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Mordekaiser Build Guide by LegendOfKuro

The True Iron Man Morde

The True Iron Man Morde

Updated on June 8, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author LegendOfKuro Build Guide By LegendOfKuro 4 5 7,928 Views 38 Comments
4 5 7,928 Views 38 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author LegendOfKuro Mordekaiser Build Guide By LegendOfKuro Updated on June 8, 2012
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LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash



Hi everyone my name is LegendOfKuro and this is my guide on how to build and play Mordekaiser.


About Me
I've been an avid LoL player for about a year and a half or more. I started playing League in Season 1. I've been an avid follower of all the changes happening in League, bad or good.
The Guide
Why play Mordekaiser you ask?
Well because. Mordekaiser is one of the best champions of this game. His ability to dish out damage, tank for a team, stay in teamfights for a long time, and sustainable during laning phase. I wouldn't argue to point out that Mordekaiser is one of the strongest champions of this game. Even after his nerf on his shield he still manages to come out on top of team fights. Mordekaiser can solo top (preferred), take on mid champions
(also preferred), and if you want can "support" bot by tanking and soaking up all the damage and cc (not really preferred but can).
As like many champions there are many ways to build Mordekaiser. My build will focus on maximizing his sustainability during laning phase and utilizing his great potential to be a tank late game. This guide has been made to show how I build Mordekaiser and how I play him.
Why play Tanky Mordekaiser compared to AP Mordekaiser?
Watch this AP mordekaiser in ranked. See what CC does to him.
The first ten seconds didn't get in for some reason don't feel like reuploading.
The item build I have is not meant to be followed exactly. You have to realize that it's just a general guide on how to build his items for usual games. If you need more of a certain defense then by all means switch up the build and buy some armor or MR. Or if you're not living long enough in team fights then hell go for some more health. The Thornmail and the Force of Nature that I have in the build are two items that depend on the situation. If the other team is AP heavy (3/5 people have AP) then get the Force of Nature first. If the team is AD heavy (3/5 people have AD) then get the Thornmail. It's all about being versatile, the ability to adapt to any situation.
Every game is different but with this guide you should be able to do well in most of them. So enough introducing and let's get on with it. I hope this guide will help you with Mordekaiser.
SPECIAL THANKS TO jhoijhoi for her amazing guide on how to make a guide, and her amazing line seperators. Thank you jhoijhoi I learned quite a bit from your guide on how to make a guide.
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Pros / Cons


+ Great Damage
+ Decent Range
+ Incredible tankiness
+ Great lane sustainability
+ Great creep farm
+ Can push and zone hard

- No CC at all
- Hard to get away
- Pushing causes ganks
- Shield or useless
- Constant CC stops you
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The masteries I take for Mordekaiser is 9/21/0 its the best way to go for Mordekaiser in my opinion because it gives him some offensiveness and magic penetration from the Offensive Masteries and also gives him a ton of tanking ability and lane sustainability from the defensive branch of Masteries.

The Offensive branch helps with its AP, Magic Pen, CDR, and Ignite's increase in AP + AD. Not to mention the Defensive branch allowing you to soak up damage, get more health, more MR + Armor, and a bit of speed. These masteries are what I recommend for Mordekaiser as it makes him tanky but also with some damage to back him up.

Offensive Branch:
Summoner's Wrath : For the AP from Ignite
Mental Force : For the bit of AP added
Sorcery: Who doesn't want 4% CDR
Archaic Knowledge : 10% Spell Pen this is where you hit hard

Defensive Branch
Resistance : For the extra MR
Hardiness : For the extra Armor
Durability : Health per level makes you more tanky
Vigor : +3 Health regen really helps sustain your health
Veteran's Scars : Flat +30 Health helps a lot at lvl 1
Initiator : You get 3% speed while your health is above 70%
Honor Guard : People think 1.5% reduced damage is bad but its really good
Juggernaut : The best thing ever 3% increase in Max health and 10% Tenacity.
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Fleet Footwork
Phase Rush

For Marks you want 9 Greater Mark of Magic Penetration for the magic pen it'll give you. With Sorcerer's Shoes and Archaic Knowledge your Magic Penetration in game should be 29/10%.
This is what will allow you to deal your damage even when you're tanky later.

For seals you want 9 Greater Seal of Armor for that extra armor when you solo top since most top solos are AD melee people this will help quite a bit. Additionally if you don't want the armor you can instead decide to get 9 Greater Seal of Vitality for the extra health. But my preference is the Greater Seal of Armor. Up to you though.

For glyphs you definitely want 9 Greater Glyph of Scaling Ability Power. These bad boys give you AP per level and will allow you to stay in lane longer and still deal damage while the other solo has to buy items for more AD or AP. At level 18 these will give you about 28 AP which is a really nice bonus to what you'll have. Additionally you could instead get 9 Greater Glyph of Scaling Magic Resist if you really feel you need the extra tankiness.

For Quints you're gonna want 3 Greater Quintessence of Ability Power for the flat 15 AP it gives you. Its really nice to have these and start off at 19 AP and constantly keep getting AP from your glyphs. Another choice and I've done it before is 3 Greater Quintessence of Movement Speed
4.5% more speed which makes you incredibly fast later on with your boots and Force of Nature and Initiator mastery.
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Summoner Spells


Mordekaiser players should take Ignite and Flash.
PREFERRED You'll want this summoner spell for the extra bit of damage you may need after the enemy gets away. This combo'd with your Children of the Grave will almost always guarantee you the kill. Not to mention it also gives 5+ AP and AD from Summoner's Wrath , which is always nice on Mordekaiser.
PREFERRED This is your escape and offense spell. With your Siphon of Destruction while your opponent is just out of range for that last blow, use Flash towards them and secure with a Siphon of Destruction or Ignite or Children of the Grave.
Not necessary but if you want you can take it. It's great for solo top or mid or bottom if you happen to be there. You can also join a fight late if there happens to be a ward or minion nearby that you can Teleport.
Also not necessary but if you somehow happen to be supporting bottom or you think you might want a Heal for yourself or for your team or just in case, you can take this spell to ensure yourself that you will live.
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Skill Sequence

Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Mordekaiser's incredible passive Iron Man is his shield and lifesaver and tanking ability. You'll want to keep this passive up during laning phase by hitting minions and the champions there since it absorbs 35% of your damage dealt and makes it into a shield (50% of that for minions).

Mordekaiser's Mace of Spades Q: is an on next attack effect where you hit a minion or champion and it'll deal damage and spreads a bunch of maces towards other champions and minions. This move is a good combo to keep up your shield with your Siphon of Destruction E skill. But remember this is a melee attack where you have to walk up to them or hit one minion/champion and hope it hits the other minions/champions as well. If theres a group of minions/champions then the skill will only do 40% of your ability power whereas if you hit a target which is alone you get 66% of your ability power. You'll be maxing this 2nd.
Tips + Tricks
. It deals massive damage on a single target.
. It will hit whoever you hit hard regardless of if theres people around them.
. The Q is great for farming minions
. It's also essential to use this after your E to keep your shield up better
. I sometimes flash and run up to the low victim and secure the kill that way cuz' E was on CD.

Mordekaiser's Creeping Death is his mini shield of metal bits. It gives Armor and MR so its useful to put on yourself or an ally in the fight since it does damage for 6 seconds and gives the person its on MR + Armor. You'll be maxing this last
Tips + Tricks
. It's useful to put this up while you get close to minions to keep your shield up as it gives MR+Armor while the enemy harasses you to take down your shield
. Useful to put on other people being focused as it does the damage and adds to your shield as long as the other person isn't dead
. Do not put on minions I find this extremely useless as minions die fast and hardly ever go where you want it to
. During all out teamfights if you're being focused quickly pop this on yourself so you have more resistances and also somewhat keep your depleting shield up

Mordekaiser's main damage dealer and bruiser is a cone shaped heading outwards from [Mordekaiser. Burst damage move that hits anything thats in front of his cone. You'll be maxing this first.
Tips + Tricks
. Main damage dealer and hardest hitting skill
. The range ispretty decent for a melee champion so use it to your advantage
. While your Children of the Grave and Ignite are on the enemy keep using this with your Mace of Spades to finish the enemy
. Great way to finish an enemy off while you chase them
. If you're just barely out of reach then flash closer and E them to finish them off
. Your best farming skill so use it on minions a lot also to keep your shield up

Mordekaiser's ultimate Children of the Grave is a far ranged ult where you click the opponent and it curses them dealing a % of their health and constant damage for 10 seconds. If they happen to die with the curse on them then they turn into your slave for 30 seconds while Mordekaiser gains 20% of the slave's AD + AP and the slave gains 75% of Mordekaiser's newly adjusted stats.
Tips + Tricks

. The range on this ultimate is amazing so use that to your advantage
. You can use this ult to finish someone off who's rather low on health and you'll gain yourself a nice minion to push the turret or lane.
. During a teamfight try to get one of the enemy's strongest as your pet so you can gain their AD or AP and have them deal damage to their own team.(I've killed people with pets its the best fun ever.)
. Use the pet for yourself and your team have it damage the enemy team/turret/minions you can use it to scout bushes or take Caitlyn ults etc etc. Its yours to use as a human shield or an offensive weapon.
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Item Sequence

Health Potion 50
Boots 300
Amplifying Tome 400
Amplifying Tome 400
Hextech Revolver 1050
Sorcerer's Shoes 1100
Will of the Ancients 2300
Those are the general items you should always try to get built during laning phase. A good Mordekaiser will farm like a boss and also manage to get kills most of the time. After this phase depending on the team you're up against you'll have to branch off but usually you continue on with

Item Sequence

Negatron Cloak 900
Force of Nature 2800
Chain Vest 800
Thornmail 2700
Rylai's Crystal Scepter 2600
Warmog's Armor 3100
This is the usual continuation of the build. But as I've said in the intro depending on whether their team is AD or AP you might want to get the Thornmail first instead of the Force of Nature.
Explanation + When to buy Items

You start with Regrowth Pendant for the HP Regen to sustain your health while you use it to use your abilities. And a potion just in case you take a bit to much damage.

Next you buy boots and rush Hextech Revolver. The revolver will give you health back while you hit minions and champions which will help your health be steady.

You buy your Sorcerer's Shoes next for the magic penetration. In laning phase this is deadly to whoever you're facing as you will be hitting much harder.

Will of the Ancients comes next for further spell vamp and AP + a neat aura for your team during team fights.

Snag a Giant's Belt and proceed to build your Force of Nature. After your Force of Nature get started on your Thornmail for when you get into team fights this item will protect you and hit back for you. The Force of Nature will give you movement speed on top of your Initiator mastery and Sorcerer's Shoes for a fast way to get around the map at 425 Movement speed.

From this point if you feel you need more health than the Rylai's Crystal Scepter can give you go ahead and buy your Warmog's Armor for the maximum health. If you aren't taking that much damage go ahead and upgrade your Giant's Belt into a Rylai's Crystal Scepter.
Other Items

Other items that are useful for Mordekaiser
. Abyssal Mask For it's magic resist and AP not to mention aura of MR reduction.
. Guardian Angel True to it's name as the team's tank that's your angel.
. Lich Bane I don't really prefer this item but you could. Makes you faster and has a boost on your next auto attack after using an ability.
. Rabadon's Deathcap A great item if the game is completely going your way. Get this and you'll decimate
. Void Staff Again another one of those games where it's completely going your way and you just want to hit harder 40% magic pen is the way for you.
. Zhonya's Hourglass Another item you could get that has armor and AP. It'll grant you 2 seconds of not being hit from the enemy a good item if you're not able to tank the whole team.
. Randuin's Omen A good item for Mordekaiser if you feel you don't need the straight armor and reflect damage from Thornmail so replace it with this for armor, health, and regen. Also for that active that slows the enemy team.
. Mercury Treads A good item if you feel you need the tenacity to get out of CC fast. I personally prefer Sorcerer's Shoes because of the magic pen but if this is needed I'll get this instead rather than get hit by constant CC.
. Doran's Shield If you see who the other team's solo top is and you think you might want the armor, go ahead and pick up one of these for the health, armor, and regen.
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Solo Top Gameplay
Laning Phase
As Mordekaiser Solo top is a dance between you and your partner on the opponent's team. You start off with your Regrowth Pendant and Health Potion and head off to your lane. Soon as the minions spawn, start farming try to last hit but keep your shield up at the same time. Use Siphon of Destruction in it's cone shape to hit as many minions as you can. If theres a group of low health minions don't bother to last hit just hit em' with a Siphon of Destruction or use your Mace of Spades. Those two moves used to keep your shield up is the reason Mordekaiser pushes hard. While you do all this also try to aim and harass your opponent using your Siphon of Destruction so they don't want to walk closer to the minions.
Soon around level 3 or 4 or 5, their jungler should probably try to gank you. You most definitely do not wanna get caught in a fight with a jungler and the solo top so if you recognize the aggressive attitude or baiting attitude of your opponent then proceed to stop pushing so hard and let the minions reach his turret. During level 3-5 you can usually pick up a kill on almost anyone solo top but you must be wary of the jungler. Around level 4 is when i usually pick up a kill because I have my full combo and a level 2 Siphon of Destruction. Also during this laning phase try to if you can and it's not a danger to you walk up to them and hit them with your Mace of Spades or try to hit a minion near them and have it hit them anyway. If you do attempt this try to have a max shield so you take minimal damage.
After farming to about level 5-7 you should probably have enough for Boots and 2 Amplifying Tomes, if you've managed to get 2 kills then you should have enough for Boots and your Hextech Revolver. Either way you'll be building into Will of the Ancients and Sorcerer's Shoes. Also might want to pick up some Sight Wards those will help keep that jungler off of you. So when you get back to lane continue to harass and if you can continue to get kills off of the solo top (Some people just don't learn to back off and continue to get themselves killed so take advantage of that), also keep farming the minions as much as you can so you can get enough money for your Sorcerer's Shoes which is what you should buy after you have a Hextech Revolver.
Continue this strategy and obtain your Wlll of the Ancients. Will of the Ancients if you can obtain it somewhat early and still in laning phase you will be dominating after this because of the spell vamp and aura of AP you get along with the AP it already gives.
Mid Game

Gotta go to work I'll finish this later.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author LegendOfKuro
LegendOfKuro Mordekaiser Guide
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The True Iron Man Morde

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