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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Martial Cadence (PASSIVE)
Jarvan IV Passive Ability
Welcome to my jungle tank Jarvan guide. Jarvan is one of my most successful junglers as of this season and offers a lot for a team in the current meta. With a kit packed with CC and high damage output, Jarvan is ready to show the enemy the power he can bring to the fields of justice.
Typically my runes are made to enhance my early game. General tankiness with MR blues and Armor yellows and offensiveness with armor pen reds and ad quints. The quints could be made for a more utility role such as MS but that's up to preference.This speeds up clear time and helps dueling early on.
I almost always go for my primary build as it offer quite a bit to Jarvan. The
spirit of the ancient golem is great for any tank jungler and has a lot of synergy with the rest of the kit. Due to the removal of tenacity from it though I go to Mercury treads as my boots of choice. I typically go captain for my enchantment to help my teammates follow up with my initiation otherwise I'll go home guard if we're having to defend base.
Randuins has amazing synergy with Jarvan's W resulting in 2 AoE slows that makes up for maxing W last.
Banshees veil helps Jarvan initiate with the increase to health regen upon taking damage and potentially blocking a CC ability.
Warmogs works even better with
spirit of the ancient golem due to the 25% increase it offers to bonus health. These 2 items alone offer a total of 1500 HP together, not including
Banshees or
Randuins. Finally
Atmas Impaler will significantly increase your damage due to the amount of health you will have. The reason for
Atmas impaler is the significant AD boost it provides with this build compared to
Bork or
hydra while also giving armor and crit. It's also significantly cheaper then both of these items and your hp regen with your resistances will make up for the lost of life steal. The the amount of power of defense and offense this item provides fits well with this build where 4 of the 6 items will provide large health bonuses to compliments the item's passive.
Martial Cadence is possibly one of the best dueling passives in the game, dealing 10% of the targets current health in physical damage, this has great synergy with the armor shred of his
Maxing Demacian Standard first allows to clear camps faster and with more health due to the passive increase of armor and attack speed, this also helps when ganking bot or pushing tower due to the increased attack speed it gives allies and yourself.
Maxing Dragon Strike second allows escaping and engaging with you E,Q combo more often along with higher damage and armor shred for dueling. Golden Aegis would be more beneficial if sun fire cape or frozen heart was taken instead of randuins but as of now I consider it low priority for leveling up unless your having a hard time ganking and can utilize the slow or team fights have broken out early in the game.
Maxing Demacian Standard first allows to clear camps faster and with more health due to the passive increase of armor and attack speed, this also helps when ganking bot or pushing tower due to the increased attack speed it gives allies and yourself.
Maxing Dragon Strike second allows escaping and engaging with you E,Q combo more often along with higher damage and armor shred for dueling. Golden Aegis would be more beneficial if sun fire cape or frozen heart was taken instead of randuins but as of now I consider it low priority for leveling up unless your having a hard time ganking and can utilize the slow or team fights have broken out early in the game.
I typically start at blue then head to wolves for quick and easy gold/xp. Afterwards I head to red to prevent enemy junglers from stealing it and see if a lane is in need of a early gank. If not I get wraiths then golems, get wight and farm till I have enough for a
quill coat and
ruby crystal. Jarvan's ganks usually cause players to flash or use there escapes in fear of being trapped by
Jarvan's ult. I usually only take 2 minions if I popped an enemy's flash and 3 if I got my teammate a kill. With
quill coat/
spirit of the ancient golem, mana becomes less of an issue in the jungle so long as you kill the big monster of the camp first to minimize the damage of the camp while regenerating. Always kill a camp if the gold from spirits passive is 40 or higher to ensure maximum gold income. A pre-level 6 gank will start off with your knock up from your
Demacian Standard followed up by
Dragon Strike to shred there armor and prevent there immediate escape, follow up with
Golden Aegis to slow and prevent retaliation. Post level 6 you will repeat the knock up but follow up with
your ult instead, after the walls break down use
Goldem Aegis to slow them further.
I obviously take
smite as a jungles to increase my jungle efficiency as well as to secure objectives like baron or dragon.
Flash on the other hand makes for interesting combos on Jarvan, such as ulting the enemy and flashing out to leave them trapped or flashing while doing your E,Q combo to increase your knock up range. Other options would be
ghost, which is better for ganking and diving due to it's lower cool down and longer distance travelled compared to
flash. Most of the other spells are highly limited due to reducing your mobility without
ghost or
During laning phase, you'll want your teammate to CC the enemy to ensure you land your knock up. Doing so makes it harder for the enemy to escape and will result in them either dying to you or your teammate or recalling. In team fights, Engaging as Jarvan is typically highly rewarding for your team if done right. Initiating with the E,Q combo will shred enemy armor along with knocking them up, combine this with your ult will cause enemies to be trapped inside with you while your carries deal damage with little fear of retaliation. You typically want the enemies to lose whatever escapes they may have prior to engaging to maximize your ults utility. Your ult can be used to either trap the entire enemy team or split the enemy team apart and have your allies kill the ones that are trapped. This build is made around making sure Jarvan can initiate with high probability to survive and do it again for the next teamfight.
This concludes my jungle tank Jarvan guide, I hope this guide was helpful to you. Please feel free to leave criticism on how I can improve. This was the first guide I've ever made so please keep that in mind.
Edit: A big thank you and shoutout to "tastelikepuddin", My very first commenter and helped provide an idea of how a guide should look like. I still have ways to go but I honestly have to thank him for being the first to help me on this stepping stone.
Edit: A big thank you and shoutout to "tastelikepuddin", My very first commenter and helped provide an idea of how a guide should look like. I still have ways to go but I honestly have to thank him for being the first to help me on this stepping stone.
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