legends Build Guide Author BreakfastMC
BreakfastMC Galio Guide
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Tank Like You Mean It (Patch 7.10 )

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