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Pantheon Build Guide by Luquinha

Support The One Man Army - Pantheon Sup Guide

Support The One Man Army - Pantheon Sup Guide

Updated on October 28, 2021
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Luquinha Build Guide By Luquinha 95 10 236,910 Views 13 Comments
95 10 236,910 Views 13 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Luquinha Pantheon Build Guide By Luquinha Updated on October 28, 2021
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Runes: Conqueror (my favorite)

1 2 3 4
Legend: Tenacity
Coup de Grace

Cheap Shot
Relentless Hunter

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2
Basic Spells
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None
Pantheon's upside and downside
Pantheon's skills
Skill combos to kill more
Explanation about the runes I use
Explanation about the items
Behavior and warding
Pant vs Supps
Pantheon and ADCs
Why I made this guide?

To explain why I made this guide I need to give you a bit of context about my experience with League. I first played it in 2019, but I did not really have the laptop or the things (good mouse for gaming/headphone). I played it for a little while but gave up. In the beginning of 2020 I upgraded everything I had so I was finally able to play LOL. Around the end of March and beginning of April I reinstalled League. Since I had a friend that mained ADC I decided to play Support. I tried some Sups, like Morgana and Lux, then I tried Pantheon for the first time and I loved it, getting an A- on my first match with him. Now in S11 I was going to play ranked so I could play the Clash with my friends and decided to look up for a guide to be on top of my game. I was shocked when I found out there were none. Therefore I decided to make my own guide for Pantheon Support. Now I know that I am not the most qualified to make this since I barely even have M7, so if you also main him and think you can contribute, then please comment what you think I should add! Also keep in mind English is not my first language so there might be some inconsistencies. I will be updating the guide as I play more with Pantheon, so if you feel like something is missing let me know. Thanks in advance for checking out my guide and I hope it helps you in some way!
Pros and Cons


→ Point and click/targetable stun
→ High map pressure
→ Long range enemy finisher skill
→ Lane bully during early game
→ Not many counters
→ Good roam


→ Not very good at 5v5
→ Consumes lots of mana early on
→ Can struggle a bit against tanks
→ Really weak if behind
→ Kiteable
→ Probably won't be effective if you lose lane
Abilities Overview

In this chapter we will overview Pantheons abilities and talk a bit about them!

Ability Order

Basic Progression
Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Early Kills
Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Mortal Will - Passive

You can get up to 5 stacks with this passive which are shown below your health and mana bar as some white squares. You can gain them by landing an auto attack or an ability. When you have 5 stacks the square turn to a dark red and your next basic ability gets a boost and then your stacks reset, allowing you to get them again. The boosts are:
  • Comet Spear (Q) - Extra 20-240 physical damage per level.
  • Shield Vault (W) - Pantheon strikes 3 times, doing damage and charging the passive by 3 stacks.
  • Aegis Assault (E) - Pantheon gets a 60% move speed bonus for 1.5 seconds after slamming the shield.

Comet Spear - Q

This ability costs 30 mana and has 2 modes the tap and hold. Each one has minor differences, but overall, in both modes, Pantheon uses his spear to damage the enemy at a further range than the auto attack.
  • Tap - When you only tap, Pantheon does an attack that deals a little bit less damage than the hold one, but it is quicker and re-charges the Comet Spear by 50%.
  • Hold - This one has 1000 range and deals more damage than the tap.
Also it deals 30% less damage to minions and monsters and more damage to enemies with health below 20% health regardless of it being a tap or a hold.

Shield Vault - W

Now onto my favorite skill, because in my opinion it is his most iconic one (outside of the Grand Starfall obviously). It costs 55 mana and has a range of 600. After using it on an enemy Pantheon jumps on top of the selected target, dealing damage and stunning for 1 second. This is obviously your engage skill and you can and should use it to start fights, but I will talk a bit more about it later.

Aegis Assault - E

In this skill that costs 80 mana, Pantheon points his shield covering almost half of his hitbox and fully protecting him from any damage in the direction the shield is casted except damage from turrets and dealing damage to those hit by the lances he quickly thrusts during the execution of this ability. After 1.5 seconds Pantheon slams his shield doing damage to the enemies hit. He also gets slowed down depending on the direction he is walking. Aegis Assault can be recasted after 0.3 seconds and when you recast it Pantheon slams his shield earlier.

Grand Starfall - R

Last but not least Pantheon's ultimate, his signature move, Grand Starfall. It costs 100 mana and covers arround one fourth of the map. When you use it you click on where you want to go (within the range), either on the floor, using the free camera or on the minimap. Pantheon then channels for 2 seconds and jumps, he will then stay 2.45 seconds on the air, giving vision on where he used his ultimate. After 1.125 seconds he throws his spear, if it hits an enemy it damages them and slows them down for 2 seconds. Over the remaining 1.625 seconds he crashes down and creates a shock wave going towards the location you've selected dealing damage. Only after he reaches the location he is able to be targeted and he gains all of Mortal Will stacks. If the ult is cancelled it is put on a 30 seconds cooldown.

These are the basic combos I've created and that I use frequently, there are some I am not listing here because they are really situationally based or just so obvious that I don't even know if they can be considered a combo. Please use them and if you make one I did not list, feel free to comment them!
Start Fights

In this combo you use Shield Vault (preferably with all 5 of the Mortal Will stacks) to stun the enemy and deal a bit more damage. Then the Comet Spear is kind of optional if you need to do more damage, but use the tap. The last thing you do is to use Aegis Assault in the direction of the other enemy botlaner, to block his attacks. Then you just AA and leave the kill to the ADC (if he is not able to finish the enemy then kill him). Depending on the enemy composition you use this combo either on the Support or on the ADC and if they are scaping on low health, throw the spear at them (hold).
Quicker Trades (Stun and Go)

This combo is a quick stun and go. Basically all you need to do is use the Shield Vault, preferably charged, then auto attack until you have all 5 stacks (if you used the charged one you only have to AA twice). When you have all 5 of them use, Aegis Assault walking towards your tower and when it is over, since your Mortal Will was charged, you will get a boost to your move speed so you can get away safely. Only do this when your ADC can hit them with some skills/AA while they are stunned, so this is really good with Caitlyn or Jinx. Also if you/your ADC sees an opportunity to kill during this, don't hesitate to stay there and switch to the combo I listed above.

Conqueror Rune
Since Pantheon is melee an Auto Attack it will give 2 stacks, as well as hitting abilities. Each stack gives you extra AD and when you have 12 you heal 9% of the post-mitigation damage dealt to the enemies. Basically you need 6 stacks since every stack you can get is 2 and with the charged Shield Vault you get an extra 6 stacks (or 3, depending on how you are seeing it), because of the 3 AA that it gives.
This one is really good, because takedowns give you 12% of your missing health and an extra 20 gold.
You gain some legend points for some specific actions (hover you mouse over the symbol to see). At 100 points you get a stack, with a max of 10. Each stack gives you 2.5% tenacity and the rune by itself gives you 5%. That tenacity will definitely help you with all the rooting champions on bot lane, like Morgana or Lux.
You deal 8% more damage to enemies with less than 40% health, allowing you to do more damage in a shorter period of time and maybe stopping them from running away.
When you hit an enemy that has impaired movement (probably your case, because of Shield Vault) or actions, you deal true damage.
Gain 5 out-of-combat move speed with a max of 45 at 5 stacks, that you gain from takedowns. This is great, because it allows to roam quicker and to get within the range of the ult faster.

Press the Attack Rune
When you hit an enemy 3 times with basic attacks, consecutively, you deal bonus adaptive damage, based on level. You also make then vulnerable, making them take more damage for 6 seconds. I am not sure if the charged Shield Vault counts as 3, but while he is stunned you can get 3 AA in.
This one is really good, because takedowns give you 12% of your missing health and an extra 20 gold.
You gain some legend points for some specific actions (hover you mouse over the symbol to see). At 100 points you get a stack, with a max of 10. Each stack gives you 2.5% tenacity and the rune by itself gives you 5%. That tenacity will definitely help you with all the rooting champions on bot lane, like Morgana or Lux.
While you are below 60% health you deal more damage, 5%-11%, but the max damage can unly be onlocked below 30% health.
When you hit an enemy that has impaired movement (probably your case, because of Shield Vault) or actions, you deal true damage.
Gain 5 out-of-combat move speed with a max of 45 at 5 stacks, that you gain from takedowns. This is great, because it allows to roam quicker and to get within the range of the ult falter.

Aftershock Rune
After you immobilize an enemy with Shield Vault you gain bonus armor and magic resistance for 2.5 and then you "explode", dealing magic damage. Therefore this rune is really good for a tank oriented build during the game.
When you use your Shield Vault on an enemy he will get marked for 4 seconds. Allied champions that attack this marked enemy will heal a bit of live over 2 seconds.
After taking damage from an enemy his next 3 attacks or spells deal mmore damage, so this also gives you more sustain.
You get 10% tenacity and slow resist that increases depending on your health. This is amazing for almost every support.
When you hit an enemy that has impaired movement (probably your case, because of Shield Vault) or actions, you deal true damage.
Gain 5 out-of-combat move speed with a max of 45 at 5 stacks, that you gain from takedowns. This is great, because it allows to roam quicker and to get within the range of the ult faster.

Since Pantheon is melee an Auto Attack it will give 2 stacks, as well as hitting abilities. Each stack gives you extra AD and when you have 12 you heal 9% of the post-mitigation damage dealt to the enemies. Basically you need 6 stacks since every stack you can get is 2 and with the charged Shield Vault you get an extra 6 stacks (or 3, depending on how you are seeing it), because of the 3 AA that it gives.
This one is really good, because takedowns give you 12% of your missing health and an extra 20 gold.
You gain some legend points for some specific actions (hover you mouse over the symbol to see). At 100 points you get a stack, with a max of 10. Each stack gives you 2.5% tenacity and the rune by itself gives you 5%. That tenacity will definitely help you with all the rooting champions on bot lane, like Morgana or Lux.
You deal 8% more damage to enemies with less than 40% health, allowing you to do more damage in a shorter period of time and maybe stopping them from running away.
You receive cookies ( Total Biscuit of Everlasting Will) each 2 minutes, up to 6 minutes of the game. When consumed it restores 10% of your health and mana. When sold or consumed gives you +50 permanent mana. This is good because Pantheon is quite mana hungry in the early game
When consuming a potion or cookie you get 50% of its bonus immediately and you get 5% move speed during its duration. This is good to increase your life quicker during trades or fights.

I will be listing here all the items I have ever made for Pantheon and why I made them.


Really good, giving you lethality, AD, vampirism and giving you 4% armor penetration per legendary item. The best part, for me, is that when you hit an enemy with 2 separate attacks or abilities in 1.5 seconds you deal 6% of your enemy's maximum health as bonus AD, move speed anda a shield. You can easily activate this with a Shield Vault and an AA.
Divine Sunderer
Amazing anti-tank that make you deal more damage against enemies after you use an abilitie. If you use on a player you heal 60% of the damage dealt.
Trinity Force
In the beginning of S11 I used to do this item but I changed to mostly Eclipse, which I recommend more, but this is still viable, mainly giving you attacks speed. Its first passive gives you move speed if the enemy champion increases his base AD. The second makes you deal 200% base AD on-hit after you use an ability.
Locket of the Iron Solari
It passively gives allies nearby 5 bonus armor and magic resistance. When you activate it you give allied champions nearby a shield that decays over 2.5. This shield can be really good in team fights. Also its passive gives you 2 of each resistance per legendary item.


Mobility Boots
Gives you more move speed out of combat, allowing you to roam better for your ultimate.
Boots of Swiftness
Always running boot, good for chases after trades or team fights.
Plated Steelcaps
Boot against AD champions.
Mercury's Treads
Good boot for CC heavy enemy bot lane and/or team.


Black Cleaver
Dealing physical damage reduces their armor by 4%, stacking up to 6 times or 24% thir armor. Also you get move speed based on the stacks the enemy has, 5 per stack.
Sterak's Gage
After dealing damage to or taking damage from an enemy champion you heal and this stacks and refreshes per unique champion, up to 5 times, but every stack beyond the first is reduced by 50%. ALso if you are below 30% you get a shield.
Youmuu's Ghostblade
More move speed out of combat and when activated also gives you move speed.
Umbral Glaive
This is really good giving you lethality and vision score, because you reveal enemy wards and makes you deal more damage to them. Basically a second Oracle Lens.
The Collector
Kills give you more gold and if you leave an enemy on 5% health they instantly dye.
Anathema's Chains
You take less damage from one enemy and you also reduce foes tenacity making this a good item if you are building tank.
Death's Dance
You both take damage over time, allowing you to last longer and takedowns remove the damage you would take over time.
Edge of Night
Blocks the first spell thrown at you and gives lethality. Really good against a CC heavy team.
Guardian Angel
You probably know this one, it revives you.
Serylda's Grudge
Besides giving you armor penetration and ability haste you also slow the enemy afetr damaging him with an AA or spell. Really good when you throw a Comet Spear on a fleeing enemy and then you Shield Vault.
Gargoyle Stoneplate
Good armor for both physical and magical damage. Also you can five a shield like Locket of the Iron Solari.
The anti-heal item you will get if you are building tank.
Dead Man's Plate
Good armor to chase enemies to stun with Shield Vault while you are building tank.
Chempunk Chainsword
If you need an anti-heal and you are not building tank do this item.
What to do during the game
+ Level 1 - Try to stay in the bush keeping the enemy ADC away from the minions to help your ADC get level 2, unless they can get you while you are doing this, if they can stay safe.

+ Level 2 - If you get level 2 before try to look for a play, but don't rush it. When you have those blue balls from the item you can farm, because it will give both you and your ADC money. The minions that you should aim for are the siege minion and the melee minion.

+ Level 3-5 - Level 6 is when you get your ultimate that allows you to roam, so help to get lane pressure by making plays, staying in those bushes to scare the enemy botlane because of the possibility of your Shield Vault, help with dragons and get turret platings, maybe even first tower.

+ Level 6 - Now with your ultimate, Grand Starfall, you can look for roaming opportunities, which I will get more into in the next part.
+ Roaming - I normally roam only after Level 6 because the ultimate helps a lot. Try to roam when the enemy bot lane roams to help the laner they fight, when your ADC is farming safely and there is a play potential on another place of the map, where the rift herald has been summoned. Also use your ult if your team mates are in a fight mid or in bot side jungle.

+ Teamfighting - Since Pantheon struggles a lot on 5v5 (like I said on the pros and cons part) try to focus on the enemy support if they give sustain, especially when you are doing a Lethality oriented build. But remember to focus only one enemy until he dies, unless there is one escaping on really low health and you think you can catch him with Comet Spear or Shield Vault. If you are doing a tank oriented build try to draw attention and block things with Aegis Assault. If you really need to escape use the Aegis Assault with all the Mortal Will stacks, because you get move speed, regardless of the build path you are going.


These are the most common ward placements I do during the games, you can obviously vary basing on your situation, for example if your team is winning ward the enemy jungle for easy kills, farm and safe rotations. Or if you are losing and the enemies are making lots of ambushes try to ward the bushes in your jungle over a wall or when you know they are somewhere else, for example farming in the lanes.
Blue Side
Level 1 Start by warding the bush on the other side of the river to see if the enemies are going to come trough the river after leashing.
Laning Phase Ward around the river and in the bushes, so you can control rotations and ganks. If invading ward where there can be a lot of people passing trough, like between the gromp and blue or in the bush next to the enemy tower. On roams ward the bushes in the river that are above the dragon pit.
Objectives When the dragon is about to come up ward it (considering the normal ward lasts for 250 second ward when there are around 2 minutes left before it spawns, but pinks are always better). For the rift herald you normally wont be around, but if you are near top lane and the herald spawns in 2 minutes or less ward it. Baron will only spawn after lane phase and is the most important objective to ward in mt opinion so ward it about 2 minutes before it comes up and re-ward when the ward dies.
Mid/Late Ward rotation points and have vision in the jungle. A good rotation point to ward is right in the middle of mid lane.
Red Side
Level 1 Start by warding the bush on the other side of the river (the one that connects to 3 walls) the enemy will go trough it to get to the lane 99% percent of time.
Laning Phase Ward around the river and in the bushes, so you can control rotations and ganks. If invading ward where there can be a lot of people passing trough, like in front of red and the path that connects bot to mid. On roams ward the bushes in the river that are above the dragon pit.
Objectives When the dragon is about to come up ward it (considering the normal ward lasts for 250 second ward when there are around 2 minutes left before it spawns, but pinks are always better). For the rift herald you normally wont be around, but if you are near top lane and the herald spawns in 2 minutes or less ward it. Baron will only spawn after lane phase and is the most important objective to ward in mt opinion so ward it about 2 minutes before it comes up and re-ward when the ward dies.
Mid/Late Ward rotation points and have vision in the jungle. A good rotation point to ward is right in the middle of mid lane.

Imgur link with both pictures




How well you pair up with the ADC, from 1 - 5, with 1 being the worst and 5 the best. Despite there being more and less favorable bot lane duos Pantheon can make it work with all ADCs if the ADC can alternate between aggressive and passive, even though they are supposed to be more passive early on, because Pantheon is very dependent on winning his lane and therefore being aggressive. By this you can assume that Pantheon prefers a Samira over a Caitlyn, but you have the power to make even a not so fitting duo into a winning duo like this game I had (ranked btw):

Now lets go into the synergies because that is why you are here.
Samira - 5
Samira is a 200 year champion, she can dominate lane so easily and then carry in the late game where you fall off you just need to CC them early for the win. She also has a wall that blocks skills, allowing her to net get crowd controlled by the enemy support.
Tristana - 5
Tristana can also dominate lane and she is a beast in the late game. She also has a good escape/self peel facilitating for you.
Kai'Sa - 4.5
She can also dominate lane but I personally feel like she can carry less than Samira and Tristana, but still a really good duo because your W and E can help her get all marks on the enemy.
Kalista - 4
You can get some level 1 good trades, her ult helps you engaje so much easily and she can be a beast late game just hoping arround.
Vayne - 4
If you can helps her get all 3 marks with your W you can get off a good damege and win trades/fights. Vayne is also a really good late game carry.
Draven - 4
His autos early on are so OP. If you start with your CC you can maybe get a cheese kill by waiting them to come to lane in a bush or an almost lane winning trade, by making the ADC base or stay below tower.
Galio - 4
THIS IS NOT A BOTLANE DUO. One of them will always be sup, the other can be Mid or Jungle (actually there is a mid/jungle variation but I have not used). Just build both of them for lethality.
Aphelios - 3
If the Aphelios is good and know how to use the weapons and keep them on a good rotation it is definitely a Strong or Ideal synergy, otherwise it is Low to None. When he has his Calibrum (the rifle) play safer, poking with the Q. The Severum (red one) gives him life steal so it is a good one to try to engage the enemy with a W. When he has the Gravitum (the one that leaves balls on the enemies head) try to W an enemy so he can root him or jump on them after he rooted them. When he has Infernum (the flamethrower-like one) try to poke and keep the enemies away from yours minions, so Aphelios can farm, because this weapon has a great wave clear. Lastly the Chakram (white thing from Naruto) is, in my opinion really op, so try to engage or help him crash the wave with your Steel Shoulderguards and then take some barricades or destroy the tower.
Jinx - 3
Jinx can trive off of your CCs and also stay in safe range. She also has a lot of carry potential, but she is less of an all in ADC making her not that good with Pantheon but still very viable.
Ezreal - 3
This new Divine Sunderer meta for Ezreal has made him a top tier ADC so you can make it work with him despite his more poke-ish oriented game style normally.
Miss Fortune - 3
She can get a good amount of damage out all game making her a good, but there are better options by far, in Samira or Draven for example.
Caitlyn - 2
She just plays so safely for a Pantheon and normally does not make a good use out of your CC as other ADCs.
Jhin - 2
This is such a hit or miss ADC, because he can either thrive out of your CC by dealing so much damage and then rotting again or just flop and go extra in on a simple trade and die a quick death (most likely).
patch notes
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